Useful heavens forbid, but nevertheless.[Survival and weapon] Episode 2

in #life9 years ago (edited)

First aid at a knife wound
If at a knife wound at breathing a suction sound is audible, it is necessary as quick as possible to close a wound - even not waiting for arrival of help.

The injured must breathe and breathe out. After complete exhalation will press on his breast. Then quickly close a wound a plastic package, by an oilcloth or by anything similar, that air was not included in a wound. From above glue on a plaster. If injured will become worse or to him will difficult breathe, take off a "patch", give to air to go out from the cavity of breast and again close a wound.

Expecting arrival of help, watch, whether the respiratory tracts of victim are free, whether there are a pulse and breathing. If a man is in consciousness, it needs to seat him or raise a head and shoulders. It will prevent to blood to fill uncrippled part of pectoral cavity, and a healthy lung will be able to continue to work.

That to do, if a knife is in a wound

If a knife is in a wound, do not take out him. Fasten a thick bandage or plaster, that he did not move, and immediately apply for medicare.

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