Menopause is a stage in aging which denotes the end of the menstrual periods.I signifies the end of a woman's child bearing years. At this stage the ovaries stop the usual monthly eggs production;and this marks the end of ovarian production function.Its important to note that menopause can only be confirmed with certainty after one year. That is, a woman cannot be said to have reached menopause until a full year has passed without her experiencing a menstrual period.
Although on the average,it is believed that women reach menopause at the age of 51 but the age range for reaching menopause varies widely. While done women experience menopausd es5lier,others experience it later. And to be precise, mist women reach menopause in their late 40's to early 50's.
The onset of menstruation is called menarche.
For those who reach menopause before 40,theirs is called premature menopause,caused by different pathologies such us surgeries of uterus snd ovaries,hormonal imbalance and primary ovarian failure.
There are several symptoms of menopause, they are as follows
*vaginal dryness
*hot flashes
*reduction in sex drive
*sleep disturbance
*night sweat
*urinary inconsistency
*abnormal fat snd weight gain
- memory problems
*reduction in breast volume
*thinning of the cervix
Fennel has the potency to reduce menopausal symptoms
To start with reduce hot flashes by discovering what triggers them for example,stress,hot and spicy food,caffeine,westingyight clothingand hot places and do away with them;remoce layers of clothing when you notice hot flashes; use air conditioningor fan and wear light clothes; practice deep breathing;keep your bedroom cool;drink enoough water whenyousre sweating and exervise regularly. Also use water-based vagina moisturiser to ease its dryness ( avoid washing it with antibacterial soap to avoid irritation; to ease insomnia orsleep disturbance, take a vath and always get a good night sleep;increase your calcium intake yo reduce bone loss; exercise in order to reduce some of the menopause symptoms like hot flashes and mood swing and gsin better health; try better health ,management eat right to ease menopause memory problem; and lastly,see your doctor, should the symptons persist, but never allow menopause hinder your intimacy with your spouse.
In rural Ghana, many women have been branded witches due to the many strange behaviour ther show during menopause.Some are sent away from their communities. There used to be camps where menopausal women showing strange behaviour are sent,maltreated and stigmatised
Women in a witch camp
I write this to remind all and sundry that wives,mothers,sisters and neigbours in menopause,need our love and care.
Thank you.
I wasn’t aware of witch camps, and am sad for the women and communities that believe they are helpful.
Exactly my dear