It's not about personality. Would you like me to make an argument that some people are born to be slaves and some others free? No. That would be ubsurd.
I was thriving. I did this for most of my life. I stopped because I realised what was happening. I am revealing things to you that nobody will ever do in their right mind because it would be like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Your arguments are arguments from ignorance.
No, but I'm saying it seems necessary to have some sort of leader/alpha to move a groups energy. So its best to have someone lead that is enjoying it/gaining energy from it.
I do agree with you that I was polarizing people/personality types too much though. A better way to say it is that a person can lead, at a certain period of there life, until they are not passionate about what they are leading anymore. Then they can lead something else. I do think there is a way to lead and still not kill the golden goose, it seems necessary; Maybe like you were doing when you led with constant introspection of ones self. Maybe some sort of decentralized leadership.
I wasn't arguing just making an observation. What I was trying to express is that it does seem like one personality type craves the leadership more than the other. The Irony about that is that often the one that does not want to lead is better suited for it. I would say more lack of experience that ignorance, even though they are similar.
Leading is a concept from the primitive past. Being lead by someone should be something to be examined pathologically. Even if there is a way to lead and not kill the golden goose, you are still doing something wrong. For example. you can't possibly represent a group of people and be honest with all of them. If you have ever been a leader you will know what I mean by this.
There are no personality types. That's just psych-crap. All humans are dynamic characters. The problems is to be born in a society with leaders and consider leadership as something "natural". Well it was much like believing in Gods and fairies but it is not anymore.
It is a relic of the past that is still propegated in a positive way.
Yeah It's definitely impossible to fully represent everyone in a group that becomes to big. Also because of the propaganda that the group creates about there leader, it usually changes the leader to be more self centered ironically.
Well Since these ideas of leaders and gods have existed as far back in time as we know of, it is very hard to prove or disprove that it is ineffective anymore. The powers at be do not really even give a chance for that type of experiment on a global scale. I do see you point though. You said that it's a concept from the primitive past, when do you think it changed as ineffective?