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RE: I lost 40 lbs in 6 months and it wasn't that difficult (part 1)

in #life7 years ago

Finally we have something in common - we're both competitive swimmers. My favourite strokes are the breaststroke and backstroke, but my time for the breastroke 50m is 45s(really bad), how about you?
Now to the topic
The habit of drinking alcohol is destructing many lives around the globe. Not only does it make one fat with huge belly, it also destroys one's liver gradually and can eventually lead to the consumer's demise. Alcohol consumption is something that the society has stop frowning upon. In my country for instance, 80% of TV ads are for alcoholic products, and sometimes it really weird to find out that some church programmes on TV are sponsored by alcohol companies. It is great that you're creating awareness on a healthy lifestyle through this Blockchain. Kudos, man.