How to achieve your goal faster? The power of the right questions.

in #life8 years ago

To set a goal and start its implementation is not so difficult. It is easy to move while eyes are burning and motivation has not cooled down yet. But, sometimes there is a feeling when you want to throw everything and go out of the way.

At such moments our subconscious mind starts to back away and throw us wrong questions, creating a skeptical attitude. It is very easy to drown in these matters if you do not take yourself in time.

When a person says: "I can not do it, because I can not / can not / do not have the talent / I'm embarrassed / can not do it", etc. - it speaks only of the fact that he absolves himself of the responsibility for the performance of the previously stated goal.

The question to myself "Why does not it work for me?" Creates for our logic an additional chain of reflections that will accurately indicate WHY NOT.

Which direction you point out - in this direction the subconscious will dig. The brain will find the answers for everything. And if you know why it does not work out, then you start to think that this should not be done. It does not work out the same. And the reason for that is. Why bother? It does not matter whether you are asking questions to your subconscious, or just in the affirmative thinking in a negative way - the brain will still give an answer. So it's arranged. Thinking is the process of asking questions and getting answers to them. Surprisingly, if you ask yourself the right questions, then the mood can change for the better, as well as create an additional motivation for action.

The right questions for our subconscious mind that loves the brain:

  • How can I change this?
  • What can I do to improve the situation?
  • How can I speed up the process?
  • What actions slow me down?
  • What is superfluous in my actions?
  • Why do I get it?
    Why is it so easy for me to move towards my goal? (This is a very good question, which immediately sets a positive mood, even if the goal has not yet been implemented)

The subconscious mind likes to think, to build logical chains, to think through the moves, so if it is properly directed, it will start to help us. It will find answers to absolutely any questions.

Do you feel the difference between right and wrong questions? When you say to yourself: "I can not" - okay, you can not. "I probably will not work" - yes, probably. And the question "What can I do?" - implies ANSWER. Immediately there is a feeling that everything is subject to us. Right now, at the moment, ask yourself the right questions and listen, what answer will come to you. Perhaps the goal is already close?


Hi @Kuleshova.

Thanks for your post. Also for your upvote on mine.