Live soccer game experience

in #life6 years ago

Watching it live

I typically enjoy sports live more so than watching them on T.V. When coworkers mentioned that Manchester City would be planning, I figured it would be the closest to watching Manchester United. Plus, for $30 bucks, why not go? Everyone decided to go with someone outside of work and the plan was to sit all together. Getting to the stadium was surprisingly easy. A surprise $40 parking fee wasn't a great start to the night, but parking is never cheap at these events and no one agreed to carpool.

Beautiful Stadium

The place itself is awesome. Three floors and a really neat winding walkway. That, my friends, was the highlight of my night. Once I parked, walked across the lot, up three flights of stairs, I am improved of a free upgrade.

Friends nowhere to be found, I get my new tickets and make my way to the first floor. Again, the spiral walkway was awesome. Hard to photograph loads of fun to walk down. I discovered that I wasn't assigned near my friends, but in between two couples. Again friends nowhere to be found, the game had already started, and it cost $6 to $10 bucks for overly salted popcorn.

Cash is king, but $11 for beer?

It's all about the experience, right? Well, after sweating in my seat, cheering with the fans, and the five crowd wave I was ready to go home.

It was very entertaining to watch people pay $10 to $11 US dollars for a beer. I figured everything would be pricey, but that was shocking. I wish I took a picture of the menu. I couldn't believe what they were charging for snacks. I later saw some pretty amazing hamburgers and fries, a huge vanilla ice cream waffle cone, and a sad looking pizza.

Granted no one attends for the food, but I was impressed and disappointed in the same breath. I discovered that blue jersey matched one of the teams so I rooted for them and they eventually scored twice, but the other team scored first and I was SURROUND by fans.

Leave early but remember where you parked.

That one time you are running late and park without noticing where exactly you parked is the one time you wish you did rush. Leaving ten minutes early was brilliant, roaming the scary, and very poorly lit parking lot was not my brightest of ideas. Thankfully, my maps app remembered where I parked and guided me to my car.

Leaving without any cars was a maze, I can't imagine what it will be like afterward. It was a very disappointing night and I can't wait to hear what happened to all my friends coworkers that were supposed to attend with me. Those slackers! I also don't know who won the game. Left when it was tied. Oh well!

How about you?

Have you been to a live game before? What was your experience like? Tell me about this tailgating, what is that like? Since I went to late there wasn't anyone still doing it. Should I give this whole live game at a massive stadium another go?


Seriously? You went to a game hoping to join up with your friends...but nobody else showed up?

I love watching sports live (and on tv). It's a different feeling live, with all the people there watching the same thing you are and rooting for/against a particular team. It helps a lot if you already know who you want to win, and helps even more if you know the players on that team :) Otherwise, it all ends up just being anonymous people running around chasing a ball.

I've not been down to the Dolphins stadium yet (wouldn't mind watching an NFL game there someday) but there is NO WAY I'm paying $11 for a beer.

They showed up and that’s the part that really frustrates me. I suggested we Car pool and go together, yet they all went without me. It was truly disppointmenting. There’s a comedian coming this weekend I want to see too. Let’s see if I can’t find a buddy to tag along. When are you coming back to Florida?

Always a cool experience!
I used to live next to the PSV stadium (the football club of Eindhoven, Netherlands) and every other week our neighborhood would be flooded with supporters. I liked going to events liek that, but not too often.

The atmosphere is totally something else experiencing it live. Also with volleyballmatches live. Then you actually see how fast that it goes and how fast that the spiker hit. (and how short we are hahaha)

My friends took pictures with professional volleyball players once. These guys were tall and I couldn’t believe how much taller these women were.

For real right... I dont consider myself short.. (thats why my name is karinxxl) but about 5.9 (178cm) but standing next to these girl is a whole different ballgame