The Way

in #life6 years ago

Today strange day, day for philosophy. Here looking in history tell me dear readers in what meaning of life of the person?
What your look? We already rather adult to understand what your purpose in life! Did you find yourself? Found the true way? Someone will tell yes, found, but whether it is possible to be sure that it the fact that it is necessary for you? Someone will say no, I try many ways, but any does not attract me. Can just you not up to the end tried it whether to understand yours it is a way? I can argue, each of us was set or asks and now such or similar questions, and so I will tell you, you already stand on a floor of a way of times you think of it.
Thousands years ago the person had only 2 purposes: - to eat and give posterity. As well as at any animal on our planet. In the course of evolution of the purpose of the person did not change, only decorated them - to eat well and to give posterity there is nobody and with whom I want. So tell me dear readers in what sense? There passed thousands of years and the animal in us predominates.


Wow nice post
Thats just the way we are created humans still act like animals we are only different in the way we do our things i.e high intelligence quotient

Du hast sooooo recht!!!
Das Tier in uns wird immer siegen und auch überleben.
Die Frage müsste aber lauten: Warum wollen wir immer noch das gleiche, was wir bereits in der Höhle wollten?
Unsere Ziele haben sich nicht geändert. Wir sind keinem höherem Ziel gefolgt als "Hick, Fick, Chachacha" !!!
Gier, Geiz und Egoismus treiben uns voran.
Es wird Zeit, dass wir anders denken und anders handeln!