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RE: Henry Gant, Man About Town. This Episode: Eating.

in #life7 years ago

I love sugar. I love sweets! We have a history of diabetes in the family but I still drank cola, ate pies and cakes in my heart's content. But, recently, I stopped. Health problems. Then, I got thinner. It's a good thing and a bad one. It's a good thing 'cause I'm not heavier for my height now, but I can't eat the food I used to love eating. (A lot changed when I changed my diet.)


Energy. When I retired early . . . this February (wish me luck) I was still eating like a hard working person.
Short story: Breads and other high carbo food will make a person hungry and if you/me are predisposed to diabetes, then it becomes more important to change our diet. Studies show that Carbohydrate diets are an early killer.
Yeah, I think having two pizza's a year is fine! As a reward for being a very good boy. lol.