WordPress is the world mostly using and favorite script of bloggers and webmasters.
WordPress is a very popular platform for making dynamic websites and blogs.
This system is using in millions of websites in all over the world.
So now WordPress is make the first choice of bloggers and webmasters.
There are many advantages of WordPress to bloggers and webmasters.
Today I am sharing my views that why WordPress is best for SEO.
Blog/Site Loading time :
Loading time is very important factor in the success of any blog/site.
And this loading time will affect the SEO . If your site/blog loading time is very low then your site is very well in SEO.
WordPress is very high optimized platform which will affect a lot your blog/site loading time .
All the bloggers and webmasters knows that blogs and website which developed in WordPress are very fast to load beside other platforms.
WordPress Dashboard is fully optimized with all accessories but it’s loading time is very less.
So that’s the 1st main point that Why WordPress is best for SEO.
WordPress SEO Plugins :
SEO is not a very easy job and there are very few bloggers and webmasters whome know all about SEO.
They also know that SEO is a very tough work to do .
Another very good advantage of the WordPress is the free plugins of the SEO .
There are a lot of SEO plugins available in WordPress .
All the WordPress users can easily use these all free SEO plugins.
These SEO plugins work automatically and the bloggers has no need to to waste extra time on SEO.
These SEO Plugins work very fine from long time .
WordPress users can easily install the SEO plugins for their site.
So that’s the 2nd main point that Why WordPress is best for SEO.
Well Web Design:
WordPress Sites are very well coded and deign look is very good. All the menus , categories and pages are very well planed.
There is no extra work needed to make categories ,pages and menu.
So WordPress users can easily make all this with a short time.
All the WordPress sites looks very attractive and clean.
There are a lot of free themes available on WordPress which WordPress users can use to customize their blog/site.
So better design and look is very important in SEO.
So that is the 3rd main point Why WordPress is best for SEO.
Very good post @kristinaljfom. .
Thank you)
Great post, what are your thoughts on page builder plugins like Beaverbuilder in terms of SEO as well as just ease of use
These reasons are very interesting and very relevant. I totally agree with you
This is total untruth, WP has nothing to do with SEO.