Do your Homework
For someone wanting to do online work at home, there are thousands of opportunities out there. The first thing you need to do, however, is your homework, because for every legitimate business opportunity, there are at least ten that are simply scams. If you take the time to check every opportunity out, not only will you find something that may inspire you, but you will avoid being taken like thousands of people before you.
So many of us are trying to begin an online work at home business to either replace the job we have already lost, or as a way to augment the one we still have. For unscrupulous people to make their living off the woes of others is just wrong, on so many levels. But, if you are careful, you can avoid being a victim, and come out being a success.
Is it too good to be true?
Some signs are obvious ones, like claiming that you can make thousands of dollars using their system in just the first week. If you read any home business magazines or blogs on the Internet, you will see that any business worth having takes time to get off the ground, and even more time to see that kind of profit margin. The only ones making thousands of dollars in their first week are the people promoting these kinds of sites.
Think you have found the right opportunity?
If you find a business opportunity that appeals to you, take time to read completely through everything on it. The first thing to look for is contact information. If the people behind this opportunity are legitimately willing to help another start a similar business, then they will have reliable contact information available on their site. If there is, drop them a line to let them know that you are interested, and see if you get an answer. Having a physical address listed on a website definitely lends credibility to a site.
Check them out!
Another tip is to look for logos or certification icons from trusted business governance sites on the website you are interested in. Organizations such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB),, Alexa Ranking or, will give you information about that site if you click on their icons. You can also research the registration information for any website by going to and entering the site’s domain name, like You will be able to tell by reading through it whether it sounds legitimate
Is there a Newsletter you can opt-in to?
While you are on the site, look for a newsletter you can opt-in on, which will give you more information than is on the site, and give you a feel as to whether this is the right business for you. Never immediately part with any cash before learning everything you can about it, and if they offer a guarantee, make sure to read that carefully as well.
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