Law of Attraction

in #life7 years ago

The following information is from the simple but powerful book titled Law of Attraction by Michael Lozier Michael simplifies Law of Attraction into three basic steps.

- Know what you desire

- Increase your vibration

- Allow it

Michael's clear simple approach to attracting what you want in your life is a perfect tool to add to your bag of tools when searching for an amazing career.

Allow me to clarify each of the steps a little more.

Knowing what you want is often the biggest roadblock to getting what you want in life, especially when it comes to finding a career you love. Michael uses a process in his book to help you decide what you want. It is a similar process to ones I have used in books by Barbara Sher, Dan Millman, and Richard Bolles.

The process is to simply get very clear on what you don't want first, and then by way of contrast you can see what you do want.

Try it out, get a blank sheet of paper and divide it into two columns.

At the top write the title 'Career'.

In the left column write down all the things you don't want in your career. Make it a good list. At least 15 or more points about what you do not want in your next career position.

Now in the right hand column write down the opposite of all the things you do not want. These are the things you do want. For every point you wrote down that you do not want, write a corresponding point that you do want.

You should end up with the same number of points in the right hand column as you had in the left hand column. The right hand column is what you do want in a career!

That is step one.

Now on to step two.... (I love how simple this is, and I have been using it ...... it works!!!)

Step two is to increase your vibration. Increasing your vibration can be simplified to - pay attention to how you feel or the mood you are in during every moment of every day. Your feelings are your guage to determine your energy level - your vibration. When Michael talks about increasing your vibration he is talking about your inner energy. You can tune into this inner energy through acknowledging your feelings or moods.

This is really simple stuff! There are only two categories of vibration that really matter here - positive and negative. I bet you can guess which one you want to maintain at all times.

That's right, the positive energy vibration.

So what emotions are positive vibrations? I group happiness, excitement, joy, passion, and love into a group that vibrates a positive energy inside you. The negative group would include sadness, worry, doubt, hate, anger, frustration, greif, and so on.

This is not to say you should pretend you are not having a negative emotion or stuff a negative emotion. Absolutely not! What you want to do is acknowledge whatever emotion you are having, and do whatever you need to do to get yourself back into a positive emotional energy as quickly as possible.

It is that simple, that is step two!

The last step that Michael outlines to make Law of Attraction work for you is to allow it. This step is the most difficult for me and for most people it turns out.

Michael simplifies this step to "remove all doubt". So allowing simply means to remove all the doubt within you that the thing you desire can be obtained. In the book Law of Attraction Michael gives you ten tools to help you get rid of the doubt.

I will give you one of the tools to get rid of doubt right now.

Like me, you have probably spent too much time focussing on what you don't have or what you have not created yet in your life. Next time you notice yourself saying something like "I never seem to get ...." or "I wonder when ...." (probably later today) or the next time you focus on the lack of something in your life, use the statement "lots can happen....."

For example if you are concerned because you have not sold your current house and the closing date on your new property is fast approaching..... instead of creating negative vibrations by worrying about losing the deal, the statement "Lots can happen in the next five days" will create a positive vibration inside you and thereby attract what it is that you want .... a buyer!


If you doubt that this is true..... try it for awhile, you may be surprised!

You can attract your perfect job!


Got attracted :D

Thank you))

Haha me as well :D

Thank you for reminding me of something important that I once knew :)

Basically, we can put it as the survival of the fittest, but it is very motivational :) thank you for sharing.

Thank you for your comment)

Where's @baah when you need him!

Hi kristina, how are you today?

Hi, I am well but going to bed now, it is a late night here, about 3 AM, and how is your day going? )

like always attracts like!

Totally agree! I write similar blogs. Let's connect. Look forward to your future posts.