Do something or forget it! - this may be the most useful advice someone has ever given me. It was a small matter - an aesthetic problem that had to put brackets. Nothing scary, nothing unusual, but still something that did not rest.
I was stuck between being afraid to take action and not being able to resign myself to something. And so a long time. While a wise woman did not tell me: "Do something or forget it!"
It sounds too simple to be true, is not it? I mean - the problems should have long solutions like mathematical tasks, necessarily accompanied by tables and formulas. I could not believe that something could just be done. I was so clinging to the problem that I could not see the possible solutions. Moreover, the more I deepened, the more obstacles I found. As Frederick Mocha said - "Fear is a bad counselor." And I do not know how much they keep the vineyard, but they definitely "protect" you from acting.
Years later I would fix the problem, and I would remember just how simple and yet true those words were on the quiet afternoon - "Do something or forget it!" She gave me advice on something insignificant - she did not suppose it gave me a principle to live on and which I could apply to anything. You are not happy with your job - start looking for a new one, do not love the person to yourself - stop the toxic link, do not like your body - start playing sports, and so on. Things will not work out for themselves, so either do something, or settle for the situation.
If you decide to act - act now - every day, little by little. And do not give up until you reach your goal. If you decide to let things go that way. But stop complaining and self-pity. Leave things in the past and move on - if the problem is not so urgent to get involved with it, once you can live with that thing, whatever it is, do it and turn your mind in another direction because something else deserves your attention.
I was in the vicious circle of anxiety before. But I already know that each problem has (at least) two choices and that choosing one is half way to deal with the situation. So when someone asks me for advice, I repeat my beloved principle - whatever it is that bothers you, no matter how awful it is - make a decision - fix it or forget it. But whatever you decide, remember that it depends only on you!
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Nice write up
full of enthusiasm, hopefully fine