It is worthwhile to invest in yourself. This sum pays you huge dividends. Believe me. It does. Following are some of the possible ways:
- Read plenty of books. With each book you read, add a millimetre to your mental stature.
- Take care of your health. It's important to look after your well being because health is wealth.
- Develop skills you are passionate about. It will make sure that your pockets never run out of money.
- Talk to people ahead of you in the race. Listen to their stories and learn for success is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.
- Utilise your leisure time effectively. Play, sketch, dance or do whatever but plan your day well.
- Refrain from interacting with negative people. They kill the vibe of positivity and induce the feelings of self-insufficiency in us.
An epic breakdown, thank you. We need to read more - and not the Blinkist or Cliffs Notes kind - the kind where we sit, relax, flip pages, indulge, learn, experience the words popping.