My Life My Wife

in #life7 years ago

My Life My Wife


My life has been damn good and my wife has a lot to do with that. You see, since the first day I met her she has always been by my side. In the way where she has never really ever said no. She is always just down for the cause and I love that.

Before I was ever in this freedom movement, I was a huge sports fan. Texas Rangers, Dallas Cowboys, Notre Dame & Dallas Stars. We always went to the games, went out to the nearest sports bar to have a brew and watch the game. She never said no, always supported our teams and was down for the cause. We even started going to random tailgates at Universities and just mingling with people. We loved it!

Well, after I found Ron Paul and he opened up my eyes to the real meaning of freedom and how far we are from it, I started to change my priorities, and so did she. She was right in line, down for the cause. We woke up together at the same time, it was great. We became delegates from Ron Paul, we even moved our wedding date for that. We are crazy for freedom!
I have ran for office, she never said no to that, go knock on some doors, drove me around for hours, sign waving, open carrying, cop watching, you name it. She has never said no. We have even been arrested together.

I am now running for Governor and helping a cannabis movement in Texas, she is a huge part in allowing me to have the time to do so, and she is right here by my side. Matter of fact she is by my side right now, sleeping. She is my right hand, my go to. I would not trade her for anyone or anything, she is a part of my life always. I have a best friend and soulmate, I am very lucky.

We have many years ahead of us, I am not sure what wild thing I will be doing in 5 years but I know one thing, she will be right with me and never saying no. My life my wife! All good!



@korymanx, you are so blessed in life, and your wife is a jewel. May your family be even more blessed throughout your lives.

Love and Liberty!!!