Consciousness and Matter, our reality is a mass hallucination (featuring @njall as author)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

"Cogito, ergo sum" – “I think therefore I am” said Rene Decartes.

Probably, it’s the most important and controversial issue, especially in the 21st century, the epoch of scientific advance and chaos of consumerism.
But let’s question ourselves: “Who argues?”
Most of the time, educated and uneducated classes argue, for sure they take opposite stands, but from the logic point of view it’s nonsense, how an uneducated person can argue with another one who devoted himself to this question? It’s not only stupid, but also it’s rather disrespectful to the science as well.

The problem is that some scientific discoveries are “inconvenient” to the modern consumer, they make the life more complicated, they pose new questions and demand to take an action, while it’s so nice to live in your own comfortable world where you don’t need to know anything but just relax and enjoy.
But let’s negotiate it now – we’re talking about scientific facts, there’s no “Like/Dislike”, if you don’t like a scientific fact then you’re pseudoscientific, that’s why at least try to google it, watch some documentaries or read several books before writing furious post about “pseudoscience”.
I understand that it breaks your stereotypes, make you concepts complicated, but I think that the truth is worth to be known and live with it.
I’m talking about science and facts, proved and objective facts.

Unfortunately, the most part of people doesn’t realize the importance of “consciousness” in everyday life, they support physiology and instincts, and they consider everything to be “heretical” except for the material body, some of them deny the significance of psychology as a science, anyway here’s the question: “What’s the real role of consciousness in our life? What is it and why should we know about it?

Let’s begin with the fact, that our perception starts with our consciousness, to be more precise, with the brain. Everything you see, hear, feel is not objective, it’s just subjective senses of our brain depending on our ability to perceive i.e. there are more possibilities to perceive the world than you could imagine. And the world you see is not the only real and right one, it’s just your subjective experience, and your world differs from your neighbor’s or colleague's one, only your opinions can be similar.
Scientists proved the spectrum of perceived electromagnetic wave is small; your sight is not the world, It’s just a little drop of it. Also it’s proved that our brain is able to perceive a wider spectrum, it all depends on extra and inner conditions, it deals not only to the sight, but to other senses too.

Modern discoveries of the quantum physics has “racked” brains of many scientists, there are many interesting books and videos on this topic, in short, quantum physics works according to different laws than the classic one! It ruins usual concepts of Einstein and Newton, and it makes our perception complicated, well, where’s something “racked” there can be built something new and more perfect.
One of the quantum physics laws is that the consciousness determines the physical reality.
I.e. an observer literally creates the direction and the form of quanta, it’s hard to believe but it’s a fact, recommend you to learn more about it. But the main message is that the consciousness is primary and fundamental!

So what do we have? We’ve an electromagnetic creature with a narrow-tuned receiver (brain) which perceive 5% of the universe (by the way, due to the tuning), moreover he perceives it rather subjectively, he’s able to cognize only 1% and most of the time he’s busy with satisfaction of the instincts, but at the same time he says authoritatively what the reality is, what can be and what cannot be, isn’t it funny?
I tell you more, even scientists don’t understand this reality, because science states observed facts, but not their causes, and we are about to get closer to the deep objective understanding of the Universe: dark matter etc.

That’s why the best behavior model is to accept that we know nothing and to be open to something new, to judge critically and objectively, the rest is just subjective models of mental concepts based on short life experience, and it cannot represent the whole picture of the world, but just a puzzle piece.
That’s why it’s important to come together and put our potential into cognition and development.
Thank you for your attention.

Viva la vida!

Attention: This post has been written by @njall

@knozaki2015 features authors and artist to promote them and a diversity of content. (if you want to get in touch)

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Please note that translating software has been used for this post. The author featured is not a native english speaker.
The author will receive 100% of the STEEM Dollars from this post

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post @njall


"Being Light" by Craig Grant

Yea! Thank you@craig-grant :)
"Being Light" very important

Love what you're doing here

Thank you, i try :)

Congrats njall. You generated a lot of conversation and got peoples' wheels turning.

To excite the minds the main objective :)

Thank goodness it's a hallucination... because my reality sucks.

Hahah, Thank you ;)


This is paraphrased content. it should be flagged but i don't want to flag you. njall should take the blame.


in this particular case, I can confirm that the author has first written it in Russian, than it has been translated by him, and a translator has proof read the text.

I think for a native it might feel spunned, but i got the first edition, which was unreadable in English ;)
and than we had two proof reading sessions until I accepted the text.

Hope this helps ! (i posted this in baccist post too, hope this clarifies things)

And as in English and Russian is a new and original articles
I don't paraphrase them, I develop Steemit and really want to give useful, interesting and important material
And the idea of plagiarism and paraphrasing for the sake of income - antipathy and detest me.

It is strange that I am accused of paraphrasing, when the text to write to me, though at first in my native Russian language and then translated by my interpreter
All the articles I take out of my head and personal experience, the topic is interesting and complicated, so I'm glad to share it with you
Possible audience unaccustomed to such complex article and everywhere wants to see the deception...but I still think this suspiciousness only hinders the development of authors, and it is impossible to create a "narrow circle" of people who can write and who can't and in all other to see only the plagiarism
And as said @knozaki2015, I can send the original Russian files, etc.

It is all good. the matter has been clarified already !

My apologies. I didn't know

All right, with plagiarism, it is important to fight, you are doing the right work

This post unfortunately gives me this vibe brought up by @bacchist
This could be spun content.

I thank you for the comment, this article completely, at first and up to the end, it is written personally by me
I make use of the experience and the knowledge, and I try not to repeat, there are moments where I mention something already written by me early, but always do original and unique content

Thanks for the reply I am really just concerned about the integrity of steemit and would hate to see plagiarised content regularly getting huge payouts. Sorry if this felt like a personal attack on you, I am just a bit scared and paranoid.

Hello Going paper


in this particular case, I can confirm that the author has first written it in Russian, than it has been translated by him, and a translator has proof read the text.

I think for a native it might feel spunned, but i got the first edition, which was unreadable in English ;)
and than we had two proof reading sessions until I accepted the text.

Hope this helps !

I made this comment under baccist excellent post.

Last week, invisiblegorilla asked me to only have better content posted. as many authors are not native english speakers, 85% of the posts send to me are refused, and I ask them to get it proof read. I thought that our efforts making the text better would satisfiy everybody, but would never have imagined, that now the posts looks artificial to a native speaker.

You know, I'm a convinced supporter Steemit, I believe that this is a very important resource and an honest, intelligent, important and useful content should receive the deserved attention, all cheaters should be severely punished.
But as they say - became paranoid, don't do the paranoid neighbor :)

We are young in our thinking. Today science is toted as "God". There is so much we don't know about. Personally, I believe there is life after death...meaning we are still conscious after we die. I think everyone on Earth has been around for a long time and we just don't remember.

I agree with you, I read also

Great post. I've just been researching near death experiences, reincarnation, life after death and many other things. I did watch something on quantum physics which blew my mind. It just makes me think there is something either hidden or we don't know.

I agree with you, I research much and I study, and my experience says that all this the truth, but is longer talk, here "an introductory part"

This is exactly the sort of content I am here for. Thank you. I gave this a 100% upvote. Fantastic. Moar moar! I wish I could write like you. <3

I will try for you @darknet and other finders of the truth :)

I love posts like this because they bend everyone's minds towards a new way of thinking about life. Thanks to science, perhaps this will be one of the areas that humanity starts to make great strides in understanding over the coming decades.

Yes, it is necessary to pull down templates and stereotypes and to move towards the real world

Are you Morpheus in human form that has left The Matrix?

It is a secret on which you shall find the response.
There can be a joke, and can no a joke :)

How clever. A mystery wrapped within an enigma!

Hahah :)
Thanks for comments @mindhunter

I was wondering what you think about the subconscious mind and do you think there is a super conscious mind. The whole subject is worth volumes of books, I've read some it is very interesting to me.

I will try to address this issue in its following articles, it is really very interesting and more important topic of conversation and study.
I have already touched on consciousness in my previous articles, I suggest while you read them -

Great post ever.

Thank you! :)

Very interesting! Thank you :)

IF your brain is generating reality - BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU THINK =)

It is very precisely told! Hah)

How can you judge critically while accepting you know nothing? What basis would you have for judgement? Cool post though, new stuff is good.

It is quite difficult subject of discussion, I express the opinion based on the scientific facts which to knowledge, on life experience
As Socrates told "scio me nihil scire" - I know that I know nothing

Very interesting. Im going to do a little more research on this.

Thank you! :)

Nice post! Thank you!

Thanks for the comment!
Your responses the best award ;)

From this post I take it you're persuaded by arguments from people like Deepak Chopra and Rhonda Byrne. If not, I apologize, and admit I failed to understand you.

Perceptions aren't related to consciousness. We perceive quite a lot of things we're not conscious of, and process a lot of sensorial input before it hits our conscience. Your camera perceives and has no conscience, a living disimbodied brain could have conscience and no perception.

To say perception creates our world on a quantum level is a tremendous leap from the literature I, at least, have been reading. I see this argument coming more often from mystics than scientists. From Wikipedia:

In quantum mechanics, there is a common misconception (which has acquired a life of its own, giving rise to endless speculations) that it is the mind of a conscious observer that affects the observer effect in quantum processes. It is rooted in a basic misunderstanding of the meaning of the quantum wave function ψ and the quantum measurement process.[1][2]

It seems you agree this isnwhen you say even scientists don't understand this reality. So... do mystics?

Don't you think we know far too little of the quantum world to claim any kind of non-scientific understanding from it? And too much about the universe to think ourselves are in any way special?

The fact that the mind controls perception, as it happens, I will describe in following articles, Yes, many processes occur at an unconscious and automatic level, but is also part of consciousness and it is possible to learn to manage.
Yes, facts are a lot of people speculate, but Wikipedia is not the final station, we are far from a real understanding of the world, and perhaps the answer is not in the suspended logical study, and the need to rebuild our consciousness and have direct experience new facets of reality

I do agree that Wikipedia doesn't have the final say, but it's not without merits. I'm by no means an expert on physics, but judging by the literature I have access to, the influence of mind of matter (or energy, or quantum-anything) is gravely overestimated, to say the least.

But what I don't get is this: you start your post saying science is on your side, and that we are just not accepting it, and then go on to say that "even scientists don’t understand this reality". If you're claiming to have more knowledge on the matter than scientists, than what's the source of this knowledge? What's the use in assuming there are other hidden facets of reality beyond what we can reach with science?

I have an autistic son who has sensory problems so his reality and his consciouness is very different from the rest of us. But that does not mean that his consciouness and reality no less valid from the rest of us. Our reality is colored by so many different filters such as our upbringing, our culture, our values and our beliefs. In this diverse world, we embrace our differences and be more tolerant.

Right, any reality is the place to be, it is important to study the relationship of the psyche and perception, then it will be much easier
I have heard that autistic people are very kind and open heart, it is very important to have loving and understanding people, because ultimately all we need is happiness and love

Happiness and love will make this world a better place. Let us spread love and happiness.

I agree, let's :)
Happiness to you @positivesteem and your family, and all people in world!

Nice post. Life is like a hologram that I create by projecting out with my mind and then observing the reflection of myself.

Totally agree with you, it's the closest thing to the truth

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