Ugh, I'm Going to Have to Move Again it Looks Like. :(

in #life8 years ago (edited)

At the beginning of this month I managed to find a room to rent in the city. I'd been out in a small village for the greater part of two years living with a high school friend and moved into town to be closer to my ladyfriend. I've been rocking on steemit and doing the self employed web developer and programmer thing and done a fair amount of work with Bitcoin and other crypto currencies and various computer systems. Moving into the city to cut operating costs and set up in a larger population center is a good move for me.

While I was thrilled to find a place to rent once I'd gotten moved into this place over the past week I've realized this simply isn't a place I can work or live. The person I moved in with has far to many animals that aren't being shown proper treatment or care of, it's been a seemingly endless parade of strange dudes in the house each night / morning and to finally top it all off the champion she brought home last night from lord knows where just ralphed all over the bathroom.

If a House Smells Heavily of Cleaning Products When They Show it to You, Be Weary, Very Very Weary

They are likely trying to cover up the fact that once the cleaning chemicals settle the entire place reeks like a pissed in pet shop. While I'm not saying animals don't have odours and I knew full well there were animals living here before I moved in the smell between the cat litterbox sitting there smelling unwashed, the rabbit cage not being properly cleaned and the dogs not being taken outside often enough resulting in them pissing and shitting in the house I simply can't take it.

The main living area smells basically almost exactly like a petshop (piss) and I've basically been holed up in my room the past 2-3 days with a sweater blocking the bottom of the door so I don't have to smell my roommates bad decision making. I think the worst part is she keeps the house really clean otherwise but had she not masked the scent so heavily with cleaning products when I came to look at the place I would not have been inclined to take it.

2 dogs, a cat (and it's litter-box), a bunny in a small cage, 2 budgies and 2 possibly 3 people in this small space is simply too much given the lack of adequate care taken to ensure the space doesn't stink like animal excrement. I believe there are actually by-laws in place against this sort of thing but frankly the roommate already has enough problems going on.

Be Polite, Offer to Take Dogs Out... Nope

When I inquired about taking the dogs out on a leash to let them have a piss outside rather than on the floor of the main area or in her room she locks them up in she told me she could do it.. Then something about a possessive disorder. I accept and try to understand all sorts of mental illness / disorders but I cannot for the life of me understand "my dogs must suffer and shit all over the house because they are mine".

I've owned dogs in the past and know the bond between dog and owner.. But that's a wee bit fucked up that she chooses to have the dogs locked up or ignored in the house and defecating everywhere rather than let them out, take proper care of them, or allow me to at least give her a hand in doing so.

I Understand Loneliness, But it's Been Almost a New Dude Every Day.. A Bit Excessive By My Standard.

Don't get me wrong, Back in my younger years I wasn't one for monogamy in the slightest but never have I seen for lack of a better term "revolving door" of dudes in and out of one chick that I've ever had to live with ever. Now I've got no problem with people getting laid! Sex is great and if you choose to have multiple sex partners that's cool too..

But when I wake up in the morning and there is shit knocked off the walls and puke all over the bathroom because you decided to bring home prince charming who was clearly way to fucking drunk to consent I start to question not only the morals of the new roommate but also the safety of myself and my belongings.

Needless to say but I'll say it anyways, You don't find love in a bar. And you certainly don't find it by having sex with any man that will toss you a bone or talk to you nicely for a bit.

With That.. I'm Back Looking For A Place

While part of me is downright disgusted at the way this move ended up turning out at the very least most of my possessions are now in town save a dresser and a few boxes and I've got a friend with a small truck I can always get a hold of if I need to move things.

Trying to stay positive and keep my head up, It's kind of just a crappy situation all around to be fair. But as I've stated before if you see a problem and do nothing about the problem you are part of the problem. Time to get going to ensure my future happiness. Wish me luck!

Goal is to find a new place and move out by the 14th of January and get half my rent back.

If all goes well only another week in the petshop... Then on to something better hopefully.


I once had a roommate who had a single rat. That rat managed to smelled up the place all on its own.

So I can't imagine your situation.

It's kind of gross that people keep animals and then don't take proper care in upkeep and cleaning after them..

It's nothing scrubbing with bleach and proper pet etiquette couldn't fix but frankly after dealing with the massive logic fault and seeing that she doesn't actually want help taking care of the animals that's enough for me to walk away and not even bother. Her place to run how she wants but I certainly can't justify living here while watching animals suffer and having to suffer because of it as well.. :/

The other issue is non-stop people in the house.. Perhaps consider me overly cautious but eventually she's going to bring someone home who's going to steal things, and if it's my possessions I'd be buggered at worst or at the very least out the cost of replacing the item.

Just kind of crappy all around. Oh well! Onwards and upwards.

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" just ralphed all over the bathroom."

Too bad you're not closer! I have a house and we're looking for a renter...

I think this is the 3rd or 4th different dude she has had over this week.. So far tops it.. I've frankly seen enough at this point to know this place isn't conducive to my work or well being.

Top post....good work @klye...thank regards

Thank you for the feedback I'm glad you enjoyed. :)


Eh, Not getting comfy here let's just say that. :/

A buddy of mine might have a spot in Saint B if you are interested I'll pass on the info

I'm way up in Central Canada.. Would have to hop the border and travel south thousands of miles. Appreciate the offer though.

I know, I am talking about Winnipeg if that is the city you refer to, he is in St. Boniface by the hospital.

Oooh. I haven't heard that reference before to St. Boniface.

I've been into winnepeg a number of times in the past and can't say I was impressed by it.. Sure It's a big city but when you go check the cities further east or west it looks dinky and unkept. :/

Thanks for putting out the offer though. <3

damn such bad luck :(

Such is KLYE. :D

It could be worse.. But I'm just going to move on rather than live in these conditions.

You can never turn a hooker into a housewife amigo. Sounds to me like these dudes are helping with rent.

Come to Mexico, here in Baja it's beautiful, sunny, rent is cheap and if you're barely surviving in the USA from contracting work, you'll live like a king here.

LOL. Funny part is I'm pretty damn sure I'm the sucker paying half the rent and not even inclined to live here.

Not trying to turn this girl into a housewife.. But hell, starting to take care of the pets so the house doesn't smell like piss would be a start damnit. lol

Oh well, won't be a problem when I move out of this place.
For now just going stay in my room and avoid nasty pet smells. :D

There are other reasons for that place to smell like piss BTW. Fun fact, meth smoke is high in ammonia content and smells like cat piss. Not that it's any of my business, but judging solely on your description of the girl and the situation I gotta ask you, how's this gal's teeth?

She is FAR too large to be on any sort of regular stimulant.
Her place smells like piss because it is actually full of piss. It is like a petting zoo without the health standards.

@xcynosure sort of said it. I don't think this girl is on the pipe or smoking crank in her room. The house smells more pet shop like than anything I've ever smelt outside a petshop.

Good luck with getting a new or better place, at least for now you are close to the city, finding a new place might be much easier.

Just a matter of finding another place basically.. Then packing up and going again!

Good luck. I would've escaped through the window already. Notify animal control...

Bummer, sorry to hear the situation isn't going well for you.

Eh, it comes and goes.

Well thats too bad sorry to hear about that and i was looking forward to seeing some photos ! . I share an apartment and all costs with my 2 sons , I dont think i could share a place with strangers ! its so different when its immediate family , at least for the short term ! maybe try finding a bachelor place or a like a room or area in someones house thats actually sepeate from them for the most part . with everything included and affordable ! Good Luck👍😉

I've moved in with strangers a few times.. Not always bad. Good chance to make new friends or allies down the road.. :)

This situation kind of sucks but will get it sorted out.

Hahaha ! You should do a blog with photos of your living conditions , and all the animals your dealing with ! lol ! you could make it like a comedy ! You know ! If you dont laugh you would be crying ! haha !🐕🐱🐰🐤🐦

It's kept decently clean actually.. But the smell of piss is just strong in the place.

Not to mention the cats food dish is on the kitchen counter.. Last time I checked cats loved burying their own turds in litter which they pee on.. then the little rascal goes up and grabs some water or a bite to eat.. <_<

Haha! so true ! our cats were raised from the start , not allowed up on counters or tables ! mind you they also have a cat door out in the country so they can freely go outside to the "washroom "lol ! we do keep a box for them only when its really cold out and the ground is frozen ! like now its -20 lately ! brrrrrr !🐈🐱

Good luck with that!!! It seems that end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 are hard for you. Hopefully he rst of the year will be better :)

I feel your pain. Best of luck finding a new place.

Eh, could always be better could always be worse. Rather than settling into a place and having it go to hell I gave it a week to kind of feel things out. It's not going to work me living here is all that it boils down to. Not going to try to change people.