The Real Reason Facebook & Other Social Media is Addictive..

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Since the dawn of the internet people have been scouring the net in search of like minded individuals to share experience with. In this new age of hyper connectivity it almost seems that humanity has begun to actually devolve in their ability to socialize with one another in the classical "in real life" sense. We live in an age where folks are seemingly disconnected with eachother, and with this disconnect comes a hunger for acceptance and attention..

This is what social media platforms like Facebook prey on.

Addiction is Addiction, No Matter the Medium

You post some status or meme, if you're lucky someone views this and hits the like button. What happens in this action to your brain is a small amount of dopamine is released because you now know someone has seen you post and reacted to it. Dopamine is a phenethylamine neuro-transmitter released by neurons in the brain which acts as a sort of reward or motivation component of reward-motivated behavior. Basically when you get a like you get a "hit" of the feel good drug that our brain makes, which leads to the addiction.

( Dopamine, What you really get when you get a like! Source: )

The Danger of Social Media Based Addiction

People in this day and age have been groomed by our societal circumstance to crave instant gratification. It's a sad reality where people are literally craving to feel good or whole but lack proper lifestyles to get what they crave. This leads to folks spending more time glued to the internet & social media sites while posting their days exploits in hopes of getting likes, attention or finding a connection to another human being. Which in turn furthers the problem of a lack of actual social engagement with others, which then creates a vacuum for attention within the user which they self medicate using social media..

It's a nasty self fulfilling prophecy which actually serves to alienate the user from real social interaction. People would much rather sit on their asses and attempt to get their gratification online rather than actually go out and do something that truly makes them happy.

Living Disconnected, Ultimately Lonely Times

It's been said that the recent years have been recorded as the loneliest times in history for people. The theory goes that people have opted towards trying to gather their required social interactions online rather than actually going out and having social interaction. Humans for the most part are social or communal creatures that evolved living in tribes where it was nearly impossible to avoid interaction with other members of the community. In this day and age a person can nearly avoid going out and interacting with others, given the fact that you can now basically have anything from food to clothing even up towards entertainment sent to you without ever leaving the warm glow of your computer screen.

This is what I believe is causing the eruption of loneliness on this planet. People are far to busy trying to get their fix of social engagement and attention on platforms that essentially cut them off from much needed real people, real world interactions which we evolved in.

We're Losing Grip on What it is to be Human Thanks to Social Media
Replaced with "Cheap Thrills", Fake Attention and Fleeting Happiness


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This may be the root human cause. But another major factor is years and years of development of these systems into making them more addictive. Maybe not by explicit intent (in some cases especially in the gaming industry there probably is intent) but these systems are all heavily measured, tested, and adjusted for engagement, growth, daily active users, and similar metrics. These metrics are all highly correlated with if not proxies for addiction, which means as the systems are adjusted to increase daily active users, etc. they are also being adjusted to increase addiction. Spin forward a couple of decades and the end result is highly optimized effective machines for both addicting new people and keeping them addicted.

Well said smooth!

Like you've stated above I do believe that these systems are actually fine tuned to make a more engaging experience and thus maximize their addictive potential. These platforms are basically drug dealers, with the drugs their peddling being dopamine, social interaction and community.. It's kind of wild to think about actually.

I quit Facebook almost 9 months ago and I think it was one of the best decisons that I ever made.

I can't count the times I found myself mindlessly scrolling the news feed. Now instead of wasting my time on Facebook I am here on Steemit instead. At least I can earn some cryptos this way, no matter how small the amount.

Posted using Partiko Android

I recently found myuself doing the exact same thing you mention here.. "Mindlessly scrolling the news feed" and though to myself... "Why the FUCK am I allowing this" and thus began to try to figure out exactly why I was doing so.. I ended up coming to the conclusion above.

Good on you for quitting facebook. I'm going to eventually follow suit I think.

Thanks for the dopamine dose!

It's true. It is actually worse than doing actual street drugs. At least with street drugs there are human interactions IRL. I am not accounting for DW sales.
Most peopke are social smokers, drinkers, diners.

Responsibility has to step in somewhere. Just like Everquest people are putting themselves in peril for the opinions of their peers or social group.
Not cool.

Hahahah, If you're doing drugs by yourself that is a massive problem..! XD

It's true that people tend to overdo a good thing and turn it into a demon of sorts.. Certainly had a run in with that back in the day when World of Warcraft was basically my life... Never again!

We are social creatures by nature.. Even "anti-social" fucks like me still need social interaction at time.


To be clear I'm not "anti" social media..

But did want to share my research on the mechanism that it exploits within us in order to spread the knowledge. Knowledge is power, and power wielded responsibly is near godlike.

(Self upvote on comment for visibility sake)

The reason socializing has moved on-line is that it is now

Too dangerous to interact in person.

Say you were a "normal" person working in SanFran for a large tech firm. If, by some accident you said something like, i agree with Mr. Chumps renegotiation of treaties with China, because...
You would find yourself out on the street (quite literally), homeless and penniless.

If you were in a mall somewhere, and you thought it would be a great joke to take a selfy with a MAGA hat that was on display, you could have your head caved in.

So, of course, when it is easy to hide your identity online, you seek out your dopamine there.

It has nothing to do with all the best people to talk to are online.

Interesting take on this issue! Never thought about it like that.

Perhaps it's less volatile up here in Canada, I know that I certainly don't filter myself out in public places nor do I care if I offend anyone.. However that probably makes me an asshole.. shrugs

Perhaps you're on to something here though with the statement that it may be dangerous to interact as some do on the internet "in real life"... Certainly appreciate your input on this subject!

Excuse me for living under a rock.. But what the fuck is "MAGA"?
(I guess I could google search it...)

When Pres. Chump was running for office, one of the memes he took on was MAGA


And it is printed on red baseball caps.
Quite fitting for an orange haired president?

It would be satirical in nature if I ever donned one of them.. XD

Of course, The US was never great.
America was great because all the inventors and entrepreneurs could do all kinds of things without the govern-cement getting in the way.

Then the FED bought The US.
And now it is a country of bankers running the country for bankers.
Seeing how much they can skim off before it falls apart.

So, The US was never great. It is just what all of us were indoctrinated to believe in grade school. That we were the greatest country on earth.
But lately, many people are noticing that this is not such a great country.
And so, they would like for america to be great again.

Ironic much?

I find the rock i am living under to be quite comfortable. Underground domiciles are just so much more comfortable.
How is your rock?

I applaud your disdain for the government.. They are a bunch of fucking crooks in my opinion..

The central bankers really have fucked things up.. The debt based fiat dollar is horse shit. Every country tends to propaganda machine their people into thinking they are greatest..

My rock sort of sucks.. Living in a buddies camper right now.. Could be worse though. <3

True. People nowadays spends too much time on social media and don't interact with the people around them that much. Kids before go out and enjoy playing around with other kids at the park, but now they're too focus on their gadgets watching youtube, or reading their newsfeeds on facebook. I'm not totally an antisocial media person since I use it also on a daily basis but I limit myself when it comes to it. I make sure that I get to hang out with my friends and enjoy their company personally and not just virtually.

Often it feels that the generation I grew up in was the last one to actually play outside and ride bicycles and shit... Totally agree with your observation that kids today are wrapped up in the electronic realm and aren't nearly as active as they used to be.. Same goes for adults.

Yeah , that's the saddening truth nowadays. Although new technology and social media has its perks, but we can't deny the fact that we're slowly becoming more snob and antisocial because we're more focused in our gadgets rather than enjoying others good company.

We are creatures just like animals that must get together in communal spirit and cooperation for us to survive this world.
Social media today changed the way we interact now and it which really disconnected us in real life.

A very good summary of the topic man.

We are just animals.. Albeit fancy ones with technology far beyond what our spirituality has evolved to.

Granted I can't really completely hate social media.. Without it I'd never found my friend here, which is you. :)

Thanks Sir @klye :)

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