in #life6 years ago

Everyone knows that excuses always sound best to the person that’s making them up.
Worst case scenario – Just because you may have grown up in a dysfunctional household, with the worst drama, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional abuse, doesn’t mean that that’ll be the outcome of what your life and your career are destined to be! So what are you gonna do?

I don’t want you getting all emotional from reading this message, such as “yeah, yeah, that’s what it’s all about right there”. Then ten days later, go back to doing the same thing. What a waste of your life! Everyone’s lifetime is limited – even yours!

If you should ever see someone in a Rolls Royce, a private plane, a six or seven-star hotel living their life to the fullest, don’t hate them. And don’t be jealous of them because they’ve worked their ass off to get it all.
Everything they have in their life and career is because they EARNED it! Nobody gave them anything! Nobody handed them anything! The CLEAR lesson here is IF YOU WANT IT, YOU GO AND GET IT!

If you want this kind of lifestyle, you’ll have to stop feeling sorry for yourself! Get off the pity potty, waken your backside up and let your inner beast rage inside yourself! Get your life in shape! Only YOU can do it! Nobody is gonna do it for you!

Also, stop looking for the pathetic people who you run to telling them you’re so sad and telling sob stories, trying to get people to show up to your pity parties and your pity parades!

It’s time to take the s**t to another level! It’s game on, so focus. If you’ve got a problem with your life or your environment DO something about it! As I said, excuses sound best only to the person that’s making them. Man up! Stop the BS! Alright? Stop excusing any bad things that are happening in your life!

If you’ve really got a problem, you’ll take action to change it!

Are you telling me that you’re not tired of being broke, that you’re not tired of being stuck in a rut? That you’re not tired of all the gun violence and drama and dysfunction around you? Even telling me you’re not tired of being in an abusive relationship! You can’t possibly be tired of any of these things because if you were, you’d get out there and DO something! You’d change your life!

Don’t say you’ve tried and nothing works! You HAVE NOT tried because if you did, you wouldn’t still be in the rut that you’ve got yourself into! It’s a true fact that ANYONE who is determined to do something, who wants something to be different, will eventually succeed!

I’m also tired of you sitting around moaning it’s someone else’s fault. Or, it’s the environment” Or, “I can’t do anything about it!”

I’m tired of all the bulls**t. I’m tired of the excuses. I want you to be successful. You have to stop coming up with pathetic reasons and excuses as to why you’re doing the same crap over, and over, and over, and over! For anyone twenty years old or more – if you’re really mature, you’re ready to make some grown-up decisions. There is such a thing as changing everything as soon as you change your mind. You’re gifted. You’re talented. You were born with these gifts. God has much bigger plans for you and your life Everything around you is gonna change as soon as YOU change the things that are happening around YOU!
Look inside – you’re there!
As found on Youtube

Posted on February 10, 2019


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