A Pretty View Can Be, Not What It Seems

in #life5 years ago

Keeping in line with my last blog. I just wanted to get more of my thoughts out there and also set a reminder for peoples. As even I often forget. There are people that... you can say, eat pain, fear, suffering etc. I almost want to say they literally eat your energy. In so many subtle ways and many times this happens unnoticed within the home.

Examples - Neglect to the point, you, yourself suffer(then they eat it)(energy). Being an abuser but acting as the one abused(then others come to the aid, of the wrong one(Therefore abuser eats their energy as well). Keeps others at a low level of intellect, and puts down their self-esteem(Therefore you will always need them, because you have trouble maybe with self-reliance etc)(But really they are still eating you)(your energy)(and now, well, they have an unlimited supply). Act like a wonderful stand up person that they are not,so when you watch the lies, some part of you gets upset.(Boom, more energy, being stolen from you).

Here is a picture I found online that to me describes what I'm talking about. (Hint: Don't get lost in the view for too long).


If you are not the spider, let's say, you fly by this beautiful view, and this wonderful great big Web. This fantastic looking Spiders Home. Well, beautiful it may look, but if you land on that web. If you go and stay at that home long enough. You will become food(energy) for the Spider. You will slowly be drained and eventually have no spirit. The home and the spider go on looking as great as ever. Don't let this be you. Notice the subtleties and break free.(I'm sure it's been noticed by now, most of the time you are born into this, as I call it, Web).

My next blog will be on positive or just plain ol fun lively things, I promise. And definitely I will get to doing a full one on the self-help aspect of these. Being aware of the dark is a big part of it though.

Thank you for the free use of your photo Pixabay, at pexels.com