Great post. I have observed people pick job they done have interest in, sturdy a course in University they are not passion about, engage in business venture they practically dont have any idea ; they easily just copy or imitate others just because they see others doing it . Now the breaking point is not seeing successful result because they are not cut out for such things,they dont even know their niche. I was taught that one of the greatest way you can get succuss ; is practically doing something that gives meaning to you,what you are passionate about ,what you have flair for. Doing this,the sky is your beginning not your limit. Best regard @chbartist.
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Exactly friend! Just enjoy your talent and fly!
sometimes people believe on acceptation themselves to community is very important than pursue their passion . For example taking engineer because engineer is popular job but what they really love is art. it was very sad nowaday people choose popular than passion
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Absolutely correct.......