Abused & Rising Above: When you're ready…

in #life7 years ago (edited)

If I asked how many people reading this have experienced abuse during their life time, I'm sad to say I believe most all would say they have. Some people are comforted by the fact that others have gone through the same or similar experiences, and it makes them feel not so alone. I am not one of those people. I have never felt a need to commiserate with others that have had bad experiences. If I'm going to re-live scar tissue issues from my past then I want it to be worth while. I want it to be beneficial, and I need it to help me heal to move on.    

So far, I have just done a really great job of trying to ignore and repress awful things I have seen and been a part of. If need be, I can talk about them factually. However, feeling them to process and resolve is very different. I only briefly tried to heal by doing this through speaking to someone, but I encountered two main issues with this plan; 1.) talking to a paid professional made me feel awful because I would think, "How can I have no one in my life who cares enough to talk with me about these things and instead I have to pay someone to do it?" 2.) Being the fact that I didn't have anyone in my life to speak to about the many things that had happened to me. If I ever got even a little close to someone and started diving into the world of woes, it was like after one or two recaps people would look at me like I must be the most damaged person alive from experiencing some of those things. Don't get me wrong, I'm loaded with dysfunction just like everyone else, but the majority of my issues are internalized into self loathing. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I'm not an addict of any kind. My worst possible outward trait is I used to comfort eat when things were really so bad I just couldn't hold onto it anymore. Many of those food issues were caused by other things as well so I can't really blame it all one set of circumstance.   

I have often thought about writing as a form of therapy, but there were many things that held me back. 1.) My immediate family (Mother, Father, Brother, my eldest daughter) and my husbands ex-wife, have gone out of their way to make every moment of my life as horrible as possible since I separated from them, and I run the risk of them trying to use anything I say against me since they have threatened more than once to take away my kids, which they managed to get one of them successfully, since they know my kids are the only thing I still care about. 2.) I do NOT want people to treat me like a victim. When you are treated like a victim it is way too easy to subscribe to that philosophy and then you don't heal - you are just stuck in another dysfunction. 3.) I am embarrassed about things that have happened to me. I have come to the realization in life that you can't actually blame anyone else for anything that you have experienced. All our experiences are our own and we have to take responsibility for them or we fall right back into the victim mentality. So I am embarrassed that I allowed them to take place. I am not a defeatist though and I think that statement about what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, is true but should be revised to say, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, if you heal the wounds it caused in the first place."    

So here I am, needing to heal wounds. I feel like I am now in a place that I can't continue to heal unless I do write about all of it. Hopefully, someone else will get something out of it as well, maybe be inspired to change and take responsibility for their life sooner rather than later. Maybe it will just be entertainment for people, like when you drive by a really gruesome accident but can't look away. Maybe it will be used against me in some really messed up way. I don't really know, but what I do know is if I have come as far as I can with what I have already tried, then it is time to try something else.    A few things I want people to know before reading these posts that are coming - these are just a few chapters of my life. They do not define me, but they do affect me. I have had a few really wonderful things happen to me as well, but this writing is specifically to clear trauma and that is what I will be talking about.    

Why did I decide to start this today? Well I am living in close proximity to one of my abusers, and I am finding that especially challenging while trying to heal my scars. I don't want it to effect me anymore, and I think getting it out will help that. I'm really hoping that will alleviate my wanting him to die each day, so then I can change my vibration in life :-)   

At the begging of this writing I was crying because I was feeling overwhelmed by the stress of yet another disappointing interaction. Now I am not crying and back to my 'matter of fact' type attitude regarding what is happening. I often feel cold in my interactions with people, which is almost the exact opposite of how I feel inside. I see people sad and I want to throw my arms around them and cry with them so they don't feel alone, but I don't I just apologize or try to listen to them. When I see someone happy I want to run over and grab their hands and jump for joy with them to celebrate, but I don't I just smile and say how wonderful "it" is. I very infrequently express how I feel, either thought words or actions. Even when I do cry or show emotion it is usually mistaken for being something that it is not. This is decades of repression at work that I will overcome as I heal my scars. I feel at first my writing might reflect this coldness as well, but I am going to do my best to be as much of my authentic self as I can dig out for each post I make. I may actually have to list my feelings at the start of each post until I can properly convey them via my actual writing.    

My name is Kimberleigh, and this is my process toward rising above.  


Writing about your past is a great healer, I have done it more than once on steemit and it was hugely beneficial to me, the support I received was amazing and really helped me move forward.
I hope you feel the same after sharing your past with this wonderful community.

Stay strong!


Great to see your support and presence here. You are a kind and considerate man.

This is a brave and powerful post, one of which is part of a grand future transformation. A community like this can help encourage, support, inspire even guide each other to healthier and happier lives!

I am grateful for posts like this and comments like yours. The priceless benefits of Steemit!

Hopeful to meet you at SteemFest soon!

Thank you @quinneaker

Yes I agree, steemit has helped me immensely with lifting the huge weight I had in my shoulders and it has most definitely helped me towards a happier healthier life.

See you soon :)

Yes exactly.
I believe Steemit can help do that for many others and I have also see you help facilitate that for others as well.

Steemit is truly a great opportunity and we are both embracing it for the improvement of life. What a great community and I hope to see it grow and evolve.

Being at SteemFest is part of that and I am there to see it happen!


Thank you @markwhittam. I am so grateful to be part of a community (my home and on Steemit) full of support to help me become the best possible person I can. Sometimes when the emotion becomes overwhelming it is easier to write than speak how I feel. I try to let it leak out in little pieces, otherwise it looks like a dam about to bust ;-) I think this will be a very beneficial experience and I really appreciate your support as well!

Yes I agree, I have less than average reading and writing skills but for some reason when it comes to telling my life story it's as though I can express my feelings with such ease, much more than trying to speak it.

From what you told me earlier in the comment, I have a good idea where this story is heading which is why I would like to resteem it through the @familyprotection account and if you tagged this post with #familyprotection then hopefully it will get the attention it deserves.

I know you said you will tag the post about your dealings with the CPS but I think it would be good for people to read the whole story, let me know what you think?

Thank you for being brave, I really hope you telling your story will help you move forward and that you get the support from this community that you need.


I would be happy to do that. Do I just add the #familyprotection under the tag section? I did that, I think I did it correct.

This is a brave and wise post. It is in the best interest of your empowered life to be honest and responsible.

As forest gump says "Shit Happens" some of it more to some than others yet its part of life.
I don't say this to discredit or belittle real experiences and feelings just to help provide a bridge to healing and empowerment.

For it is when we become aware of/identify the "problems/dysfunctions/traumas" and accept them that we can do something with it. Healing can begin to take place, letting go and finding peace~

We can then take responsibility for our life and this is where the empowerment comes in. Yes things happened to us but NOW we can be who we want to be and live the life that we want to. We can let go and move on, we can create our selfs and life anew.

This is very real and very possible. This is what I intend to inspire and exemplify~*~

I remember thinking from a very young age what an extraordinary person I was/would be in this life. I certainly didn't have anyone telling me this, it is just what I felt to be true. Along the way however I gave up my values, my ideals, and my sense of self. I think most of my trauma/ dysfunction comes from a whole bunch of little incidence that have added up to a large generalized feeling of everything being shit. I shifted into a bad vibration and even though I still know I can accomplish amazing things in this world I feel stuck until I get back to my values, my ideals, and healing those 1,000,000 little paper cuts that add up to one giant wound. I can heal and be what I am. I will heal and be what I am. It has been a slow process for me, I actually started this change about 8 years ago, but being out in the matrix it was almost like I was blind as to how to accomplish what I needed to do. @quinneaker you are instrumental each day in helping me through this process. Everything you say and everything you do gives me great insight to what I need to work on within my own self. You do inspire, for those of us observant enough to see it. There is no doubt my life it currently a million times better than it ever has been, and you already know that is because of you and the space you provide for people like me. Now and forever, thank you for not giving up on us very flawed humans!

I am grateful to know this.
It is sad to see how many people forsake the opportunities I or life it self provides for healing, evolution and success.

I have seen a lot of evolution and improvement in you in a short while and see no reason why that will not continue.

This is why I live the way I do and why I founded @gardenofeden so as to provide a healthy opportunity for truly living. It is a lot of responsibility and much burden but it sure is worth it when people have live changing experiences and drastically improved lives.



I have never heard that Nahko song before, which is surprising :-) Thank you I really appreciate you posting that. The idea of "home" has always been foreign to me. No matter where I have lived before it was just walls, a floor, and a roof. Both of these songs touched on many things for me and I love the fact you took the time to pick them out to help me with my issues!

My pleasure - I hoped they would resonate with you and be meaningful.

I have seen you grow by leaps and bounds and make great and inspiring improvements since you came to the @gardenofeden. May you continue to get better every day! I am here to support you as best I can 💛

Thank you for having the courage to write this post. Abuse comes in many form...physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc. Sometimes those who could help us work though our concerns are either too close to the situation, too busy or not trained in proper counseling tools to be effective. Many of us have suffered one or more forms of abuse and it can scar you for a lifetime. Writing and journaling helps. Knowing that you can make positive changes to your life also helps. working your the emotional baggage to help eliminate some of that extra stuff also is resourceful. Baby steps or larger steps are good. Every little bit helps. Again thanks for reaching out and sharing your post. Prayers and kind thought to you my friend.

Thank you so much @enjoywithtroy. I'm already feeling huge benefits to the writing, and it is great to see other people think it is worth while! I am about to put up my second post.

I am grateful to be witness to the transformation you are enacting for yourself @kiberleighfl. Being authentic, vulnerable and real will expedite your healing. I can only imagine how difficult, and how relieving it must be to be able to share your true feelings about such intense things, knowing you've been heard and acknowledged. The changes you have undergone already while at the @gardenofeden are really quite impressive. I am honored to witness and to be a part of your process and am so grateful that there is hope for healing and recuperating the life force that will make you thrive. So many people have been through Eden and I am ever astounded at the transformations that happen to people when living in such a supportive environment--not to mention the space @quinneaker holds for conscious evolution and deep, dynamic, healthful change. Rest knowing you are in good hands and that you are loved, supported and heard. May we do this recovery together and then continue on to share the possibilities with others. Your story alone will likely affect many in ways unseen. Thank you for taking this step to heal, to share and to inspire. May the blessings flow back to you so that you find peace and true well-being.

Thank you so much @everlove! I know there is no better place to be and I am so thankful to be a part of it!

You have my support, stranger though I am.

We are all human beings and I don't consider anyone a stranger :-) Thank you!

This is an amazing post Kimberleigh. You're a great example of the fact that the only thing that truly holds us back in life is ourselves and how we allow our interactions with others to affect us. I sense it must have been a very easy but difficult post to write and you are really brave to expose yourself to the world the way you have. Congratulations my friend. This post you have written will I'm sure be a source of inspiration and empowerment towards a brighter, stronger future and you should feel very satisfied with your efforts in helping both yourself and others. I'm sorry you had to endure the suffering you have but the bad times in our livrs only allow us the opportunity to fully appreciate the good times, which for you from now on, I hope there are many! :)

Thank you for your thoughts @tonyr! I really appreciate the feed back and it does bring me a lot of joy to know that this is not only benefiting my mental health but many others, including the people around me and perhaps even others around the world. I am very glad I decided to do this. I am about ready to put up my second post and I hope it is well received also :-)

Wow this is a real inspiration I have only recently joined steemit and this is exactly why I joined I've suffered quite a bit of abuse and I thought writing about it may help because talking really isn't my thing this has inspired me to do just that thank you for sharing ur story!

I am so happy to hear that @anon1990! Just the two posts I have made so far have allowed me to release what I have been holding onto for a very long time. I have many yet to go but I promise you I feel better each day! I will follow you so that way I can support your journey of healing as well :-)

Nice post friend

Thank you. I appreciate your feedback and hope you find it beneficial in your own way!

I spent 8+ years in an abusive relationship. Healing was hard and I still deal with some of the after effects. PTSD is real in abuse victims! Best wishes.

Thank you @ilovedietcoke. Eight years is a very long time to have to deal with the added stress and trauma that comes with abuse. It probably sounds dumb but I used food to help with a lot of the physical issues caused by trauma, 3 bananas a day really helped clear up the PTSD part of my issues. Also melon of all kinds is wonderful for depression :-) I'm using my writing now to help clear the last of what is holding me back and it is really helping! Even after just the first two posts I feel much lighter, happier, and less resentful towards my ex and others. Give it a shot! I will follow you to help you on your journey of recovery.