The awesome thing about what I do as a Quantum Change Kinesiologist is that when I have QCK sessions with people I always get to learn something about myself while assisting and supporting another person to develop understanding and self-empowerment in relation to their mind.
For example today I had a session with someone about a pain they were experiencing in their shoulder. When it comes to physical issues, I use muscle testing to identify the "metaphysical" significance connected with the pain, which is in other words the "mind-dimension" within and of the person. What tested out as being connected with the shoulder point for this person was quite a deeply ingrained pattern of creating an "emotional barrier" between themselves and the people around them. This "emotional barrier" being a specific experience and self-definition they've developed throughout their lives wherein they define and experience themselves as being more sensitive than most other people.
There was a lot more to this particular pattern however that is not what's relevant for this blog post. The part of the session which I found interesting for me personally was when we got to the "solution", where we look at what the person can do to start overcoming the pattern and changing themselves when it comes to their interactions with the world around them. What will sometimes test out as a solution that will support the person to change the pattern is to live specific words. The words are "specific" for each person as muscle testing accesses the "information" of the person's mind that's stored in their body and is thus able to pinpoint which words the person must start integrating in their day to day living in order to essentially "reprogram" themselves in their mind and body.
One of the words that tested out for this person was the word "sincere/sincerity". This word was in relation to their tendency to hide themselves and their "genuine/sincere expression" behind that emotional barrier they'd created and to thus never really allow themselves to express who they are when interacting with people. Thus, an expression/word they needed to practice integrating into themselves, specifically when it comes to who they are around others, was to be "sincere" - to in other words have the courage to share and express themselves with others without hiding behind that self-defined "sensitivity".
When I tested all this out for this person, I realized that to an extent I do the same or a similar thing. Throughout my life I have in my own way also developed a tendency to keep a distance between myself and other people and to never really allow myself to genuinely share myself with others or express who I am with people. There is always a level of "reservedness" within me wherein I hide myself behind doubts, insecurities, fears and thoughts. I recognized that this word "sincerity" would definitely also support me to change that reservedness, insecurity and tendency to overthink things into a more stable and comfortable expression and experience of myself in my interaction with the people in my world and reality.
Curious to find out more about the potential of Quantum Change Kinesiology?
If you are dealing with a physical issue like a pain or condition and would like to find out what your body is communicating with you about which mind-pattern is misaligned with your potential, then sign up for a QCK session
Thanks for reading.
Kim Amourette
Awesomeness @kimamourette
"The words are "specific" for each person as muscle testing accesses the "information" of the person's mind that's stored in their body and is thus able to pinpoint which words the person must start integrating in their day to day living in order to essentially "reprogram" themselves in their mind and body."
Yes - I can totally relate to this as well! In a way it is kind of sad to think I have lived behind a wall of emotion instead of expressing my true self in sincerity, but on the other hand, it also shows me those moment in which I have been sincere. This way I can use those moments and expand on them in order to stop living this pattern of creating walls to hide behind. I am sure many others will be able to relate to this as well, and I think what you do is truly amazing and can assist and support so many people to become better versions of themselves.
Thanks for doing what you do @kimamourette!
I also felt "sad" in a way realizing how I never allowed myself to really "be myself" not just in relation to "others" but mostly in relation to myself. Essentially how I used "others" and my fear of judgment or of how people could react as a reason to suppress myself rather than realizing it's really not about "them" but about "me" and allowing myself to just live. Thanks for the comment kimzilla!