<p><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmToJe24EdH9y1mSnRirZj13R9S6SmGnvNni2cCa4m1AuA/steem%20crta.png" alt="steem crta.png" />
<h2><center>Hello Steemians!
<p><center><em>Did you ever ask yourself what is really the purpose of human existence?
<p><center><em>No, I'm not going off topic but I want to see everyone thinking outside the box for a few minutes. Every generation has its own view on things and their own evolving process with things. Is our point living a peaceful & safe life or is it for human race the most important thing produce the highest technological achievements in science? We came a long way, so far, in fact, we can't go back.This last "modern ERA" seems to be going a little out of hand. I "know" a smart guy & his words were...
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmPpd3HStdpL6Bg2Ym8b8jX37NAss7TT1ivVX3zvJ26yTA/giphy.gif" alt="giphy.gif" />
<h2><center>Not everything is bad, right?
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmV7AW4APJgovrQpqpRZQdCC15FzDvTT95Ux7X4669cboX/c4b2ff06ba7c77d90a2e672ff2376b84.gif" alt="c4b2ff06ba7c77d90a2e672ff2376b84.gif" />
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<h2><center>Is technology making us lazy?
<h2><center>YES & NO
<p><center><em>It depends on how you look at it. Technology cant makes us lazy or there would not be so much new technology coming in every damn day. <strong><em>New this... New that... It all feels build for the future as things are becoming more & more complex. And a human 100 years from now will see us as caveman back in the day. We should kinda know all this does not lead to a fulfilling life and true happiness but it does give us an inside on how the universe works and more interesting questions are being answered. Some people are not just dreaming, they are putting in the work and effort to achieve the desired goals to make the "futuristic future". If your one of them, good for you & good for us!
<h2><center>We improved substantially over the last years. Talking in general.
<p><center><strong><em>Not all areas are really a heavy check mark material if you ask me...
<p><center><em>Massive amount of entertainment at one place.
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmd4AYNNepEh8a56KyG3AcXUEjf1JiA5MfdWKepSBqZm6y/happy%20customers.jpg" alt="happy customers.jpg" />
<p><center><strong><em>For sure some people out there can confirm this...
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmdULinh52sws3fNGhY4q2xrQrUknuXvkeDwb7mfTKi2sY/Screenshot_2.png" alt="Screenshot_2.png" />
<p><center><em>I'm feeling like the perfect dude to be your "test bunny"! I had periods of not even owning a phone ( WHAT is a SMARTPHONE :) to being online 24/7. Not that I'm well aware of all the high-tech stuff, but who really is? But I do know my life had changed in every one of these periods. From being outside all the time & enjoying the world for what it is, to being at home most of the time doing the routine...
<h2><center>IT SUCKS BIG TIME!
<p><center><strong><em>We need to have a healthy balance of both! And we move to our second topic:)
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmXSNndhZPRJ1hRGhg1NtLjc4hwBcFXGHg2n1pwVvcX7kR/Lazy%2Bpeople%2Bcomp_e600db_5443811.jpg" alt="Lazy+people+comp_e600db_5443811.jpg" />
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<h2><center>Are smartphones making us less social?
<p><center><strong><em>If your interested in human behevior look around sometimes. I see a lot of this...
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmP4CrAFsbqzKsmznRGLRi6tiuFF44vYXXkqwxXWvQ8B2e/GettyImages-528577724-1-e1485463675103-620x250.jpg" alt="GettyImages-528577724-1-e1485463675103-620x250.jpg" />
<p><center><em>I see happy faces, do you see happy faces? Isn't it weird how much time we spend staring at our hand?I know some people who still use 15 years old cellphones. Why you might ask?
<h2><center>It's nice to have all the worlds knowledge at one place, right?
<p><center><em>Yes, but not all the time. How many times it happens that you're out with friends and everyone is checking on their phone and there is no real "Hanging-Out". Only God knows how many notifications sounds are released every day & we have to check on every single one...
<p><center><strong><em>Being around people, but are we really there?
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmX57MZDBZpnDNh8i7pyxXoNp9tYDHGxsPGVtjuFoqps3F/Screenshot_6.png" alt="Screenshot_6.png" />
<p><center><em>Being without a phone in today's age is kinda weird, for example, if you ask someone for their number & they reply with: "Sorry, I don't have a phone", one could think this person is not giving us the phone number for a reason...
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmS9gEzPAhrTfMgZGpqMPQWL4Ac6G3hUerhsJpwLG4AZoq/Screenshot_2.png" alt="Screenshot_2.png" />
<h2><center> Unhealthy Obsession
<p><center><em>It is virtually impossible to be bored using a smartphone if you have the smallest idea what to do with it then you're good. People now use phones for FREE TIME spending, WTF folks, what are we doing!?! How about finding a hobby or any other form of fun. In fact, <strong><em>62% of recently polled Brits said they hate how much time they spend on their phones.
<p><center><em>According to new research from the University of Derby. Dr. Zaheer Hussain, lecturer in Psychology at Derby, co-authored what is believed to be the UK’s first research study into smartphone addiction and its related psychological characteristics, which clearly shows that the more you use a smartphone, the higher the risk of becoming addicted.<br />
He said: “The study informs us about smartphone overuse and the impact on psychological well-being. We now use smartphones on a daily basis and for various tasks so being aware of the psychological effects is very important. “There are various smartphone apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Candy Crush, as well as Skype and email that make smartphone use psychologically more attractive and can lead to addiction.” The results of the study revealed that 13% of participants were classified as being addicted, with the average user spending 3.6 hours per day on the device. The research also advises that prospective buyers of smartphones should be pre-warned of the potential addictive properties of new technology. The psychological characteristics of smartphone addiction are particularly interesting, Dr. Hussain explains: “Higher scores of narcissism (excessive interest or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance) and levels of neuroticism (negative personality traits including moodiness, jealousy, envy, and loneliness) were linked to smartphone addiction. “A significant positive relationship was found between narcissism and addiction to the phones, suggesting that the more narcissistic a person is, the more likely they are to be addicted to their smartphone. When the participants were asked if they used their phone in banned areas, 35% answered yes.” Social networking sites were the most popularly used apps (87%), followed by instant messaging apps (52%) and then news apps (51%). Relationships were also noted in the research as, despite 46.8% of participants speaking positively of improved social relations, 23.5% admitted their smartphones create communication issues within ‘real life’. Professor James Elander, Head of the Centre for Psychological Research at the University of Derby, said: “This study is a very timely one with much potential impact, and the findings show that users should be more aware of how they are using their smartphones and of the potential risks of excessive use. “This is also a great example of the applied psychological research being conducted at the University of Derby, where our emphasis is on socially relevant research with the potential for practical applications to improve health and wellbeing.” The research paper, titled: ‘Smartphone Use, Addiction, Narcissism, and Personality: A Mixed Methods Investigation’ has recently been published in the International Journal of Cyber Behaviour, Psychology, and Learning (IJCBPL).
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<h2><center>Are social networks in fact ANTI-social?
<p><center><strong><em>"The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other." — JR
<p><center><em>@steemit is kinda my first real "social network experience". Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and stuff were never on my radar, they are great for promotional purposes but do everyone really need an account on every network? I have a Facebook account to maybe check on some people from time to time, but not posting anything or even did I try to interact with people & I'm an outgoing person in "real life". So it never really got to me too much would be right to say. This graph below is the true value of Facebook, lolz.
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmcuCzxA3Cs6ib82cJJh4jN4r6P9tamJiK6uJiw17X5RtX/why-facebook-sucks.jpg" alt="why-facebook-sucks.jpg" />
<h2><center>@steemit got me hooked!
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmP8tHwC1EKzwrvWC4Lca7gRfpoATGJrjB72Yb3RCwt6FR/friends_regret_nothing.gif" alt="friends_regret_nothing.gif" />
<p><center><em>Of course, I would be a lair if said that money isn't a great motivation around here. But first of all, I was super surprised in my first week here, people were actually so cool and everyone gave me a warm welcome. Great stuff, thank you all. More time went by, and here we are. Posting every day & just trying to be a part of the community that gave my life so much positivity and light. So how can it be a bad thing?
<h2><center>@steemit is not just a social network
<p><center><em>It's much more. An income for so many people, a promotion tool & just a great place. It's fun to be a part of it. You can earn and learn at the same time. Plus get connected with awesome people around the world. I love it, when I see Steemians enjoying their money, travel around, eat good and living with no financial worries while doing what they love... @steemsaid...
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmb4TtxPH3Bv88T1kseCjH2xZ8xCi2TY4yt3sohnT9MpD6/giphy.gif" alt="giphy.gif" />
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<h2><center>Is all this taking us in the wrong direction?
<p><center><strong><em>"Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age." — Elon Musk
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmRpHdY6p1NK6bAYjZYAAxGqCSJTPHSbmWhYcMXcpHNGGh/tenor.gif" alt="tenor.gif" />
<p><center><em>Billionaire <strong><em>Elon Musk is known for his futuristic ideas and his latest suggestion might just save us from being irrelevant as artificial intelligence (AI) grows more prominent. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said on Monday that humans need to merge with machines to become a sort of cyborg. "Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence," Musk told an audience at the World Government Summit in Dubai, where he also launched Tesla in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). "It's mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output." Musk explained what he meant by saying that computers can communicate at "a trillion bits per second", while humans, whose main communication method is typing with their fingers via a mobile device, can do about 10 bits per second. In an age when AI threatens to become widespread, humans would be useless, so there's a need to merge with machines, according to Musk. "Some high bandwidth interface to the brain will be something that helps achieve a symbiosis between human and machine intelligence and maybe solves the control problem and the usefulness problem," Musk explained. The technologist's proposal would see a new layer of a brain able to access information quickly and tap into artificial intelligence. It's not the first time Musk has spoken about the need for humans to evolve, but it's a constant theme of his talks on how society can deal with the disruptive threat of AI. During his talk, Musk touched upon his fear of "deep AI" which goes beyond driverless cars to what he called "artificial general intelligence". This he described as AI that is "smarter than the smartest human on earth" and called it a "dangerous situation". While this might be some way off, the Tesla boss said the more immediate threat is how AI, particularly autonomous cars, which his own firm is developing, will displace jobs. He said the disruption to people whose job it is to drive will take place over the next 20 years, after which 12 to 15 percent of the global workforce will be unemployed. "The most near-term impact from a technology standpoint is autonomous cars … That is going to happen much faster than people realize and it's going to be a great convenience," Musk said. "But there are many people whose jobs are to drive. In fact, I think it might be the single largest employer of people ... Driving in various forms. So we need to figure out new roles for what do those people do, but it will be very disruptive and very quick."
<h2><center>A crazy man or is he up to something?
<p><center><em>My opinion is, it all connects and makes sense if you think it through. It would suck losing a job to some AI d$%khead. If we become "cyborgs" do we still stay obsessed with things that make our life "great" & fulfilling, lolz?
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmWeunQaTrxm8mVH4cyYgxagzDmrPWjiPosE6kBaTdZwmK/tumblr_oasg8eL5D61udwsc5o2_500.gif" alt="tumblr_oasg8eL5D61udwsc5o2_500.gif" />
<p><center><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmNPwu7RHgXfM51QvytseJEocRcgEYk3bnWpwJB7gYCSR3/AnotherImmediateCentipede.gif" alt="AnotherImmediateCentipede.gif" />
<p><center><strong><em>Guys, sorry if I complicated things, I'm lost myself now, lolz... Let me know what Yall think!
<p><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmToJe24EdH9y1mSnRirZj13R9S6SmGnvNni2cCa4m1AuA/steem%20crta.png" alt="steem crta.png" />
<p><center><em>Until next time, thanks for stopping by! I upvote sweet comments so go for it, any upvote or resteem is much appreciated! Take care & stay awesome!<br />
<img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmazpS1nCYDivgNSSkDPAwwJa8CC4dm6hNWvuNcAHCDyoG/finish.gifs" alt="finish.gif" /><br />
Not only lazy but mindless, empty and dumb.
As about the meaning of life!

hahahaha good one!
I had a professor in college who defines technology as the destroyer of mankind. By the way this is a technology school. Realistically nothing is perfect. If it was than what is the point to pushing forward. Everything has some type of flaw/s so in time it will evolve. The argument/discussion to be had is if this will be good or bad in the long run.
Honestly life has been a lot easier with the technological innovations today and this have provided people with more free time to be "productive" in other ways. As technology replaces real people on specific jobs it is the people's responsibility to create new "productive" work for themselves. There is not technology to be blamed but the people who did not go out to better themselves and to create opportunities. Its a new age and people will likely have to change jobs more often than not. The good old days of long term employment and steady income will not be had today if one does not evolve with technology.
I am a perfect example. If I had follow cryptos and steemit last year I would be rich now. Instead I am currently a poor sap trying to earn pennies on the dollar. Well at least I am trying to earn more with the use of technology.
No way technology is making people dumber unless they rely on it 100%. I am still astonished by how artists and gardeners on steemit know more about blockchain and cryptos than me. I sit in front of a computer all day and still I ignored what technology is benefit for the mass. Technology is as good as how it is used so I say to all those believe in the negative feedback with technology reverse it and use their time learn and apply the technology.
"...have provided people with more free time to be "productive" in other ways. As technology replaces real people on specific jobs it is the people's responsibility to create new "productive" work for themselves. There is not technology to be blamed but the people who did not go out to better themselves and to create opportunities. Its a new age and people will likely have to change jobs more often than not.." Well said, your whole comment is pretty much on point :)) We are to blame at the end of the day for whatever we do...
Thanks for your input!:)))
To be honest when I think myself for a moment without technology without mobile phone I feel almost like lost.. they conquered all of our lifes. Yeah it is making our lifes easy. But from another hand making us unfortunately unsocial even in a social place.. It is in our hand to use it wisely..
hahha yeah tell me about it... I was on holidays and was without my phone for a day or two and it made me crazy!!! Addiction or love at first sight? lolz I guess we could agree its NO.1 :))
Of course it is number 1. :) when we don't have it we feel like we are disconnected from the world or universe :D I think it is necessary in this generation but We should minimize it! We should be social,we should spend time fully with our friends without touching our mobile, we should read our book..
I love it because I always talk about how this social media and technology is destroying humanity, even though I know majority people will dissagree with me and that is fine, this is just my opinion. We became lazy, comfortable which is stopping us to keep on growing, learning and stepping out to the world, we have no respect, we forgot how to communicate and care or help others, we love the phone more than people around us, we became like these zombies lost in the phones and we are becoming more stupid since we don't use our brain anymore because we rely on the phones to do everything for us, like tell us where to go, we don't have to remember anything anymore since the phone will remind us, we can't talk or have normal conversation with people because we can just text.
We don't look around and see what is going on around us, we don't live our lives anymore because we are too busy checking out what others are doing or what they have and like I said the worst thing is that we are killing humanity.
Technology is improving fast and greatly and people love it because it is fast and easy but I believe it is destroying humanity. What happened to having normal conversation and looking into peoples eyes, what happened to the human touch, what happened to laughter and just enjoying your family and friends without looking at your phone every 5 minutes, what happened to helping others or caring for others? Why is there so much stress, depression, unhappiness, sickness? It's all about the technology that does everything for us, super fast and easy, so the world is in fast speed with no one having time to enjoy their life, but just chasing that dollar, we have no time for our health, to go for daily walks because we have to get to someplace fast in a car, stressing while driving.
I have hate, love relationship with the social media but mostly hate. I love that I can work from home because of Steemit, and my doTERRA Wellness business. I love that I can chat and meet people around the world, but it does also really stress me out because I feel like I need the human touch, the human love, the real in person conversation where you can feel eachothers hearts and soul, I need to be outside enjoying the nature and help out someone in need.
Now I'm just everywhere because I don't even know how to really explain how I feel about it, all I know it does make me feel sad because I feel like I'm surrounded with bunch of zombies who just hide behind the phones.
Yeah we are connected kinda, we talk and check with our loved ones and it sometimes ends there. Its like one big thing combined with good & bad and we are here to decide where to next... Its such a huge topic!
"Now I'm just everywhere because I don't even know how to really explain how I feel about it"
I will try my best to not become a zombie lolz:))
Stay awesome!!!
Ha! Ha! We should get a t-shirt, good idea. Love it.
Thanks for taking the time reply and for trying not to become one of the zombies.
You're awesome.
haha its all about having fun if you ask me... At the end all we have are good memories:))
Cya around, take care!!!:))
Technology has done us some good though not without any harm but the good obviously out weighs the bad.
Yes sir, it does make sense! Props, good thinking... But we must wait and see.. We all know how the world ends in all the movies lolz :=) Stay cool!
your heading itself speaks everything about present era
well said an post
We all have our own view of things would love to know what others think as well :)) This post is just my opinion on things... Stay coolz!:))
I suspect there might be a correlation between children using smartphones and a general dumbing down of their grades at school.
I agree most def! :))
It seems that there are many negative effects.
Most certainly! But I feel will soon see our youngsters going to school with their laptop or something:) Some parts of the world are already on board with these kinds of projects!
Most definitely.
Technology is driving us away from humanity. Nice post @kid4life
We just need to unite more!!! Thank you!
The Matrix is inevitable.
i am so much hampered by this.Most of time i forget to take my meal.
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that moment !!!
Well said! Couldn't agree more :)
I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.
Thanks a lot :)
Thanks bro! :))