Im gonna let you in on a secret
The truth is....
We outgrow things
Perhaps it may be a person
You develop a bond
Its lovely
You enjoy them
You have allowed them into your vortex
They may be in your everyday life or playing among the shadows
A lover, a friend, or maybe an in between
Something that never quite blossomed, but was still enjoyable
Or maybe its a job you outgrew
You learn what you have come to, what you have been assigned by the stars
And you move on
This whole growing and learning thing can be pretty intense
Do we talk about it enough?
Yeah they say “you grow up!”, like it just happens over night
Not discussing details
How scary it actually can be
How many people you hurt, and even how much you hurt yourself
Or how beautiful and delicious it feels
to put a few of those puzzle pieces together in this thing
we call Life.
(photo source unknown)
Live With Love
~Kerri Tucker
I am grateful for you! I appreciate you! I love you!
May we all be abundant, free, and loving to one another.
I'm excited to share my photos, poems, other recipes, art, reviews, and adventures with this beautiful community; follow me here and on Facebook to catch them all!
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I love this :)
Glad i found you!
Thank you for finding me haha :)