Truth is Not a Battering Stick

in #life4 years ago (edited)


Image source Pexel


A word thrown about to make a stand, to win an argument and sadly to attack another.

We weild truth like a sword. Ride on it holding ourselves above another. One view as the better vantage point than the other.

The words unspoken, the judgement still damning.

Truth was never meant to blind us from perspectives, nor used as measuring sticks.

It certainly was never meant to be used to beat another into our point of view.

Truth, lies and illusions walk a tight rope. Precariously balanced jousting each other when we see them as singular and binary entities.

When we let them all sit together we see that deep down are voices waiting to be heard. Not speaking of truth, but of love and acceptance. Waiting to be understood. Waiting to be embraced.

The heart was never built on facts, history and positions. The heart functions best when open, free and flowing.

Ideals mean nothing to the ones we touch. The warmth of our presence is the only thing felt in our absence.

Much is falling apart in the world. But much is also right. Careful where you look and rest your eyes upon, for in the sight of one you miss the other.

Be blessed. Be love. Be light.

Live. Shine Joy!


Deep words here though.
Some thing I got here and had known for a while is that ideal state is not actually real but what we see and feel is!

Thank you @salvadore. Yes Indeed. Connecting, Feeling, Listening, Acknowledging.

They all work hand in hand to create that inner freedom...haha