There are things that we believe anyone can do easily. But if you as the vast majority of other people, then no matter how hard you try, most likely you won't be able to do what we're about to show you now. Our body is made in such a way that some things are almost impossible to be done with it. So, here are 10 things that you almost certainly cannot do with your body. But, we can teach you a few easy tricks, and you will be able to do some of them and impress your friends very soon.
It's important to note that Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome isn't just about having hypermobile joints. There are several types of EDS and severity ranges from mild to disabling or even life-threatening. Personally, my EDS causes me to dislocate joints upwards of a dozen times a day and I usually wake up with joints out of place. Since the spine is also a long string of joints, spinal disorders and neurological issues are also a common problem for us. EDS can also cause heart problems (like faulty valves) and full-blown neurological disorders, like Dysautonomia, and it's common for people with EDS to also have autoimmune disorders, though we're not yet sure of what the relationship is, there.
Chronic joint, muscle, connective tissue and nerve pain is a major complication for a lot of people with EDS, irrespective of how often we dislocate joints. A lot of our pain is caused by micro-damage, which our fragile bodies sustain as we do perfectly normal things like walking or standing up.