Tips Accomplish Your Goals FASTER!

in #life7 years ago


Everyone loves accomplishing goals, I Mean why wouldn't you? It allows you to get what you want. And obtain that moment of "happiness" that most people chase. ( Even though happiness comes from within, Not from accomplishments necessarily.)
But what if you could accomplish the things that you wanted, A little faster? Wouldn't you like that?

Be Mindful Of What You Put Into Your Brain

So many people underestimate the damage they do to their brains every day.

  • The people you spend time around
  • Movies, Tv Shows
  • Music
  • Podcasts.
  • Work environment
  • Home environment.
    All these things are playing a role in how you perceive the world and how you are able to do things.
    You may not realize it, But those negative people you spend a lot of time around, Are actually damaging your chances of accomplishing your goals. All these little things add up. What you put into your brain is what you get out of it!

Be Present

We are often either so focused on the future, The past, That we tend to neglect ourself in one way or the other. Sometimes when we focus on the future too much (I'm guilty of this one).
Our present suffers.
And sometimes when we focus too much on the past. Our Future ends up suffering.
Being present and allowing yourself feel fully for whats going on in your life RIGHT now, But also taking a moment to plan and make goals for the future can have a huge impact on where you can go in life.

Motivation Takes Effort

Ugh. I hate how motivation is like this magical thing portrayed in movies, Or just in everyday conversation. It's silly really.
You have to motivate yourself.


Give yourself a pep talk, Or flat out force yourself to turn off the Tv and start being productive. That's often what it takes.
Motivation is also a practice. Every day I wake up feeling motivated. Because I practiced this. I force myself to be motivated on the days I'm not. So I think my brain has gotten the hint.
Be motivated, Or be forced LOL.

Turn Your Goals Into Habits!

Wanna lose weight?
Get in the habit of running every day, Taking the stairs. And buying healthy foods.
We forget how powerful habits are. If you let something "slide" on a regular basis. You can easily turn that into a habit that you do every day.
Eventually, you can start seeing the negative, Or positive habits of those habits that you started.
Plus chasing long-term goals Can get tiring, and exhausting. So instead if you make habits that you do every day that cause you to move in that direction, you will be more likely to obtain your goals.


There is a balance you'll need to find with your long and short-term goals. You also need to take care of yourself NOW and later.
Sometimes we tend to be lopsided one way or the other.
I tend to worry too much about my future goals. That I often neglect myself. So I often have to remember to take care of myself right now. So I can keep chasing my long-term goals while being healthy.
Figure out which one you are, And adjust accordingly.


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Focusing on the present is also a way to reward ourselves by accepting the little things we acomplish on a daily basis. Is like life in general, sometimes the beauty is in the details we tend to ignore if we are always hurried.

Exactly! And most of us stay in a state of hurry all the time.

This thing goes from Bible)) It's so old, but people are continuing to repeat mistakes))

Very good tips and I hope especially like the reminder about being present. I don't think focus is something we really lack today and it affects our efficiency a lot.

Focusing solely on one task right here right now can allow us to get it done much quicker than if we think about three different problems at once and jump back and forth.

Nice post and some very good reminders

Exactly! We are too busy staring at our phones to be present and it's really sad.
Right? we can get lots more done that way :)

The smartphones definitely got a spell on most of us - me included

They do :( I'm guilty of it too. They are just so addicting.

During your accountability sessions, you can get coaching and feedback on where you can improve.
Striving to accomplish big goals is not easy. Most people will give up on their dreams in order to have a clear path to lesser goals.
If you want to move quickly toward your big goals, you’ll need to become proficient at acquiring clarity for the next few steps of your journey. The best way to do this is through context-based and immersion-style learning.
The deeper and wider your clarity, the bigger your goals can be. In order to ensure you achieve those goals, you’ll need to track your behaviors daily and have an intense accountability system in place.
It’s all in the setup. When you set up the conditions effectively, you make the achievement of your goals inevitable.

First of all, thank you for sharing these pointers! I think one of the most important factors on reaching your goals are to think as if our lives are depended on it. This might sound kind of weird let me explain, when you change to a creative and determined mind set, the body begins to find solutions for the challenges that we may have believed were out of our control. For instance, if our lives were dependent on it would we try to come up with new ideas or strategies to save our lives? YES!! The problems we want to solve or the goals we want to achieve is most likely not a life-death scenario, however a lot of creative solutions come into play when we put absolutely everything on the line.
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the motivation reminder, a good read especially in the morning ;)

It might seem kind of weird but even knowing some of these things I still sometimes put myself in thw "wrong" situations. I just consider them challenges.

Like trying to stay present in a noisy and distracting environment, or hanging around that negative person and watching them just spout negativity while remaining calm and positive. This year I've been slacking a little on my goals, so thanks for the motivation. Maybe I can take all those challenging situations andturn them into pure goald :)

Nice article @kaylinart

Exactly! Sometimes you need to avoid those people or things that are going to drag you down like that.

I miss you @kaylinart,. I'm very worried about not seeing your post after a few days, and now you're back

Aww you are so sweet :) I'm back. I was just sick.

what ??? What is wrong with you?? You do not get sick right? Are you alright??

I've heard you can't be depressed when making progress on your goals. Agree or disagree?

yes i agree your thinking every one wants to success

Yes! But many aren't willing to pay the price for that success

yes right friend thanks for a wonderful comment

Love the tips. Extremely helpful post and definitely gained a follower!

Zig Ziglar once said if you walk with lame people you will learn to limp. People do choose to surround themselves with people they are comfortable with but never ask what that is costing them. Some great reminders in there Kaylin.

past is history future is mystery present is gift that is why it is called present

@kaylinart 👌future is uncertain, so live in present. Why to make the present unfruitful just thinking shit about future.👍
There wat we called destiny as well...wat ever happens, happens for a reason.

When you think too long, it sometimes results in you not achieving your goals
Unfortunately sometimes happens to me

Animate the future in your eyes, think big, train yourself, be regular, listen to music, eat well, yourself awards ,and lots of laugh.. @kaylinart

Thank you :)

me too :) I made vote and resteem ! :) @kaylinart

Yes, you are absolutely right, I think those tips and those who wear it will be very subtle because I spend a lot of time on movie, game, tv, which waste many precious time on your tips. I have learned a lot of things Thanks for giving such tips.

Great read! I’m currently reading “the power of now”, found this very reminiscent. Thank you!

Charles C. Noble said “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” It means that Our good habits can lead us the way we indeed achieve our goals successfully s but it's something we don't always do. we should take into consideration all these tips shown in this wonderful post. Thanks for the information.

Thanks for sharing psychology motivation

Madam very inspiring and thoughtful post and I must say a very beautiful pic of a beautiful lady.
Regards @crafter

reading was very pleasant :)

Thank you

People must follow their dreams that must work to reach...Otherwise they will not feel it life..
Nice post..Thanks for sharing :))

thanks for these tips.

No problem :)

Meditation, I'm going to repeat it, Mediation !
Great post, reminding people to be mindful is important :)

Your articles are awesome!
What are you doing for living? psychologist

Thank you for the insight. I find myself also caught up in my "futuremind" set and have to remind myself to ground back to the present moment. It isn't easy, and it does take practice. Even after 2 years of practicing grounding techniques, I still have to remind myself, and practice daily.

Nice put together and timely especially for an anticipated new year with lots of positive things around the corner...

Dear Kaylinart,Excellent tips share with us.I am fully motivated and agree with your valuable tips.Your photograph is amazing.You flower garden is wonderful,the picture look like three beautiful angel sitting in the garden.I think you all are friend.Really you are a lucky person.I am also your good friend and follower.

This is a really nice article! Thank you for all the informations and keep posting. I should remember that every day.

Olivia D.

God knows I needed this post. Maybe More than anyone out there. Thanks @kaylinart for the post

I really like how this is written @kaylinart! You have already motivated me to go out tomorrow and accomplish more than I did today! I totally agree that what we allow to be absorbed into the mind reflects on our short term and long term goals.

Thank you for the post, Its very important to remain grateful for what we have also, or it can be lost, Peace and Love!!

The turning your goals into habits one really resonates with me. The saying that the success of your year is hidden your daily tasks is so true. Thanks for sharing. I'm pumped to start some goal setting for 2018!

Good tips and I trust particularly like the update about being available. I don't think center is something we truly need today and it influences our productivity a great deal.

Concentrating exclusively on one errand appropriate here right now can enable us to complete it significantly faster than if we consider three unique issues immediately and hop forward and backward.

Decent post and some great updates

Very helpful to us.. 😜
well said!!

thanks... for the post


Agreed @kaylinart! One of the keys is to think the realistic and do the unrealistic. It's critical to ask absurd questions and integrate your goals into our daily actions and habits.

Been feeling kinda crappy this holiday season TBH, thanks for the positive vibes! :)

It may seem small but for me that is the number one reason why present is called present. It's because it is a gift we always have.

Thanks for sharing your perspective! Wishing you success in every direction you decide to grow! Together we're strong!

Great post about accomplishing ones goals. Motivation is a game changer. Thanks for a good read.

Very good advice, they helped me a lot to understand some things :D

These are all great tips for me to incorpoate into what I want to do. I'm the process of figuring out what I want and how to get it.

Would you please explain the process of self motivation in more detail in a later article? It'll be really helpful for some of us 🙂

If being present is your goal, rather than a tip for achieving other goals: Practice meditation, mindful sex, and mind your breathing. Also try to stop judging others and most importatly yourself. Feel free to share the joy and greatfulness, thereafter.

Hi Kaylinart,

This is a super amazing post... motivation can either take the most amount of effort ever... or you've got something external pushing you and it's the easiest thing to go with the flow...

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Dear Secret!

I love the advice. It's just in time for the new year. Thanks for sharing and I hope you accomplish your goals in 2018.

in fact, to be able to achieve the desired goal, it takes a sense of focus that is like @kaylinart write. But the temptation of life as if for himself we hard to get out of the gap. The writing and illustrations are very good :D

Thank You @kaylinart for such motivational article. The problem is that we don't focus on present time, we always worried about our future.
“Yesterday can teach, tomorrow may promise the world, but today is the one that gets it done.”

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