Stop Dwelling In The Past!

in #life6 years ago

The past, It haunts our entire lives, It's often influencing our future choices, But do we give it too much power?
Should we let it be such a big part of our lives?

Learn From Your Mistakes, Move On!

We all make mistakes, and We make big ones, And small ones. It's so stupid how we are often taught that we are somehow horrible people for making mistakes. Or that mistakes are “not normal.”

It's essential for us to use our past to not make the same mistakes. But to also stop dwelling on them. It does nothing for us. We have to move on at some point. The faster we understand the lesson we need to learn and move on. The better it is.

It Slows Us Down

We can obsess over that stupid thing we said, Over and over. For years and years. But it will never get us anywhere. It actually will slow us down in the long run, Making it harder for us to achieve the things that we want to meet.

It Can Be Fixed Or Changed

NO, Time travel isn't a thing... yet. As far as I'm aware. But many things in life are impermanent. Things you said, Can be apologized for. And often things you did can be undone. Or opportunities similar to the one you lost, Can be found. At least a similar one.

In most aspects, the past doesn't have to fully determine your future, Because you can find a way to move forward despite the challenges.
Besides dwelling, obsessing and overthinking won't change things for you either. Your best bet in that situation is looking for an option to fix the issue, Or by merely accepting the fact things are the way you are, and you have to live.

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The windshield is larger than the rearview mirror for a reason. You need to be moving forward.

Yes you are so right @kaylinart.
Very valuable artice, thanks for sharing!

Thank yoU :)

You are welcome @kaylinart and greetings from Germany!

  • resteemed with my second account here with pleasure 👍

Kind regards, Jonas @future24

These lesson and tips will help people to find new ways of thinking.
And generate their own ways to becomes successful
Love to read your post

observing other people's lives is a great eye opener too.

I try not to think back too much on past mistakes except to learn from, but not let it overcome me. The main thing I enjoy thinking back to is when I was a kid and all those fun times, when things were simpler and more enjoyable. I wish I could make a VR game for myself to implement scenarios and relive it haha.

Sometimes, regrets are good, it teaches us about mistakes we've made only if we interpret it well. But living by it is very dangerous. Nice one and resteemed

These lesson and tips will help people to find new ways of thinking.
And generate their own ways to becomes successful
Love to read your post

many people get lost in their past, they don't change with the future. We can remember the past, and use that to go forward. The past can't be changed, and that is a fact! :) As to mistakes, I've been known to make a few, and i'm sure I'll make more, it's a learning process! :)

Getting stuck in the past will really not bring you anywhere good in life. Good reminder to never let the past haunt you forever.

the past is good to know our origins and everything we had to go through to get to the present, but not to live thinking about it.
excellent post dear friend @kaylinar
I wish you a great day

You have to leave the past behind, you just have to take it to the present, but to witness what you should not do, and that from your present to learn from your past mistakes to improve things, learn, every day we are learning something new, and that is a blessing for our lives. Very good post, blessings.

this was really nice kaylin :) i could relate so much and actually this was the perfect time to read this. I tend to get super caught up in my mistakes and let it ruin my present. It's hard to move on sometimes but necessary. thankyou for the wonderful synchronicity . nice to see you here again.

@mukhtarilyas, the past is part of the context analysis @kaylinart. paing does not repeat past mistakes.

I think sometimes clinging so much to the things of the past can be bad, however we should not forget where we come from or who helped us at some point, I believe it is part of growing and improving as people to have a better future, of course this not everyone thinks in the same way

Great blog post from you,thanks a lot for sharing,have a great day.