Signs You Need To Improve Your Boundaries

in #life4 months ago


Boundaries are essential, yet so many people struggle to set them but also to consistently enforce them. I know so many people who either have too rigid or too flexible boundaries.

You constantly feel tired, and you're not quite sure why it could be that you're not meeting your own needs, that you're so focused on other people's needs, or even the needs of your job that you need to take care of yourself.


Constantly feeling guilty

Maybe you're overwhelmed, and you're falling short because you're doing things for other people so often you feel bad when you fail other people to an extreme that you're holding yourself to an unrealistic standard

If you are in a situation where you are constantly worried about disappointing other people it can often stop you from acting on the things that you need to.

You can't make a decision.

Of course, we all feel indecisive sometimes, but sometimes, we get in the habit of only doing what others want and never taking what we want into consideration.

You don't feel like yourself


When you have poor boundaries, you bend to do everything everybody wants. You're never doing what you want to do, so this can cause you to feel like you don't know who you genuinely are because you're never considering your needs.

You might Overshare

Sometimes, when we overshare with people we don't know very well, it can be a sign of having poor boundaries. Relationships need to evolve naturally, and some of these things take time. It would help if you didn't trust people like your most intimate secrets. Right off the bat.
I hate to say that people need to earn it, but they do it over time.

You Overextend Yourself

You're resentful and annoyed because you're probably overextending yourself. You're probably overwhelmed. You have no time to do what you want or relax because you're catering to everybody else. Your relationship with yourself is significant, and you need to prioritize it just as much as you do others; I would argue in some cases, more than others. Because you can't do nice things for other people, if you aren't even taking care of yourself.

Passive Aggressiveness

If you are guilty of doing this regularly because it's your way of indirectly communicating to other people what you want or need

Because you're afraid to communicate your boundaries and assertively tell them what you want, you're worried you'll upset them or they won't like you anymore. For the most part, if someone genuinely likes you, they want you to be happy and not keep things from them if there's an issue; they genuinely want to work things out


You'll Violate Other People's Boundaries

Also, you may have a habit of violating other people's boundaries because you don't take the boundaries that you have seriously. You expect other people to be the same way. It's a natural habit to assume everybody is similar to you, but that won't necessarily be the case, and they'll be one of those things that upset people.

Luckily, if you have these traits, You can work on fixing them. You aren't doomed! But having consistent and fair boundaries can completely transform your life for the better


Hey Kaylin! Nice to see you back as one of the older usernames I remember from way way back :)

Thank you!! Nice to see you are still here! I'm trying to get into more consistent posting again! I've missed it