Provide VALUE To Others, Expect Nothing In Return!

in #life7 years ago


So many entitled people these days. It makes me so sad. It ranges from the attitude of people with jobs, Or how people go about giving.
When we give, we often expect something in return.

Yes, We EXPECT Something In Return...

Whether it's a "Thank you" or money, Or some kind of reciprocation in the future.
The thing is, If it's truly a "gift" then nothing should be expected in return.
But the thing is most of the time, Consciously or subconsciously we are expecting something...
This leads to inflated expectations and disappointment when we ultimately don't get what we want.

Learn To Give Freely

When you give freely, people will appreciate it more. Also, you'll be able to let go of that odd and dragging "responsibility" that the person you gave to, Somehow owes you something. It's a better feeling too Because you can feel good about what you did. And not worry about what may or may not be done for you.

Don't Give What You Can't Give

Sometimes we give too much, And we are left with too little. This is when those feelings come into play even more.
We need to be careful about how much we give, Giving too much leaves us with too little. While giving too little will give us less joy that comes from giving.
So make sure you are taken care of first, Then give what you can.

It's Not Always Financial

I hate it when people say "They don't have the Money to give."
Well, certainly you can give time? Or Things, Or whatever it is you are good at.
There are many charities and events which could use an extra hand. Or heck, Just pick up garbage on the ground when you see it. It doesn't even need to be "organized." When you go to the store and see an extra cart in the wrong place, Grab it and put yours and someone else carts back, The employee at the store will have one less thing to worry about because of your generosity.
Small things add up.

Everyone has something to give!

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I wish more people could see things this way. In life, the more we give the more life’s will give us back. This attitude is able to create a chain of events in which more and more people are doing good things just because they want to do them, as simple as that.

Do you know the movie “Pay it forward”? Because that movie is about this subject. Very good movie too.

I have watched it , this movie motivates a lot.

I agree! Giving without expecting anything in return is the way it was meant to be

Giving is one area I'm working on.

@kaylinart Very Simple and well Said. Yes there are so many ways to give. I think I need to give more UP Votes......

@kaylinart - Absolutely correct. We all expect something in return when we do something for someone. If not in hard financial terms, we at least expect gratitude and that actually sets up a bias in relationships. The best way is to keep doing things and expect nothing. The good deeds will someday automatically pay off.
Well said my friend. Upvoted.



Do not look back and keep walking!! @kaylinart

Yes :)

And most importantly,do not let your smile in your face disappear... @kaylinart

its the rule of life .If we stucked in something than its the end of life. always moveon

I wish more individuals could see things along these lines. Throughout everyday life, the more we give the more life's will give us back. This state of mind can make a chain of occasions in which an ever increasing number of individuals are doing great things since they need to do them, as basic as that.

people should think its our duty to give back if we are taking somthing

just amazing post. i personally like it..hope that all kinds of like it and at the same time they learn many think like thanks for sharing this valuable post...keep it up

Sounds like you understand The Secret!

More generally, whether it is in the interest of putting out more good work to the world, helping others, getting inbound demand for our work, or generating job opportunities, knowing how we can provide value to others empowers us to become a stronger force for good and yourself. For those moving to a new city or industry, this can make a particular difference in how quickly we grow roots and credibility.

who is patient my friend, it is not all that we want and we hope is achieved and not what we want others want it, we can only hope and ALLAH SWT who grant, hope what you want achieved my friend, good luck always friend @kaylinart

Nice art @kaylinart
Excellent i like it

Thank you

Yes, you are well....nice to meet you @kaylinart
And thank you

Always expect nothing in return if you want to do good deeds.

The world will be a lot better place if more people can think like you :)

When you create value for others, you become more valuable to them. Think about this in regard to your own life. Every single person who is important to you is adding value to your life on some level. The closer your relationship with them, the greater their contribution to your life.

Giving and expecting is something you can't avoid most especially when you are giving something that is too much, most especially more than you have. We humans are selfish to most extents, i think. whether you are giving anything to feel good just as you said.

Because you can feel good about what you did.

It also means we are thinking about our selves than thinking about who we gave.
Expecting is natural, we always feel that reciprocity has to happen one day and when a time comes and it doesn't we always recall and feel bad.
Giving and not expecting is for the strong, i wish we become more stronger.

Life is spent only in getting paid, some have to leave something to get something, proper business dealings and relationships are beautiful.

@kaylinart real kindness do without waiting to receive something in return.
do good deeds,make people happy ,life is too short for evil

Beautiful picture
M agree with you good discussion

we realize that we are hoping for something without being able to give something I like to look at things from my point of view and it is more fun to get them out in a writing @kaylinart

great photography looks so cool :)

You turn out to be more profitable to them. Consider this with respect to your own particular life. Each and every individual who is imperative to you is including an incentive to your life some level. The nearer your association with them, the more prominent their commitment to your life.

a very wise proverb of the world requires people like you @kaylinart trimakasih have shared with us. i want to follow you @putra.arjun

Everybody can not understand such special things that they understand becomes a better person

pocketsend:10@kaylinart, Because you deserve a gift thanks for such a beautiful post

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Little by little will always fill the brim, by doing the small menial things without expecting anything or any recognition, will build one to bigger and better things, and one day someone will notice.

I really think this is the key to long term success, whatever we give comes back eventually right, sometimes amplified!

if I think pribada, people when we give a lot they will reply little, because there are people who just want our gift, then we have to be careful before we give @kaylinart

good writing I like. expand the work again, and more articles. hopefully a little science that you provide useful to the reader
do not forget to follow me @amirdesaingrafis

Giving for goodness sake can put us in the right frame of mind and not, Give and Take attitude.

Although sometimes we Give in expectatifon of some form of gratitude

The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
Invest in yourself first. Expect nothing from no one and be willing to work for everything.
I really appreciate your good opinions.

I think one special act of giving without expecting anything in return is listening to someone. Like genuinely listen to them; their thoughts, ideas, successes, difficulties; anything they are talking about because they trusted you enough to tell you those things.

It may be a huge deal for some people out there to open up to other people, even for the smallest things. I listen more than I talk usually when I meet someone new because I've learned that most people don't give a shit about what you say; they will forget whatever you told them within seconds. They're always waiting for you to stop talking before they start talking about what happened to THEM, what THEY did last weekend, what great thing happened at THEIR workplace, etc.

So, genuinely listening to someone is something most people aren't good at and, in my opinion, being a good listener is an excellent gift you can give to someone without expecting anything in return.

What a wonderful world it would be if we all practiced this. I have always found it funny to drive through neighborhoods and see lawns mowed up to an imaginary line between one house and the other, one lawn trimmed and the other in need of mowing. Wouldn't it be great if we never saw those lines because when one neighbor had his mower out he didn't stop at the imaginary border and just kept going and cut the neighbor's lawn too?

So many delightful finds today. Thanks for topping the evening off nicely. Great article. I really enjoy how eclectic the articles on your page are. I like how you are encouraging and educating others, modeling great actions, empathetic in how you address others, and your sense of reason.
Upvoted, followed and re-Steemed you today. Thanks for your efforts to make Steemit even groovier.

"always be kind to everyone, and treat people like the way we want people to treat us" 😉

wow so nice pic

I love to challenge myself, with returning carts, making it easy for others, anonymously as I can.
When I was younger, I never thought about these "minor"
things, which are also major things. So when you are suprisingly recognized for something you truly gave, and had let go of any fan fair for the giving, its like hitting the effortless sweet spot.
It feels so good to know someone elses appreciation no matter how big or small it was. It helped someone.
And much appreciation
for this proverb of a post.

Yes. It's all about motive and expectations. Awareness is the first step. A lot of people never get to this step because the idea of introspection terrifies them. Most people aim to stay distracted because the truth is looking at yourself objectively can be very painful. Inspection and correction of self is one of the greatest things we can do to create change in the world.

Great advice @kaylinart . I think that's the key to getting lol. Having a giving spirit and a giving mindset takes an enormous pressure off of our souls. When you don't have expectations you will receive gifts that you have never even imagined could come your way.

Agree, always give your best content, people will respect you a lot more for it than when you are just giving pieces of information.

I love this thinking. I'm pretty lucky - so I like to pass that on where I can. The best thing I can do is teach my daughter to do the same.

I think that is what I'm struggling with the most currently is not being greedy on Steemit.

I remember when I was happy if my post was upvoted $1 and now I'm disappointed if it doesn't make it to $10. I've spent the past week re-learning to be grateful for every upvote I receive.

There are times that I do give real gifts with wanting or expecting any reciprocation. Actually, I feel great helping people out.
Unfortunately, I'm not always like that. I have to learn to appreciate the freedom that not wanting/expecting reciprocation for kind acts. Thanks for posting an uplifting post.

Proving value to others brings value to yourself. At least that is how I look at it, like a feedback loop.

In the end, providing value is the key to getting anything in return down the road. In a business sense, value needs to be provided several times before someone feels the desire to purchase something. Thus provide value knowing you may never receive anything in return from most.

Expectation always kill

this unfortunately exists in the human spirit. We know that is selfishness. We know it is yummy. We know it's the devil inside. I will call the devil inside. If man knows what the evil inside is. then the world will become a good place for both him and other humans. The devil in us thinks a lot more than we do. Much more selfish than us. He is doing his best to use us. If we can stand against him, then we are clear. @kaylinart

Wow amazing, attitude is all in life..
Thanks for your sharing
Success is for your

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