Opportunities AREN'T Scarce!

in #life7 years ago


We are often fooled that if we miss out on one precious opportunity, Our life will be over and we'll never be able to get the things that we wanted.
Sure, Some of us have those once in a lifetime opportunities that we may or may not be fully aware of. But the reality is, Even if we miss a couple of them. We can usually still get what we want.


Sometimes when something presents it's self it can be hard to take it. It can also be just as hard not to take it.
There are job opportunities, Relationship opportunities, Family and fun opportunities. Opportunities that happen in every area of our lives.
The thing is though, As long as you put yourself out there. And you look for opportunities when needed, You will find them.
Sure, They don't always "pop up" when you want or need them to. But usually getting out there and looking is what will allow you to get them.

Your Brain Will Get You What You Need

The problem with many of our goals, Is there isn't always an end destination. What is your purpose? What is your end goal here? Once you realize exactly what that is. Your brain will automatically look for opportunities once you've failed at something. When something goes wrong, We often assume the worst, And we feel stuck. But the reality is your brain is probably looking for another way. And the more you get yourself out there; The more those opportunities will pop up.

Be Resourceful

Whenever I feel like there aren't enough opportunities in front of me, I'll read a new book, Take an online class. Go to the zoo. Or just do something to break the routine. Often the problems I'm dealing with are hiding in my subconscious, and they start to find unrelated connections I would never have thought. Sometimes the opportunities are there; We just aren't seeing them. Sometimes this scarcity mindset actually hurts us, Because it encourages us to cling to opportunities that may not be that great for us, Instead of seeking something that is much better. We end up stuck in a situation we don't want to be in, Because we are scared of what will happen if we don't stay put.



We just need to be very proactive in order to find new ways to acomplish our goals. If we keep a passive attitude 24/7 time will pass, years will pass and we won’t succeed at anything.

So being energetic and proactive is necessary if we want to not only find opportunities, but to take advantage of them and get one step closer to our goals

So true!! I agree we should tackle them when we can, But I do find myself occasionally kicking myself for things that I missed a while back. And it's important to know that if you keep an eye out, There will be other opportunities out there.

You have inspired and helped so many people Young Lady and I am so Grateful for you and what you do and bring to STEEMIT. Enjoy your day 1/3/2018 and make it the BEST DAY ever because STEEM is at it's highest price ever.

Being goal oriented is the key. Not everyone is goal oriented. If you are then you will actively be scanning for opportunities all the time.

Exactly, and the constant scanning is what allows us to eventually catch a golden opportunity.

What we do catching it depends on our discipline and hard work.

Just like the saying that you can only find what you're looking for.

If we miss one God opens other doors that we can not even imagine of. What’s not meant to be or meant to happen , we can’t change it . Gods ways work , they are there for a reason

Exactly! There is usually some other door elsewhere hehe :) Sometimes you just need to put some effort into finding it.

Once again such a brilliant post. We all need that nudge or poke to change our familiar behaviors so we can be open to new opportunities and adventures. I find doing a Vision Board especially at the beginning of the year is fantastic for me. The reason being sometimes because I have a busy mind I do not recognize what it is or what direction I want to take. So when I sit quietly and THINK what my true needs and wants are and I put to them to a picture be it from a magazine or I draw it whatever. I write words to motivate me on my board. And I add different visions, dreams, goals, love, familiy during the course of the year. When I achieve a goal I write my feeling of success. But most importantly I write in the bottom right hand corner....THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS IS DONE. Therefore it is out in the universe....an intention and I am open to all the magic of life's possibilities.

opportunities are awesome, because they can become SO MUCH MORE! <3

I think we have to create opportunities by ourselves.
So many people are waiting their lifes long on the right opportunity instead of just get the a** off and just start doing.
The right opportunities will come if you change your circumstances and if you got some movement and momentum.

Regarding your points with goals.
I think often the journey should be the main goal.
While doing and trying to achieve your goal, you got this power and have this pleasant anticipation to achieve your goals.

I think regarding setting goals, a mix of achievable and very high goals is a good one.
I just published a post about my personal goals for 2018.
Have a look if you're interested.
I would also really like to hear what your main goals are, just in case you want to reveal this.

All in all - very good post again :)

To find a great opportunity comes down to luck. To have access to many good opportunities is also down to luck. A person born into the right family is born with access to more chances to succeed than a person born into the wrong family. It is entirely luck which family we are born into, as it is also luck what we are born with in terms of what we have to work with in entire resources.

The point is even people who are not born with much may stumble upon the opportunity of a lifetime. The distinction between people seems to be that the people who know it is the opportunity of a lifetime and do everything they can to leverage that one shot, are the one's who seem to keep finding new opportunities for continued grow and development. People who let once in a life time opportunities pass them by, due to self sabotage, lack of confidence, or fear of high risk, then what do you think happens? It is possible they may never get another chance like that again.

I see Steem for many of us as this kind of once in a life time opportunity. If you are a high profile Steemit blogger it is like you made it into the NBA or NFL or any other ridiculously against the odds position. If we understand how lucky we are to be in the positions we are in, with regard to crypto, then we can see that if we are here posting then we are seizing an opportunity of a lifetime right now.

The question is how to leverage opportunities whilst minimizing regret?

Constantly learning things of interest to me when I want something new is how I create new opportunities or experiences. Always satisfying when it goes well too! :)

aww I totally agree with that! :) We make are own opportunities! HAPPY NEW YEARS CHICA!

Sounds a lot like me, getting stuck in a rut to scared to try something new in case i fail.

This sounds like a quote I once read about leaders not waiting for opportunities but creating them. Btw, have you ever @kaylinart read Brian Tracy's book titled Master Key to Success(?) He had a whole chapter on creating desired circumstances. This is a great post. I love it. You simply put into words what I've been experiencing for years now.

Wow really? I think I'll need to get a copy of that book. I read a lot of books like that. But haven't heard of that one Thank you.

You read a lot of books? Me too. Got hundreds of ebooks. Can't go a day without reading. You are very much welcome.

Would it be okay if we can link up and get some of those books.
You can check my Facebook link on my profile here.I use this same name on discord and Steemit chat....hope to hear from you soon.

I really don't use Facebook that much,neither do I use Steemit chat at all. Here's my whatsapp number : +2348081796814. You can just message me.

I just messaged you bro and followed you hehehe.Check your whatsapp

Stress is the name of the spiritual exhaustion that has come to the fore as a consequence of the struggle of the fighters. The way to stay away from this is consent and worship. The greatest error and defeat is believing as "what happens" to things that are not. This belief creates a space within the human being, and this gap reduces the anxiety, the human being, to the well. That's the name of stress! So, do not worry about the opportunities you missed... @kaylinart

But who can tell what the best is? That is why we must not get caught up in happiness, and we should not worry about other people. My experience tells me that such opportunities do not go out more than two or three times in a lifetime in the face of people, and if we allow them to go so far, we will have rejected them for the rest of our lives.

Exactly! We do not know, which ones would be the best.

Opportunities do not come to expect. If he comes, he will go back without hearing our soul. You need to look wisely to see it. Sometimes it comes up to my foot, but it is also rare to assess why. It is necessary to add our life to the best of the possibilities that life offers us. There is a saying, "The escaping fish will be great." Every chance of being abducted keeps people afraid of the size. Who knows, it is not such a big opportunity, even a point, but is it an elite flight, it looks as big as a mountain.

So true.

I agree is very accurate. And now I will not insist on reading your comments.

2018 - the year I seize oppertunities!!


Wow Love it! Just don't beat yourself up too hard if you miss the occasional one.

Good opportunities are not equally available to everyone. Good opportunities may not be scarce in numbers but access to good opportunities is scarce for many. Access to great opportunities may come once in a lifetime for most.

Example? To be involved in crypto in 2013 was a once in a life time opportunity equal to having had the chance to go to an ivy league school. This sort of opportunity can be leveraged into many smaller good opportunities which can spawn from it, but if someone misses the boat due to fear of risk they might never in their life time get another opportunity as great.

We have to understand even as early adopters on Steemit, even you and I, are statistically as lucky as people who made it into the NBA or an ivy league school, and may in fact capture wealth in a similar way if we play our cards right, but we have to understand it is a matter of having been in the right place, at the right time, with the right knowledge, and the will, ability to work hard and be motivated.

It's true opportunities are not available to everyone,but at least we all get some opportunity.

As I said earlier in my comment,I think taking and seizing opportunities takes personal development,the ability to see a good opportunity and seize it.

There are many people who have joined and still join Steemit daily,but few are the ones who see Steemit as an opportunity...This all stems to personal development!!!

Many guys can't see the opportunity Steemit is,it is because it is not related to their vision(if they have a vision anyway).....!!!

As you said we early adopters,I personally joined last June 2017,but still consider myself an early adopter and cannot cal myself lucky...I have searched for such an opportunity for almost 5 years......tried a lot of stuff and failed but never gave up until finally I got Steemit...

I was always quite shy when I was younger, and as a grow I look back and can now see how many major opportunities were missed due to this. In the past few years I have had a different outlook on life and the world in general which has allowed me to better notice these potentially amazing opportunities and go at them head first. YOLO basically!

Great post by the way.

By and by such a splendid post. We as a whole need that bump or jab to change our recognizable practices so we can be available to new open doors and undertakings. I find completing a Vision Board particularly toward the start of the year is awesome for me. The reason being here and there in light of the fact that I have a bustling personality I don't perceive what it is or what heading I need to take. So when I sit discreetly and THINK what my actual needs and needs are and I put to them to a photo be it from a magazine or I draw it whatever. I compose words to propel me on my board. What's more, I include diverse dreams, dreams, objectives, cherish, familiy over the span of the year. When I accomplish an objective I compose my sentiment achievement.

Nice saying , they are different because of their needs as bellow picture .Thank you


Those are great suggestions you end with.
Some time we need to call off the hunt and distract ourselves to see things anew in the proper perspectives.

Most times the opportunities come but it never really brand itself as an opportunity

this completely describes how I beat myself up over missing crypto investments lol

Dope, and I couldn't agree more.

I love this ! We literally can create our lives by manifesting design ! Not just by thinking, although that is crucial to the recipe, but by being present in our lives and being intentional with our direction and living. I have witnessed the most beautiful insanely cosmic opportunities just by being and living this life. It’s like a game to me, fun and exciting a little anxious hehe! I love your perspective !

Good statement "Your Brain Will Get You What You Need"... I like it...
Thank you very much.. success is always for you @kaylinart....

Very interesting, I agree with what you say. Happy New Year

So many of us are set in our ways that we don’t see or pursue the opportunities. The hard part is breaking the cycle. As you mentioned, do something else that breaks that routine, mundane way of thinking. There are many people succeeding not just because they’re smart, but because they are willing to grasp the opportunities. Steemit believers for one!

You have such a way of phasing things that people tend to over complicate and reminding us that it's actually quite simple :)

Being goal oriented and resourceful in my experiences are keys to success. The more goal oriented resourceful people seem to do well. In my own life, the more goal oriented and resourceful I am, while also not ever stopping, the more success I seem to find.

To be goal oriented I just have to care about something. I could care about myself, or others, or anything, but the ability to care is why I am goal oriented. To be resourceful requires me to accurately track what I have, in terms of resources, talents, access to assistance or advice, or what I do not have, and to leverage whatever I have to work around what I don't have. What I have and don't have is often not up to me, and is just fate of birth, but rather than focus on my disadvantages I look always to leverage my advantages.

When I say not stopping I mean I am always looking to self improve, always trying for personal growth, always trying to improve my processes, my decision making, my relationships, and I think as long as I'm always moving, and not staying still, I'm progressing, and this is what I consider to be the 'work' aspect.

For me this is all about being aware enough to see the opportunities when they come and not being afraid to take the risk. I feel like I miss quite a few or am too afraid to take the leap sometimes, but othertimes I feel the right move, like how a random text from a friend about 401k's turned into a crypto conversation and led me here :)

Great article @kaylinart and Happy New Year!

Personal development helps us a lot in this whole opportunity taking thing.
It's only people who are personally developed who can see and recognise opportunities from a far.

This is the sole reason we are told to read books,attend seminars etc.
Someone who has a scarcity mindset cannot see an opportunity and cannot set clear smart goals.

Opportunity is everywhere as you say as long as you know what you are looking for.

opportunities the few that I had I did not know them, I hope you come more of them, I owe you a vote greetings

I have learned a lot from your motivation lessons and I have set my goals to don't waste any opportunity for grow myself, family and my followers.

there is a phrase "When one door closes, another opens. But often we don't see a new door, because we continue to look at the closed". This is very true. Do not despair.

You are smart

Always satisfying when it goes well too! :)Every post form you.
@upvoted and @resteemed

Hey, I am really proud of you, just like a mother. I just wanted to say that all your hard work, perserverance and also business skills are really paying off. You are like one of the people I am so proud of. Thanks for being great.

someone May have already said this, but our society functions on the scarcity lie. Advertising tries to make us afraid of missing out, or trick us into believing that those who have things must be good people who worked very hard, because those opportunities are so rare. This is a great post! Thank you for your positive energy!