Is Online Dating Good Or Bad For Society?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Are you looking for a partner, but scared thinking about your last unsuccessful date? You don’t have to wait any longer in the search for your love. With the advent of online dating services, you get ample time and scope to know the person before going out on a date. Don’t you want to make use of such services and get the man or woman of your dreams?

The whole perspective of dating has changed

There is no doubt to the fact that the online dating services have changed the whole aspect of dating. Why have the online dating sites become so popular with high success rates? Today, it is a common scenario everywhere to find singles, both men and women becoming active members of such dating sites on the internet. But the question remains, are these online dating sites right for you?

It is nothing new but the reality is, online dating is an effective way of meeting people from all across the globe who are looking for a relationship. Don’t you think it is a simple and easy mode to connect with like-minded people? Online dating is easy because you get to know about the details of the person before going on for a date.

Some cons cannot be ruled out

In case you don’t like a person’s profile, you instantly make up your mind of not dating him or her. See how easy it is to make your choices about dating your partners. You can even submit your preference partner’s details that narrow down your search. Apart from enjoying the benefits you cannot rule out the cons of such sites.

Avoid fake people

There are often, chances of connecting with a fake person who has given you all wrong information about himself or herself including the marital status. Every day you might come across so many horror stories. Be aware and inquire everything about the person before you get into a serious relationship. Your safety is in your hands.

Online dating has become immensely popular in today’s world of science and advanced technology. People find online dating sites an easy means to interact and communicate with people across the globe. Some have even found their true love and soulmate with the help of online dating sites. Does everybody portray their true self in the dating sites?

Are you aware of the reality?

It is tough to interpret the reality. Everybody make themselves look good and also try to sound very appealing. How many of the normal people look good and have that engaging personality you are looking for?
It has been seen that most of the women lie about their actual weight. They tend to cut down 5 to 10 pounds as it is believed that a man is attracted towards a slim lady. Similarly, men also misinterpret about their heights to seek women attention and applause. These lies can make it hard to sort out people quickly. Encouraging a wide range of bad dates. Sadly online dating isn't as honest as we would like it to be.

Today there are numerous editing tools available that make an ordinary looking picture stunning and picture perfect. To look attractive, men and women both take advantage of it. It becomes impossible for anyone to analyze how the person looks in real life,
Is this fair?

Whether or not online dating is right for you, is something you have to decide. But with it becoming more common, We may see limited options in the later years.


Yes be careful of online dating!!!!
Profile picture.........


Wait... Which one is supposed to be terrible.?
I think i'd rather go on a date with the second chick, who seems to be really awesome at fx makeup, rather than the selfie-lady.

You are brilliant Schro!! The second woman looks scary, But the first woman seems mega annoying with the selfie face...
Can I have a woman somewhere in the middle? Or a man for that matter XD LOL!
But I seriously agree with you that second picture, That woman has mad skills.

Agreed, you just wouldn't want to put anything in her mouth?!?!

Oh gosh So Creepy! Agreed!

Oh gosh! I hope I don;t accidentally go on a date with her!

Online dating is very cerebral and tends to match people with more practical partners. If you're looking for sex go to the bar, if you're looking for romance go to the bookstore, if you're looking for a long term domestic partner then online dating might just work;)

So true! I just wish people were more honest on how they show themselves online :) I've went out with some really strange and creepy people while looking for an honest, long term relationship! I guess you may have to go out with lots of people to find the good ones.

Hi, I used Plentyoffish because it was free but never met anyone.

I am not really interested in the topic but know how popular you are and therefore invest in your post.

Aww thank you ! I didn't realize I was popular.. LOL

I've never used Plentyoffish before! Thats cool it's free, Many websites are super expensive!
I've used a few and only met weirdos so far. I'm hoping people who have had good experiences will share them here!

My mom also just got messaged by weirdos.

Uhm, yes I think you are popular.
I just checked your blog, really nice and you make money. I will try that now also. Writing about something instead of marketing.

Try a little of both! That seems to help!
I got messaged by weirdos too! There seems to be an abundance of them.

Got it. Wish you happy blogging and see you next time :-)

One question, how do you know that they're weirdos? Were their messages weird in some way?

I have met people through facebook and other social medias but haven't dated anyone.
I wonder if people would find dates on steemit in the near future.
Why not give it a shot right now? @kaylinart Will you go out on a date with me? I know we're thousands of miles away. And, a thousand miles seem pretty far but there are planes and trains and cars, I'll walk to you if I had no other way. :P hahahaha

Just kidding, I hope I'm not offending you.

I would love that! hahaha! OMG! Alright start walking buddy, We can go on a date!

Woohoo, Awesome!!! I'll get you Rhododendrons when we meet. ;)

Online dating has it's own pros and today's society dating has become very common...they want to know how the person looks...what he/she does for living...without meeting someone and getting connected is an imaginary view which adds a tickle to your heart...we got to be careful about is blind.

never tried online dating before. love the post i will be featuring it today in my daily pick of hidden gems

Yay! Thank you again! I already follow you, So I'll be sure to upvote and comment when I see it hehe!

thank you. mmmm ok well i thing online dating could be a good this as some people find it hard to meet people to date.

Yes! Online dating could be good for those people.

Long distance relationships always have existed. Whether it was people in the military, or prisoners, or travelers.

Very true! I have no idea how some people do it! I haven't had a lot of long distance relationships because I can't handle it. But online dating adds a new dimension. I"m thankful for our new technology these days, It seems easier to connect with your significant other.

Is online shopping good or bad for society? Same concept.

I say it is good as it is another choice. There are pro/cons, just like other more traditional ways.

Agreed :) I just wanted to talk about the pros and cons, I know some people out there are very ANTI online dating, While others see it as something good and worth while.

Oh goodness! I could write a series of posts on my online dating experiences. In fact I wrote an essay about one a few years back! I'm on Match right now!

The one bad thing with online dating (and I've been guilty) is that people turn it into a shopping list like you are at the grocery store.

I want someone that has this this and this but not that and that. Meanwhile if you were to meet a person on the street and you had chemistry you wouldn't care about some of those trivial things.

Technology, the more it brings us together, the more it drives us

So true! I wonder how many people we turn down when they could have characteristics that we love.

I matched with my current girlfriend in october 2015 through tinder, i have always been sort of a introvert and through chatting is how i make the best first impression. I feel more secure while chatting because i can read and think over the message i have written and that usually leads to a better start.

In Norway dating is a rare phenomenon, we view it as an American custom from movies we have watched or stories we have read.

I"m so HAPPY! that someone found someone good on Tinder, To be honest I see the potential but I haven't had much luck.

  • I agree with you on the chatting, I like that too! Sometimes When I talk I jumble up my words and I sound really unintelligent which makes the chance of the second date, Shrink.

In Norway you don't date? Please tell me more, That sounds so weird. So what happens?

Well, you have some people that probably go on dates. But most meet people during work, hobbies or at school and just decide to hang out. Alone or with other friends, it could be that i just now described what some see as a date. But my definition of a date is asking someone out for dinner, just to get to know each other and see if there is a connection.
Most of my friends met their significant other by coincidence.

So true! I like that! Sometimes our "dates" are a bit annoying, We are expected to spend lots of money to get to know each other, I like that it sounds more casual in Norway. It seems better that way. Dating can get so expensive. I often like to ignore the expense all together.

Yeah it is casual in Norway. Internet dating keeps the social aspect and removes the financial one at first. If both parties are honest during their internet conversation they are off to a good start.
You just earned yourself a follower for a great post and for keeping it social in the comment section. :)

Others have made good use of online dating and are happily coupled whilst some members in society had taken advantage of people to scam them for their money and other things. It's become both good and bad. Traditional dating was how i was coupled and how i think most people are. But who know, with the way technology is going, online dating could be the new way of dating. In so many ways, we're seeing the beginning of it.

So true! I wonder if they'll use virtual reality too with dating that will be interesting to see.

Maybe it does and maybe it's not, it depends solely on how a person will interact on each other.


What I think is good about online dating now, is that it's come out of the shadows from its earlier days.

Now there is no stigma attached to it, so you are much more likely to meet normal, nice people; I've even heard of a Tinder marriage!


A Tinder Marriage! yay that sounds wonderful! So far with my experience Tinder hasn't been the best to meet people. I have met one decent person. But thats about it lol.

I miss the times where you actually ringed the bell on the door and asked the Person if he wants to go out

OH gosh those were good days! For the woman especially. I loved feeling like the princess who is retrieved from her house!

My husband and I have been together for 8 years so far. We met on the internet. Technology is a beautiful thing.

I think it's a good thing, for the most part! Some people are reclusive and this gives them a chance to interact with people they regularly wouldn't. It's also good for people moving to new areas who might need help adjusting. I met my partner online, and I couldn't be happier. :)

I had two children with my first wife, who I met through Yahoo personals, back when it was all text and a simple paragraph intro. No success with more modern matchup sites, met my current wife when I went back to college.

Like everything online, always take whatever you find with a pinch of salt. People used to be a lot more open online and these days they portray an alterego which really shows themselves off of what they really want the world to see.

Check out my article here about dating East Asian women.

I saw an interesting article about the same topic. I am sure you would love to read it

I consider the Internet as a way to find new friends and acquaintances of interest. About the search for love - I admit that this can be, but I believe more in a chance meeting somewhere on the street or in a cafe.

I think everyone tried registering on dating sites like

The first impression is your photo. Go to the pages. Look for those with whom a lot in common. Why not take the initiative? Write that we have similar interests, and invited this weekend to the rink or to the cinema.

After reading the author's messages about acquaintances on the Internet, I still out of curiosity decided to visit the above-mentioned dating. com. Maybe I am not used to such communication, because I did not see the one that could be interesting there. Of course, I may also have searched for her a little.

I do not see anything wrong with dating on the Internet. this is a very nice thing and besides you can always find interesting people among millions, I liked this option, you can see various sites yourself and find something interesting for yourself

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