in #life7 years ago


My Old Desk

I Loved this desk, But it was just too small. I had to constantly rearrange stuff just to do different activities, Which made it less likely for me to do those activities.
This isn't actually a real desk. It's for a "Mini" bar table that could be used at someones house. I'm not sure what thats called. But it's awkwardly tall. So most desk chairs weren't compatible with it, Making it extremely uncomfortable to sit on the stools that it came with for hours.


I ended up putting my computer on the floor, So I had more space.

I had it on the desk, To show it off on Facebook, To try and get more people to join Steemit :)


Steemit, And my Part Time Job Made This Possible!

I've been wanting a new desk for years, But it's one of those things I felt couldn't be justified. Finally, With all the stress building up in my life, as I try and keep up with everything built. I decided to go ahead and splurge on this beauty.
I have always wanted an L Desk, So I could use one side for computer stuff, and one side for art, reading and writing.
I also didn't want to get anything too heavy or hard to move. Because I may be moving a lot soon so I need something I can disassemble and take with me.


I Still Have A Mess Of Cords I Need To Take Care Of

My Art station


Computer area


I even got a new chair, That is soooooo comfy!

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Yay! Finally you have freedom of movement. Hehe :)
You have so much room for actitivites now! ;)
But I am glad you have been able to upgrade and will have an easier time working now.

Yes! I'm noticing a big difference already, My brain got tired before my body. As weird as that sounds lol

Oh No that GIf Makes me worried my glass desk is gonna break! lol

Hehe I on the other notice a difference of a moved desk, pedestal fan needs to be turned while gaming or my arm bumps it, but the cord for the second monitor wouldn't reach where the desk was.

Also it won't break, so long as you don't jump on it. 😂

And all good about up voting the comment, I was busy and didn't notice but thank you, as always. Your support makes my life and having some back up cash comfortable. :)

Sorry, i'm trying to upvote your comment, But it's being glitchy lol. I'll keep trying!

Wow! That is a huge upgrade! Daily hard work clearly pays off everytime! Congratulations for this! :D

@kaylinart congratulations for new computer :) I'm sure that with your new computer, we will be able to post more beautiful posts to Steemit followers.because you are improving yourself every day.. :))

Loveeee it !! It looks so much better , I hope one day I can make a space like this when I get a house and make steemit a full time thing :D

Aww I'm sure you can at some point!! I didn't have the space for it either. LOL I had to cram the desk into the corner of my room, My bed is nearby. hahah.

Out of bed and Right to work :S

Changing a person's room is the same as changing his or her life.Throw out things that do not work from your life, leave room to add your new... :))) @kaylinart

Well done @kaylinart. That's quite a beast of a computer you have there.

I'm sure your Steemit time will be all the more comfy and productive now. :D

Right? Steemit bought me that in June Of last year <3
Truly a life changing platform.

Wow. I’m impressed. I suppose my goal of having Steemit pay for my trip to South America this year is quite reasonable then. :)

Oh yeah thats an upgrade right there! I made some new changes to my workspace/bedroom this weekend. Theres nothing like that feeling of getting new things haha

Wow really? Thats still good hehe :) Small changes will make a difference, Maybe soon you can get a few new things.

This is fantastic, and I won't lie by telling I'm not envy. Well, I can inspiration from this. I really wanted to get a nook/corner like this where there is a station for my different hobbies.

Oh wow that looks so much better :D Now we even get more drawings and articles on steemit of you :D

Hi Kaylin. You have a lot of talent. I also say again that you are very good at video recording. But I think you should put yourself in front of the lenses. Do not leave us behind. And as someone with a lot of talent, I think you should hire a villa. lol A room for every ability.
I think it's a good idea. @kaylinart

Aww Thank you :)
I Just need to get the guts to do that! I'm really scared lol.
A villa! That would be awesome <3 By the beach lol

Absolutely! lol
I share your success, I think everyone should see!

Beach and villa. lol It will be great for you. I think you should think about it. @kaylinart

The old desk was really bad. I love that the new table is coming.

Thank you :)

Haha, your old desk was really really small! It's definitely a goos choice that you decided to gey a new one. I'm sure your productivity will increase :D

I hope so too hehe :) it was really small hehe.

Very Nice! Now Start Creating...:)

Lovely, effective set up. I don't know about you but when everything is in it's place and is all orderly I myself feel more in control. Love your red power chair.

Thank you :) I Feel the same way! When things are messy I can't focus!

I hope you are happy to use your new computer. Now with the wish to spend more time with us steem. By the way, you have designed the room very nicely. You also showed your artist here.

Aww Thank you :) I hope the desk will allow me to spend more time on Steemit,

hahah we hope so :))) @kaylinart

@kaylinart It is so Funny that you wrote this posting, I don't even want to mention the Pressboard piece of Garbage I have had my LapTop on for years. Now you have me wanting to get on the NEW DESK Bandwagon. Thank You for reminding me how Cheap I am about purchasing something I could really use.

You definitely deserved a new table . It's a very nice one and I really like the L shape so you can switch activities without having to clean for a long time. Draw a little, switch to the computer, and then back to drawing- perfect

Wow....that's awesome new desk. Now you can do both task with since both desks. Reading and steemit very different things. I wish you will get very soon L desk for multi task. Too small to you old one and this one is some enough. Not only enough. Also nice chair with red color.

BEAUTIFUL space and disk. Important question, how long do you think you can keep it that clean/neat/clear? 1.5 days/hours? Should we make a bet? :)

Look already 10 times better :D
On the first desk my stuff wouldn´t even fit on.
I´ve got a 90cm long mousepad. (But also a 1,60m long desk which is really cool and useful.) ;)

New things , New life @kaylinart

Right? Hehe

Congratulations! Hard work pays off, and will make you more productive in the future.

Right? Thank you, I feel like the desk will pay for itself.

I'm glad for you on your behalf.I have already told you that the artist is soulful and this spirit is also reflected in the table design.New computer masks get better.

thank you
follow me @harunbadilli pleaseee....

Very nice! I've been collecting parts for a computer and just need a power supply and case at this point. Been using my phone for most of my activities, so I know how it is.

Wow that looks way more better and organised :)) I like it its also kind of fancy looking!

That’s one sexy workstation!!!

Mine is still like your original. I bought the desk at IKEA in 1996.

I like the idea of an L desk too.

You're right. That old desk was not large enough at all.

Congrats on the new setup. Looks nice. Here is a pic of my own :)


Omg that computer is so bad ass looking!

Nice set up kaylin!! Love that you have a separate space for each activity :D definitely will help you to keep on creating all the awesome stuff you make/write!

New desk looks great. Now you're all set to create some art magic!

Well your blog really inspires me, yeah I'm the red he'd who stops by often, 😂 however I'd wish to tell you that I enjoy your works. And now that you got your table, bigger and better I say congratulation on that oneWow I should say, blogging just got better with @kaylinart.

And two monitors!

I'm pretty jealous...

Show off.... :)) 👍

I just cleaned off my old desk a couple months ago. I now have room to do my work at home!

Hope this works for you!

nice table... nice mind.... nice work.....nice life.....

Congrats on these awesome upgrades. I bet with the increased productivity these will pay for themselves in less than a year.

Now this is going to be your best, comfy place in your home now. That means you going to be even more addicted to work on steemit.I love your new desk and a nice comfy chair and you made the best decision buying it @keaylinart.

Enjoy your new, awesome office.

Your new desk seems so nice! I'm sure its going to make you want to be on the computer EVEN more! :).

The new desk is very nice, I like this new desk design, the size of the picture is very nice, it looks good on your desk,

Wow thats great!!

wow thats nice now you can enjoy more writing good stuff , and chage is needed in life to get moving on ... ;-)

Nice desk.

wow, should be awesome to have two monitors!

I need a new desk I should be ordering one soon. I like your L shaped one though I am too clumsy to get glass

ohh ho hoo that is amazing i am loving this ... i wish i could have the same pc

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