How To Make A Living With Your Writing!

in #life7 years ago


Many people dream of being a writer but are too afraid to take the plunge. We see writers as making little, Maybe living in a tiny house typing away at their typewriter.
But that doesn't have to be the case, But you still should get the typewriter! Because typewriters are cool!
These days we have the most incredible opportunities to turn our writing into something new and amazing. We can build full sized businesses with our content. And feed our families with writing.

Show Off Your Work

I get the same comment from people whenever I encourage them to join Steemit.
" What Should I write about?"
" What If they don't like my work?"
They are so reluctant to join because they are scared for people to see their work.
I mean I'm scared too! Even after writing so many posts I get a little scared to push that publish button.
Your writing may not be perfect, but it's important that you share it even if you are scared.
One of my biggest fears as an artist, Was when I had to compete in a competition in high school, I had to paint/draw a picture from START to finish. IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE. It was traumatizing. I was painting, And so many people would walk by, Some people would stop and stare at what I was doing.
I always got a little scared, "What are they thinking?"
"Do they like it?".
But putting myself out there was one of the best things I've done for myself. Now I'm self-employed. So even if your writing isn't that good DO IT!

Don't Wait For Opportunities

This was one of my biggest faults in high school; I was always waiting for the opportunity to present it's self.
For someone well known to "notice" my work and give me an amazing career.
Because of that, I wasn't online as often LOOKING for those opportunities! Which could have made a HUGE impact!
When we wait for opportunities, We are throwing away opportunities. Sometimes the window of opportunity is small, and you have to jump into it!
When I am talking to people about joining Steemit, One of the questions I ask is, "If you could go back in time and buy Facebook Stock, Would you?"
People ALWAYS say "Yes!".
I then tell them "Well, Heres your chance."

When you have your brain open to opportunities, It seems as though opportunities gravitate towards you.
These days you can write Kindle books, Steemit posts, you can do freelance writing, There are so many opportunities for writers to make a buck. If you stay in the same niche and keep growing, you can build a monster sized content business.
Look At Steve Scott
He's a popular author on Amazon. He writes nonfiction and has written over 60 books. I love this books; They are short and very helpful! He makes over six figures a year with this book business.
He works hard, and to be honest, Many of his books aren't anything too crazy fancy, They are nonfiction with good research and personal information.

You can be successful as a nonfiction or a fiction writer! It just takes hard work and pursuing the right opportunities.

Diversify Your Income

This is probably the most important of the tips. Diversifying your income is very important so you can survive without a job.
Whenever I'm making good money doing something, I ask myself.
"IF I lose this income source, How Would I survive?"

This makes me ensure that I have enough sources of income to keep myself going.
The average millionaire has seven sources of income.

This can be hard to juggle. I have 3 Major things I dedicate my time to.

  1. Steemit
  2. My T-Shirt business
  3. My life/Coloring books.

My goal is to get my shirt business running itself so I can work more on coloring books. I also have a goal to post more art/coloring page posts on Steemit.
These are my sources of income; I also have a bunch of other, Smaller less significant ones that bring in 10.00 or so each month.
But I don't count those as much. Make sure to pursue more than one opportunity, so you are properly balanced.

Don't Focus on The money

But you want to make a living?!
I'm not saying you shouldn't charge money. But you shouldn't only care about the money you are getting.
When you focus on money, You are less focused on delivering VALUE to the customer.
Charge what you are worth, But at the same time focus on the customer Or reader. Don't publish one book per week, Unless you can provide a quality book.
Otherwise, customers will catch on, and they'll see what you are doing.
It's like those fun places, Or At the DMV, Where they just seem to "nickel" And "dime" you for everything. NO ONE likes that!
Want water? That's 10.00 Please!
Want to borrow a book? Another 10.00
Oh wait, you forgot our sidewalk, and building tax fee.
Oh wait, You want to enjoy our cold air conditioned air? 5.00

Readers don't want to feel like you have your hand in their wallets. They want to feel like, Your writing is changing their life, And as a result, they want to throw money your way.

Being a writer is about building a consistent and strong business, While diversifying, And providing value, This is in a nutshell how you can make a living with your writing.


This one spoke to me on so many levels. I know I am not the best writer, but I try at least. Failure is better than no result at all. So I just keep going at it. At least each failure is a leason learnt.

The niche part is the hardest for me. I'm a Jack of all trades, master of non. Average at most things. I didn't know what to write about at first so I just started writing what I know about. And that was helping people edit and make their posts look better. It's doing ok, not sure if I can keep it up though. Some advice would be greatly appreciated here.

Stay awesome and cool! Love your work! Looking forward to a response♥

Hehe I Love your comment ;)
The niche is what I struggle with as well. Maybe we just have to pick one of our favorites! I tend to jump around all over the place too. But I really like doing animal/nature coloring books as well as sweary ones. So that works for me. Maybe you can pick your favorite or see what is doing the best. hehe.

Thank you so much hehe :)

I will do the same then. Follow the master's advice =) jump around. Just always wondering what my followers will think... But yes. Thank you for the kind words. =)

I spent all of last night thinking of steemit posts and forgot all of them in the morning. Drat! Where was my notebook when I needed it?

I agree too with @kaylinart post as a new members at steemit I focus my writing on what will add value to the platform rather than focusing on money. People that like my posts show their appreciation and thank goodness to the latest update, our posts are seeing more success. Thanks for your comment

Very often, aspiring writers are too much in their head and too little in their heart. Too much thinking foresees only trouble, which is unnecessary and destructive. When a person learns not to think too much, just write from the heart and not worry, that person will be surprised about the possibilities. Especially now that we have Steem.

Wow! Beautiful comment! Exactly! Overhinking will cause people lose focus on producing their work and by focusining on the reader of their content.

Yes, I totally agree with all of your point. But well, it would be very hard for many of us in Asia country. As the education system just teach us to study hard and find a good job, and that's all. It influence the parents alot. So, if you got asian friend you will find that if they want to be self-employed, they got reaction from their parents that don't do this, find a good job, have a stable income. That's quite a situation for us. But, yes, I totally agree with your point in the article.

No matter where you are in the world, starting with a stable income is always a good idea. Then, from that point, start a side gig, something small and that you can work to mostly automate. When you reach the point that it brings some income without too much of your attention, it's time to start another small side gig.

Keep that going for awhile, adding a new small income stream after the previous one can mostly take care of itself. Of course, some of those experiments will fail, but since they are small those failures won't set you back.

At some point either you will have one that will pick up stream and provide a large part of your income while stability will be assured by the other smaller ones, or the number of income streams will add up for some real income. When all your side gigs start earning you more money than your "stable job" it will be time to leave it behind.

This will give you what is called an antifragile lifestyle, which is basically what @kaylinart is describing. It is actually much more secure than a single stable job that can disappear at any time (because of cutbacks, closures, or simply you getting fired). With several diversified income streams no matter what happens, even if you suddenly lost a few of them, you will always have some money coming in. A good read about that is Nassim Nicolas Taleb's book ANTIFRAGILE -Things that gain from disorder.

Maybe a should write an article about all of this. What do you think?

Oh my god, man You really get what I'm think about and what my concern is. Yes, how come I have never thought about I can make it step by step. What, I can start with one small little income first and then keep adding on it. Yes, it will take time and many effort but that's exactly what we can make a strategy to step forward! Man, I do appreciate your sharing, it ignite me!

My pleasure!

I like reading your article.
I can understand your writing easily.
Your advices are very useful for me.
There are a lot of cool artists in Steemit but I feel boring on the financial talk.
I interest in your writing because it's much closer than my hobbies.
Please keep the great work.
Always thanks!😄

Thank you! Hehhee I'm glad we write about similar things hehe.

I am new here and still in the phase in which trying to find my way! I have to thank you for this- it's not just about giving a tip to someone here but saying great truths. Fear and your head thinking just about money does not help at all.
Maybe what lacks in many articles are the stories behind it? The original part and what make that article really yours?
Wish you the best!

I am the worse writer ever but I won't let that stop me expressing myself lol... I been on steemit for two weeks and it's looking real good so far. Great Post :)

Thank you so much hehe :) I feel the same! You'll improve though. I noticed a huge improvement over the last year.

I'll get to your level one of these days 🤑❤️

Same here, I joined Steemit in March but felt so intimidated by the whole idea of having to write articles and posting for the world to see.

I have learned a lot by reading some very informative posts on here and only recently tried dipping my toes into the pool and posting a few articles.

They probably far from being very good, but it's part off the learning to become better.

I followed ya chris, we all can support each other 😂😂😂

Thank you. Also followed you.

thanks for the post
I best post I have read today on steemit is the following post .You should read it I promise it will be motivational

I am also a writer. Planning a book. And as you said if i just focus on writing then i will surely starve. So i have a full time job which i intend to keep and i cant let my inner writer die so i have to keep on finding ways to "show off"my work.
btw it was lovely to read your write-up.
Good Luck

Exaclty!! It can be a hard balance to do both at the same time, But if you treat your writing projects like a business your building, You are more likely to be successful.

yeah...that is why im here on steemit :)

True, do not wait for opportunities, you have to look for them to succeed!

Exactly hehe :)

Great post. I write about things, that could improve people lives, but it seems this posts is not largely seen. I am still going to write, if one person benefited my job is done. Keep up whit the amazing work.

I'm liking the Facebook/steemit comparison! Fingers crossed!

Right? same here hehe :) I hope it gets as big as Facebook! I fully believe it has the potential.

Great article and I agree diversification is key!

YEs!! Hehe I feel like we both do a very good job on that one.

I totally agree with your saying that writing may not be perfect, but it's important that you share it even if you are scared because writers are not born but are made here on STEEMIT...

This post received a 2.9% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @kaylinart! For more information, click here!

Thank you :)

Ohh like amazing reaaly I vote you

I am always scared to put myself out there. I tried doing Youtube once, but I succeeded in making two vlog posts and never returned to it because the anxiety was real. For some reason, knowing that people are seeing my face and hearing my voice, makes things 100 time more frightening. I think this is why I took to writing. I have great difficulty talking about things that matter to me, so I wrote them down. Unfortunately I still worry about whether people will care about or enjoy what I have to contribute. Im not an exciting person, in my opinion and I often convince myself that others will view me the same way. Love the post.

great tips! will follow them for sure and you too kaylin! ;)

awsome post,, resteemed

Keep hustling!

Absolutely brilliant... and SO true! At least for most of us...

Great post!
This is good writing.
Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

I Agree with you
Money is by product of every business or work
Focus on work money catches you

... come to Steemit!

You only improve when you keep on writing, and eventually you will just be good!

very inspiring, reading this post brings hope. You have my upvote automatically!

There's a lot of great advice in this piece, especially the part about diversifying. There are so many opportunities for writers to earn money beyond blogging and writing books -- you just have to be open to expanding your skills and thinking outside of the box. 🙂

Great, i always follow your blog, sometime, your article can advice my self

Write about topics you are passionate about. This will make writing much more enjoyable and the more enjoyable it is, the better the results will be.

Excellent article!

I think a lot of potential writers but so many "fences" in their own way that they just make make a go of it. "Can't make a living, who's going to read my stuff, what should I write about, where can I publish, yadda, yadda...." The problem being that with so much focus on what can go wrong something probably will go wrong.

Just hang onto your regular job and start writing. And put your writing "out there," whether as blogger or guest columnist for a niche web site. Write what you're passionate about; write about things that interest you... and stop worrying about "popularity." It's a really big world out there, so even if you have expertise and passion for something super specialized... you still could end up with 50K readers, which is plenty to earn a living, if you do things right.

Excellent advice, thank you! Do you recommend anything to help with writing skills and content? Maybe a good tutorial or something.

Most writers regard the truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are most economical in its use

I just threw a bit of money your way. So please be careful and don't step on it. 😉 watch your toes! Great post! Thanks!☺

I really enjoyed your post @kaylinart. I like to write and I can't imagine a more supportive environment to share it.

When you focus on money, You are less focused on delivering VALUE to the customer.

This happened to me on steemit, I began to focus more and more on the money that I lost sight of what made me come in the first place. Wich was a community of like minded individuals

Other day you put a post "Things That You NEED To STOP Believing!", where you mentioned, "You will never be ready".
It goes on the same notion. don't wait for the opportunity. When it knocks your door, your should open it up and explore.
Whomever you might have encouraged, they don't see the bright side, the side of opportunity. That's clearly distinguished from your path and theirs. How you made it here and they are not.
I liked the main theme of this post :)

Thank you for this post!
I hope I can transfer some of the things you have said into my own writing, making me a better writer

I must say , great article , great advice . Things are not going to just be laying around waiting for you , you have to get out there and be willing to take chances , without chances , we can not say we have actually tried

The beautiful and talented @kaylinart, I learn a lot each time I read your post. Like I always tell my followers, read to comprehend and not to comment.

This post got me thinking. Thanks so much for this awesome post.

@kaylinart well reading ur posts keeps me inspired for writing on steemit but god daymmm!!! I m a worst writer i dont think ill ever succes on steemit but u r great as always✌✌🖖
upvote for u
#upvot me too

Hope to be able to write and make a living myself. Thanks for sharing this. Good luck!

You shared some really useful thoughts and reflection here. I agree being a writer is tough business and for the most writers out there, quite non lucrative for a long time after they get into it. Not sure when I'll really kick start my writing career. I am new to sharing my thoughts and work with people outside my circle but I am leapfrogging as much as I can. All the best and looking forward for more of your bits of wisdom! :)

Resteeemed! xoxo

Very good post. Lots of great points made.

Very well said. Thank you for the infos 😃

Very well said. Thank you for the infos 😃

Precious words! Thank you for the advice!

Your posts are really cool, can I please ask you for a huge favour to resteem my last introduceyourself post, I'm trying to get up to 50 followers, will do anything back to help you!!!

Great advice. The story is the reward of the telling. Sometimes I just enjoy word-smithing a sentence into meaning. Creating something that drives emotion and colorful imagination.

I even have a friend when i asked her to join steemit she thought it was a MLM.