How To Fail Less!

in #life7 years ago

You ARE GOING TO FAIL! Yup! If you try anything in life, sometimes you will fail. And you'll have to deal with it, Overcome and fight it. THis will allow you to move forward. Obviously failing the same thing over and over again is a big fat waste of time though. So I disagree with those people who say that it's good to "fail often."
Sure, If you don't know how to deal with failure, It's good to learn as soon as possible. But once you fully grasp the consequences of failure and you know how to learn from it quickly, It becomes this good thing that can help you.
Here are tips to help you fail less frequently so you can achieve your goals fast.

Record How You Are Doing Things

I can't emphasize that enough. When you pay attention to what is happening and how, you learn about what you can do to improve and fix things. When you don't pay attention to data, you are more likely to be confused about why you are failing.

As someone who is self-employed, I regularly do "Time Audits" On myself. Where I force myself to write down what I did for each hour every day for a few days.
While this sounds like a time-consuming thing, It's not, And you'll get a good idea of how you are wasting time real quick.

Also recoding things, in general, will allow you to expand in areas that are WORKING!
There was a specific "type" of shirt I was selling a lot of, But I was unaware. Once I looked at the data, I started making more shirts related to that topic. As a result, I have increased my sales by over 30%

There Is Almost ALWAYS A Way

To record what you are doing! So get creative and figure it out. Sometimes it won't be 100% Accurate, But if you can get it mostly accurate. It will make a difference.

Look At The Results

Surprisingly though, We sometimes collect data then forget to look at the results. The results are going to tell us exactly whats going on, And that makes a big difference. So Don't hesitate to spend some time looking at the results.
There is no point in collecting data if you aren't going to use the results to help you.

Review & Make Changes

Reviewing your data and coming up with an action plan is important for continuous growth. Otherwise, you'll just naturally keep doing the same thing over and over again.

We Never Know What Will Work!

It's almost impossible to predict your exact results from something. SUre we can see other people do it, Then hope to get the same results.
But ultimately things may or may not workout. And it's better to try something that isn't perfect rather than something that is.

I love this comparison with Steemit and Synereo.
They released an "imperfect" version of Steemit. And now they are making improvements; I respect that so much more. Than what Synereo is doing, And they are taking forever to release the "final" product that may or may not do well.
Sometimes you just have to take that chance. This reminds me of the quote, "Better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. "

When you drag things out, They get expensive.
And no, I'm not just referring to money, But also time. So do what you can to make adjustments quickly and try to learn everything you can. This will cause you to fail a little more frequently at first, But you'll get to the success much faster.



Sometimes you will fail over & over & for the same reason. It's up to you to correct it. If you don't you're insane, literally, because that's the definition of insanity doing the same thing over & over and expecting, magically, some sort of different result

Exactly! Thats why it's great to collect data on things :)

Such a good point about recording data. It often seems like a "boring" thing to do, so I personally tend to procrastinate doing it or avoid it. But I'm sure there are several endeavors I would have gotten better results in, had I been more disciplined and actually recorded data. Thanks for the well written reminder. May we all learn quickly and fail less often :)

That picture of the bridges between the buildings is so beautiful (may be the best site to visit in the whole city). I've been there (Hamburg, Germany) about 7 months ago. It was an awesome city to visit!

@kaylinart My favorite Lady who is a WINNER and NEVER a LOSER........

You are putting out some good posts. Keep it up.

Great advise for success

One of the best pieces of advice was this. How do you know when you are taking enough action?
Don't peak at the answer :)
Answer: You encounter NEW problems. If you are not having new problems you are not taking enough action. If you keep having the same problems you are not correcting and growing.

Awesomeness 👍
Upvoted and resteemed 👍
Thanks for the motivation!

I believe failure is a delayed success so I'm never afraid to move forward @kaylinart

Thanks for nice post sharing

This post is very helpful. Of course I believe that, Failure is not Stop me. It's just a new way of my own life. 😊😊😊

The true meaning of fail ^^

Without hardworking any task cannot run successfull..thanks madam

Sometimes you will fail over and over and for the same reason.
It's up to you to correct it.

"And it's better to try something that isn't perfect rather than something that is"
Great quote!! Totally agree on the part about not knowing what will work.

Great post! I couldn't agree more with your point of recording what you are doing. That has helped me out so much with my weight loss this year. I have found its a great way to game plan and like the other point you made to review and make changes. I find with anything I have found success with doing these simple yet important things have always aided me on pulling through. Once again amazing post!

HI @kaylinart! so happy to find you here. I love connecting with like minded people from all over the world. I will follow you and I hope you do the same so we can stay connected :)

I totally agree! You can nail most things if you have a plan and the drive to make them happen. And I love the data, it really tells a story.

The way to fail less is to look at failures not as failures but as lessons, and on ways to learn how to succeed better and reach that success more readily.

Nice Click @kaylinart ! I hope you enjoy here ! I will give the vote to you, please follow me

You are definitively a doer and that is the right attitude to get things done in a successful way.
Definetively I shall check how many hours I spend on this bloody steemit, instragram, facebook and tinder every week instead of working and I would be ashamed of myself wasting so much time and being not very productive!!!
I don't even have the courage to do it.

Mistake is a process of learning something new. But making the same mistake over and over again is not a good thing. If you make a mistake, learn from it. That's how you grow much faster.

Thank you so much @kaylinart for sharing this.

Never surrender yourself to failure. A failure is not known till the time the urge and will to win is lost.

Thanks for sharing the motivational blog.

Some great tips. Though we encountered some failures in life and our business, which taught us a lot, I agree repeated failure is a waste of time.

How To Fail Less?

Great post @kaylinart ! look forward to more of your posts!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment