πŸ‰πŸ‰How Parkinson's Law Affects Your Ability To Be Productive! πŸ‰πŸ‰

in #life β€’ 7 years ago

Did you know that your deadlines may be hurting your ability to be productive in both the long and short term?

What is Parkinson's Law?

Is the law that states that work will fill the time available for its completion.
Even simple tasks will grow until they fill the time allocated. Or if you give less time, It simplifies so you can get it done on time.
Haven't you noticed that you often get things done, Whether it's a homework assignment or a work assignment, Done in the amount of time that has been given? Or close to it?

Back when I was a janitor, I was given a specific amount of time to do my job every day. My job involved the same areas for cleaning each day.
Usually, I would get 3-4 hours.
But on some days, I had to lock up the building early, because I had other responsibilities. So I then would have to do my work a lot faster than I was used to.
I always noticed that If I gave myself only 2 hours instead of 4 to get the work done, I would somehow figure out a way to finish it on time.

This is something that can be applied to every area of your life.
When you give yourself too much time, You'll over complicate it, Or procrastinate, so it doesn't get done when it's supposed to. But the opposite is exact as well, Give yourself a lot less time. And you'll get those same things done a lot quicker. You'll probably look for loopholes or ways to cut corners.

Tight Deadlines

Having tight deadlines will allow you to get your work done faster, We often give ourselves too much time. This will force you to work more quickly, And with most things. It's okay not to be a Perfectionist about the task. We can go back and correct it if necessary.

Have Penalties

Have penalties when you don't get things done on time. I usually will cut out unhealthy habits that I have. Like if I don't complete something on time, I won't be allowed to watch any TV for a week. Or I'll make myself run my usual run a lot faster. When you have penalties, you will be more likely to accomplish the task in a way that you are supposed to.

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Great post! I'm a perfectionist myself and without limits I just keep on going...Couple of weeks ago I had an artwork that needed color. Usually I go on for days shading but this artwork wasn't worth the time and had projects going on that were more important. I said to myself I give myself 2 hours max and went for it. I posted it on Steemit and got featured on an artpost and someone on instagram asked me if he could tattoo it on himself. I had to resist the urge to recolor/shade it again because I saw so many imperfections...

Felt like a slap in the face of my perfectionism :)

I think putting penalties on yourself when you fail to accomplish the tasks on time is a great way to learn discipline to avoid excuses as you say, it is interesting because sometimes it is not good to manage time well if you are not going to fulfill completely with your Activities, then you're failing so you think it's not like that! Thanks for the post some things I found useful to put them into practice :)

This is where disciplines also comes in. Many times when we don't work with the time in mind, we end up spending a whole lot of time doing what would have been done and over with in a lesser time. I think grounding myself/penalty will help correct a lot.

Thanks @kaylinart

I need to try giving myself a penalty for procrastination. In my case, it could mean hanging out on Steemit or denying myself food or beer.

Love it! Not the steemit part! Thats a brutal punishment. Lmao it's like your denying yourself air.

Yeah, but it should work well. Also, staying out of Steemit.com would either force one to use Busy.org, eSteem or refrain from blogging altogether which would actually cost money. Very effective.

It depends on how well you deal with pressure...many successful people are guilty of severe procrastination.

@kaylinart Yes and I stopped watching TV almost 4 years ago. I am much more productive in other areas of my life now..........

WOW I love that! I watch a very limited amount of TV as well and it really helps.

Like Jeff Berwick says β€œIt’s called β€˜programming’ for a reason.”


Thank you :)

I studied Parkinson at school, such an horrible disease...

Yes, a horrible disease, but this article is about work filling time, a different subject.

great article girls :)

Going to give deadlines to myself to get more things done from now on! Gonna be more productive thanks to your post!

Be cautious...Parkinson’s Law invokes Murphy’s Law. :)

The procrastination factor is huge. You'll feel less stressed if you begin working on something when you have plenty of time versus just hours before the deadline.

I also like the idea of self imposed deadlines. This is a good way to hold oneself accountable & get stuff done in a timely manner

I think when there is the desire to overcome in any way those methods are other, you must be a very distracted person or lack of discipline to have to do those methods, but still very useful! Thanks for the post

Very interesting as I have never heard of Parkinson's Law. But good to know and it does make sense. Thanks for sharing @kaylinart

Great post. I am a perfectionist as well as a procrastinator. Deadly combination. I think shorter time frames and closer deadlines would deffinately help me. Grounding myself from unhealthy habbits would help as well.

Interesting concept kinda obvious but we need that reminding of the obvious thing sometimes thanks πŸ’―πŸ’