Don't Underestimate Bad Habits!

in #life7 years ago

Just like with what you consume on a regular basis. You also should never underestimate your bad habits either.

Things Don't happen Overnight

Sure, You may get that occasional bad news. Or whatever. But for the most part, The place you end up in, Is a product of all your choices, Good or bad. Little things add up. Like that "harmless" 1 hour of TV, you watch each day after a hard day of work.
Do you realize that 7 hours a week? Almost a whole shift of work for most people.

52 Weeks In A Year * 7 Hours of TV Per week = 364 Hours of TV watched in a year.

364/40 = 9.1 Work weeks "wasted" on Tv. That's like spending a whole 8-hour shift every day for two months straight watching TV.

And most people watch 3-4 hours a day. Not just 1.
We can choose whether to start building good habits, Or bad habits. Each day we make tiny decisions that add up to something much larger.
We can choose to do whats easy, Like TV or whats more difficult.

We overlook what things will have long-term effects. We don't realize that everything we do each day, Will have some long term effect. Rather it's a missed opportunity, Or the habit its self-has it's own damaging effects. (Such as smoking.)


Haven't you noticed when someone is regretting what they've done with their life, They often can't pinpoint a single moment when things went downhill?
When I regained a bunch of weight that I worked so hard to lose. It's not like I could pinpoint that "one day" that I ended up eating too many ice cream sandwiches. That caused my weight to go up overnight.
Nope... It was a combination of me gradually dropping the positive habits that I incorporated into my life, That slowly made the difference. Before I knew it, I was overweight again.

Regret is one of the worst feelings in the world. But luckily when we feel regret sometimes it's not too late to "fix" it.
Sometimes though, Bigger opportunities are somewhat lost forever. Such as those of us who considered investing in Bitcoin when it was much lower in price. We missed that perfect opportunity, But we can still invest in it now, Or find a cheaper alt coin that may go up in value later.
That's a big reason I'm holding lots of Steem.
Regret can sometimes come from a bad decision. But a lot of it is our bad daily habits that aren't getting us anywhere.

Small Stuff Adds Up!

I can't emphasize it enough. That's how I was able to become free from my job originally. Just little habits I had after work. Even though I was tired and wanted to just lay around and eat pizza (I still sometimes did that). I would force myself to crank out a few extra hours of work. And it added up.
Small things can have an impact. If you run 1 mile a day, that's 365 miles a year. And it's GOING to make a bigger difference on your body. Consistency is powerful, Consistency is important. And it can change your life.

Don't listen to those naysayers saying that it's just "1 Hour".
It's so much more than that.

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Great post! Really love your determination. And keep on believing in Steem, we all benefit from that kind of thinking.

Regarding bad habits...I was on a seminar one day and the one thing that the nurse told us stayed in my mind:

"It's never to late to start making changes in your life. Everyone have a 24h day, it's up to you, how you will decide to spend it!"

Hello, Kaylin. Thank you very much for your words.

You are right about everything. Small steps, long term dedication, believing in your dream, quitting is not an option.

I am following you now and reading you thoughts. Thank you again.

Exactly! Thank you so much :) Small steps make such a big difference.

Small steps with some of them, or all of them, stepping out of your comfort zone. When you challenge yourself you grow.

Have a great week.

Great post.
This come to mind:

Your words have inspired me to stop drinking during the day and start wearing pants. I'll probably start tomorrow... maybe Tuesday.

@kaylinart I missed you here over the past week. I am glad you are back young Lady.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on this point. Habits play a huge factor on how we're leading our lives and how happy and unregretful we feel about life. Recently my bad habits have been taking over my life...TV isn't too much of a problem for me, but Netflix and YouTube is ruining my life.
A book that I am reading right now to help me free myself from these destructive habits is The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg. This book is incredibly interesting and informative, and I'm hoping it'll help me turn my life around.
Great post Kaylinart, really enjoyed reading your post. Looking forward to your next one :D

Nice, i really love ur post will appreciate if you follow back

Appreciate the reminder... it IS strange how "little things" have a way of adding up. The same is true of things financial... little things. We think it's "so little" to drive another 500 yards out of our way to get to the service station that sells gas for 8 cents a gallon cheaper... but a fillup a week, a year later is $60 for virtually no extra effort. Or last year I saved about $450 ONLY as a result of going online once a week for 10 minutes to add special offers to my grocery store loyalty card.

Good post... and really a topic everyone should be aware of... and habits to watch in themselves.

15 hours a day on steemit, being a very bad habit I seem to have acquired ...!

I used to have a life, honest. lol

I have experienced the power of habits many times, they have the power to improve, but also to destroy our life. The first thing is to become aware of what we have a bad habit and once identified, we can take the actions to correct it (difficult task but not impossible). Very good post...

Great post!
In opposite good habits are very useful and important.
Through good habits you will grow and improve yourself.

Show confidence and stand by what you do!

So encouraging. I'm a mom that sometimes feels like I'm busy 24/7. But, you're right, there is time if we truly look hard at those moments that add up. What are the horses supposed to mean by the way?

A truly important topic, which for a nation, has mind blowing implications if every eligible individual, productive is the USA, that is everyone who is watching an hour of television every day while they could be productive, were to swap it for a productive hour and donate that to the right cause.

Why that would provide the wherewithal to eliminate poverty through the provision of motivational, training and medical services which could turn most every unproductive life around.

We are talking 26 Billion hours per year if just 1/3 of the population could save just 1 hour each. i.e. For a Population of 325 million.

100 million X 52 weeks x 5 days a week x 1 hour a day = 26,000,000,000

The real level of squander far exceeds anything we are talking about and we are collectively choosing our own national and planetary demise.

Heck yeah, it's amazing how fast days go by and little actions whether positive or negative add up faster than we realize so why make the positive ones! :-)

Little things do add up. You example of only 1 hour per TV per day is measurement of how things add up. Changing habits is not easy, but by taking small steps we can gain great leaps.

Thank you, very motivating, one step forward daily accumulates ...

This is such a relatable post. It's amazing how much one hour of watching tv a night can add up.

I heard that David Cassidy’s last words were “so much wasted time.”

"The place you end up in, Is a product of all your choices, Good or bad. "
Wow.. Nice one.. Entire post in this one sentence :)
Check this out too... It will give you some thoughts..
Amazing Dalai Lama Quotes to Heal your soul

My goal this last year has been to find healthy habits that are sustainable... for the first time, instead of looking for the 'quick fix' that I can't maintain. What a great post, great points and very motivating :)

Thank you for this kaylinart! Yes small things add up. 1 hour may seem small but when you add it all up in a year its quite big. And whats worse is that if you add up all the bad habits you make in a day, you are really wasting a lot of hours in a day unknowingly. We tend to underestimate the importance of time until we're too old already and start to realize how much time we actually wasted and there's no way of getting them back

tnx for shareing

increíble post muy buena información

3 - 4 hours
Yes I am guilty of a "little" bit of time spent on shows or games... Whistles and walks away while looking up
Hehe :)
The big problem is always when people spend too much time that it affects their work/studies etc but if you already do plenty with your time and know you have been productive/working helps you live comfortably then relaxing with some hours doing something can be good. :)


well post thanks for shearing @kaylinart

I don't own a TV but I think I make up for it with time on Steem :(. No my plan but I make sure I limit time on the computer !