Don't Become A FAILURE! (Part Two)

in #life7 years ago

There are a lot of harmful behaviors we do everyday that really make our lives and our future goals suffer.

Don't React

Most of us go through life reacting to all the bad and good things that happen to us. And this year I felt like I did the same thing.
Sure we only have control over a small portion of our lives; there are always a million things that could happen to us at any given moment that will shake everything we've built for ourselves. When we are less proactive, And we let things happen. We are setting ourselves up for failure. It takes more time to react to something that happened to us; Then it does to just take action to get us where we want to be.
Sometimes the situation gets us so emotionally charged we make decisions that we often regret.
Did you know that most of your decisions are made based on your emotions RIGHT NOW?

It's like when your boss comes over and yells at you for something. You can react by, Swearing at him/her, Or telling them you didn't do it.
Which could make the situation worse, Which you could end up fired.
Or you could choose not to react, Apologize and try and do better.

Which would be a better scenario?

Don't Spend Too Much Time On Problems

Learn to drop bad things when they happen. Solve the issue, Drop it and move on. We spend so much time trying to solve small issues, That at the end of the day. Don't matter!

Be Confident

This can be a hard one for many people, Myself included. This is one of those things that you can "fake it" until you make it. This is important on every aspect in your life, Imagine if you went to a job interview Or went on a date and they could see that you weren't confident in yourself at all. That might not work out as you'd like to.
I'll have to write another post on tools you can use to boost your confidence.

Have A Purpose

So many of us live life "looking" for the purpose. Why we are here, Why we should do certain things. But the fact is, Our purpose is what we make it.

My purpose in life is to help spread awareness about bettering our environment And to help clean up our oceans. My purpose is also to create art.

I wasn't born with that purpose, I created it. I decided that it's what I wanted my life to be about and I just went for it.
Having a purpose can help keep you motivated every day, It can help pick you up when you are down. When I'm really struggling with my day, I just watch a quick youtube video of how much garbage is in our ocean, And I immediately get angry and super motivated. If I didn't feel I had this purpose, This wouldn't be the case.



Our actions predict our outcomes , the better we handle certain situations , the better how reacts will be . What you have no control over , don’t try to force it

Definitely being in control of our emotions is important! We are not very rational beings because as you say we react many times without thinking things through and switching perspective. If we take some time instead we can let our emotions settle and make a smarter move

yeah you are right.our actions predict out outcomes.....

Your life is what you make it and what you make of the good and bad that happens throughout your journey. You can make it even more amazing with those few steps forward toward success and your goals.

Improve yourself every single day by even one percent. Improvements are incremental and before you know it you'll be much better than you used to be. Good post @kaylinart.

your post is very interesting, I like your post, because it can add insight to me, hopefully in the future can provide better postings, so I can know many things in my life, thank you very much. and also hopefully useful for other stemit friends.

Purpose is really hard to create. We all tend to have some passion, be it music, art, sports, etc. Over time, passion tends to fade and we may eventually give our passion up. Passion is inherently fleeting. However, driven an intrinsic motive for the betterment of others and coupled with perseverance, I believe that's when passion turns into purpose.

Passion + Perseverance + Helping others = purpose


solve the problem before another problem arises, failure is a delayed success. You are great at motivating people. I am proud to know you@kaylinart

quite motivating article ;))
thank u

All very good points!I think the most important one here is to be calm and collected whatever happens, and be confident (at least try your best to be one and then just get used to it😁).

we do some mistake in our life that burns us full life first i was selected for admission in a university that is first ranked in my country.but i had a mistake, as a result i couldnt admit i am persuing my bsc degree in a university that is third ranked in my country in applied math.but i am little happy now.that mistake makes me we all must be careful in every step.

thank you for this post.... @kaylinart

we should not lat our past drag us down.we have to move on with the things that we have.if we don't have a Purpose then we won't achieve anything in life. very nice post,,and your writing skill is good.


i gotta say your quite a motivational speaker...
very motivational post.keep up the good work.and @resteem..

your post is very interesting, I like your post, because it can add insight to me, hopefully in the future can provide better postings, so I can know many things in my life, thank you very much. and also hopefully useful for other stemit friends.

indeed life is a feast and a challenge. then we should be able to deal with it steadfastly.

The thing with emotions is if we don’t control them they will control us, which also means we would end up losing control over our lives.

That’s why it’s important to be humble enough and learn from every mistake we made, this allows us to gain experience and mature.

This way we will wise enough to not lose control when we are in intense situations.

lovely post...thats a good writing..i like it..thanks for sharing..

thanks for motivational content.

Impossible means I Am Possible

Do not get hung up on failures. I usually use this this technique. When I do something wrong, make a mistake, I try not to blame yourself too much. In this moment I remember all my achievements and good deeds. It returns my faith in myself, faith in my strength. And once again, I continue the path to the goal. In the end, mistakes are also important, they give us experience and wisdom.

Our attitude will be positive,,and we must have confidence in ourselves. . There will be many critics in our lives, but we have to answer it with a strong hand. . You have written so beautifully,
Good Post

Wow....all your writtings a pretty practical for common folks like me. I like the part that you said that if you are not confident, act like one. Very true indeed but of course with substance. I realize how helpful that is in many ways.
Aside also with regards to letting the problem go instead off clingging on to it. That is something that i am working on and hope to get rid of it hopefully with new year coming in...Thanks for reminding me and keep hoing gal ;)

our purpose is what we make it .....insightful..thanks for sharing @kaylinart

Love this post

Awesome article so happy I was able to read it. @kaylinart

Honestly this is very inspirational post from you. You inspired me a lot @kaylinart. I still remember the post you wrote the way sustained 1 year working from home. And i feel sorry for your friend laura. I hope you remember me. I missed steemit for 3 months due to my health problems. I finally can see everyone of you here again. :-)

I often say it is better to respond than to react, reactions are off the cuff, in the moment, highly emotional, but seldom calculated.
While responses do contain emotion one is off the cuff and the other calculated; one allows the situation to have control, the other hands control over to the individual and gives them the opportunity to meet the situation as it is.

It is hard as emotions are so volatile at times, extremely powerful, but if we let them control us then we have lost ourselves as well as the ability to utilize emotion as the tools they are meant to be.

I really look forward to your post on tools to help build confidence as I am gaining quite a bit of value from the few posts of yours that I have read since signing on to Steemit.

Thank you.

I <3 that: "Our purpose is what we make it." A reminder that it's not necessarily a permanent life path - our purpose changes as we grow and evolve. It's nothing we can find, it's something we have to create.