Choose To Be Happy!

in #life7 years ago

So many people believe that if they get x, y, or z they'll be happy. But the reality is, That's just not how happiness works.

You Never Know When It's your Last Day

We all know life is short. But our brain doesn't seem to fully get that. We seem to think that despite us seeing people pass away around us. That it won't ever be our turn.

Would you want others to look back and see you being a person who was always unhappy? Would you want to look back at your life, And realized that those moments, When you were too consumed with everything wrong with your life, Could have had a positive and happy day?

We all have bad days, But every day doesn't need to be a bad day. Even for those of us who are less lucky than others. There are always things to be grateful and happy for. Despite what seems to be going on overall.

It Makes Life Easier

When we are positive and happy a lot of the time, it often makes it easier for us to get those better opportunities.
People will also want to be around you more.

The other day, I was at work, And I just felt grumpy.
I just didn't have the energy I'm normally used to, And for some reason, I was just in a bad mood.
My coworkers noticed, And one of them pointed out, That I was being "annoying" because I wouldn't "stop complaining".
I'm lucky enough to have coworkers who are incredibly straightforward. But In many cases, if you are a negative person people will avoid you. I'm grateful my coworker said something Because once I was aware of it, I started focusing on what I could do to put myself in a better mood. I thought about how thankful I am for my cool part-time job And my silly coworkers who have the best jokes.
All the sudden, I went from having a bad day to a decent day. Which made the shift go by faster, So I could get home and put my grumpy self to sleep!

Everyone is negative sometimes, But once you figure out why, And what you can do about it. Things start to change really fast. You may realize that many of the reasons you feel grumpy Are actually really silly.

You Won't Be Happy With More

If you don't choose to be happy despite your circumstances, you'll never be happy at all.
It doesn't matter if you have 10 million dollars and a new house, You'll never have that feeling of happiness that you expect to have.
Your happiness level comes from you, Go for a run, Drink some water! Take care of yourself, And choose to be happy!



You just spoke words out of my heart. Sometimes even when I’m down I try not to think negative because two negatives combined don’t go so well. We should think positive in every situation because what we can’t control , we shouldn’t stress over

You will see that you are happier when we accept the fact that happiness is not a result but an election. Of course you do not need to wait any longer for this, are you ready to take action? @kaylinart

Exactly! I love that you say result! It's so true.

This is why I keep positive, look forwards and don't stress as it makes me happy to know I am working hard for what I want and others see it as well. :)

Exactly! You can only do so much. So sweating that you can't do ten times more won't help you get anywhere.

Happiness is found when you stop comparing yourself with others @kaylinart

Exactly! Thats another one.

True happiness begins within yourself. Always be true to yourself and happiness will come easily.

Most of our hapiness comes from anticipating it, rather than being it! So long as you've got something to look forward to, like these posts; you'll be there.

I choose joy most days and it sounds cheesy but I truly believe this works! ❤️ You have the best inspirational posts Kaylin!

I truely loved your positive post !! Upped and resteemed !! been following you for quite awhile but seem to be missing your posts , we must post at opposite time zones , plus I sleep during the day blog all night as night shift worker ! Im definitly going to try and follow more of your stuff from now on !! STEEM ON , KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK !!👌👍✌💕
Being positive and happy definitly makes life easier and you will also live much longer and happier life !! This would have been a great post to share in my Power Of Positivity P.O.P Contest or in my #popcontest Tag For all my positive Steemians to read ! Now in its 20th. week we are spreading Positivity all around steemit , and so are you @kaylinart ! its fabulous ,

Sometimes it is tough to remember it is a choice.

Everybody could be Happy if they can realize they can exit the Hamster Wheel if they choose to do so........................ @kaylinart another terrific Post !

The stars must be aligned because I too was feeling content this evening. Thinking about life and how lucky I truly am. I have everything I need to be happy. Amongst all the negatives in the world there that is so easy to bring us down, we can always make the choice to be happy 😊

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.

–Charles Swindoll

I completely agree with your post. Some people think that happiness is only dependent on our environment and the big milestones that lay ahead.

It's stupid to wait for happiness. With the right attitude we can feel happiness every day. All we need to learn is to have the right perception and to appreciate our life and all the possibilities that lay ahead of us every new unique day of our lives.

I really agree with your words under @kaylinart, life is short, so do the best for everyone so that they remember us.

We all know life is short. But our brain doesn't seem to fully get that. We seem to think that despite us seeing people pass away around us. That it won't ever be our turn.

I completely agree with your post. As long as we learn from our mistakes and don’t get too greedy.

good writing and great photo...........///////

I choose to be happy
Even when I am treated with so much hate
because I am illegitimate

I choose to be happy
Even when i cannot eat
Cos I can't afford meat
And my friend says its the best time
to take me out to eat
I still choose to be happy

you will never again be younger than at the moment.So live your life don't delay anything.Be happy :))
Nice post..Thanks for sharing..

Our life is very small.A major symptom of life is laughter and joy. There is none other than the happiest of everyone. I know that in life, I enjoy him, I enjoy him. Within a gross daily work, he has found something that made his life beautiful

thank you very much for the tremendous motivation, this will greatly make us excited again, with the various problems we experience

Exactly :) I'm glad it helps motivate you.

I find this to be absolutely true. Our thoughts, attitude and being in the present moment are important!

your post is so fantastic, your post is so inspiration for me and all the steemit users, I am proud of you ... I love all your posts, you are fantastic in making a post, may the victory and goodness side with your work. Thank you..

I agree with you. Happiness is not the destination but the journey.

If we can find beauty in the small things of our day to day lives, we will have a much more happy time and a better health. Sometimes the secret between being depressed and joyful is to appreciate the little things, the little details.

everyone wants to be happy and everyone wants others to see him happy.

yes you can choose to be happy! <3

the post is very extraordinary friend.
you have a pure heart.
upvote and resteem

To be happy, we need to choose to be happy.
That's a good way of going about it.
It's true if we think of something positively, then it all works out right.
Contrastingly if we negotiate about something, it all goes wrong!

You are wise for being so young. Choose to be happy. Words to live by. Good stuff. Following. Blessings.

To kiss a lover, to smell the fragrance-not the parfum but the smell of the flesh-and feel nothing more than this scent ... In our bank accounts, under our photographs, as much as the most abstract thing in the world, which does not mean anything in our title deed bills? Have we lived up to those numbers? These are real happiness. @kaylinart

this is a very beautiful natural landscape pal.

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Wow I really loved this post thanks for sharing your experience today and your right we have the choice to be happy or sad and grumpy that day its our choice and I choose happy and positive today @kaylinart I upvoted and resteemed this it was amazing check out my new meme I had an adventures night at the hotel to say the least and put it in a meme ha ha ha

we always have the things that will make us happy. Many of us just don't focus on those things. Just thinking about the fact that we are alive is enough to make us happy. Life's like a mirror, if you smile, life will smile back at you - it's as simple as that :)

Happiness is all about inner satisfaction. inner satisfaction comes when you don't compare yourself with other. Keep sharing nice post @kaylinart

Many people does not know what true happiness is, @kaylinart. They are too distracted by the false TV rendition of happiness. Maybe we should start explaining it in simplest terms :)

Indeed you will not be happy with more. Happiness is caused from a happening. It is external and short lived. Joy comes from inside your heart and is internal. It is longer lasting. Thanks for a wonderful blog my friend. Am following now. Blessings.

I love this post. It says it all!