If you find some time then do check this link out and correct yourself about things of which you don't have experience/Knowledge.
you seem very certain about everything @nehab , "Heresay is inadmissible as an evidence in courts".
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"Certain" like you, @kay-khosa? ))))))
i am the part of that culture, was born in it, brought up in that environment. being certain on those accounts should be normal i think @nehab
Sir, why are you so confused about reality and fiction. A story is a story and it take turns based on will and intellect of a person. Mingling a story with reality is not a right approach.Principles of Life are based on individuals Philosophy and awareness towards society.
Reaching to a conclusion midway is never right and can never be admired.
@kay-khosa The major point here is only to be open minded, a story always has different scenes and aspects before it reaches to a conclusion, and secondly it's just a story mate... :) PEACE...