

What's a Libertarian?

It's a fancy English word that I have learned lately. Here in Denmark we say liberal, which mean a far-right person trying to privatize everything from the queen to the kindergartens.

I could not give a fuck less about anything politics. I mean, I see it, everywhere. Makes me feel like I'm living in a simulation and I become bored knowing what people are thinking and about to say. The world needs more lines in the script. So bored with it all.

Yes, I avoid it on the internet too, and mostly in the real world, but it seemed that the umpa Loomios had given you some sort of CNN morning show peeptalk.

Maybe they're the reason I can't stand the shit. They look the same, sing the same songs, Trump is orange... lol wtf.

Amen. That dream cured you.

Just realised that I didn't follow you, but always see your posts... Hmmm.

Edti: Aha! You were in my peakd inner circle list which somehow doesn't need a follow!?

You're on the first people I followed back in 2016. Did you know that?

I suppose I know - You are one of the first I remember following, but I was maybe a few month ahead of you. Back then I always said your name as "Noname's left House," due to a misreading.

Plenty of people get my name wrong. That's a common error. The tt looks like an H yet nothing like an h.

You joined eleven days before me. Been a wild ride.

You joined eleven days before me. Been a wild ride.

Ha, it can be checked of course. and yes, a wild and fun ride indeed.