To our Supermom: Happy Birthday

in #life7 years ago

Thank you for waking up early just to serve us delicious meals.

Thank you for preparing my things for school when I am too lazy or too busy with acads to do it for myself.

Thank you for accompanying me to almost everywhere I go because you know too well how much it scares me to death to walk the streets alone.

Thank you for consistently tagging along with me when I look for clothes or for things that I need and want.

Thank you for endlessly thinking of jokes (even if they get corny already) just to make me burst into a loud guffaw.

Thank you for allowing me to sleep with you and papa because you are aware that I easily get scared especially after watching horror movies.

Thank you for comforting and hugging me when I am so depressed with my life.

Thank you for not being too tight with your rules and allowing me to enjoy life to the fullest.

Thank you for filling me with your love and care.

Thank you for raising me well

Thank you for everything.

I just want to let you know that I sincerely appreciate all the things that you do just to give me a life full of contentment and bliss. Happy 46th birthday, Mama! I love you.


Happy Birthday Ta ! :* upvote :)