
Seizures prevent his handling of machinery, vehicles etc. Companies are also loath to take an individual with seizures although they can be very productive in appropriate circumstances. With an unemployment rate in the area in question of around 40%, this is just one of a myriad of challenges faced by people like him. A seriously degraded education system, poor social security and public service levels and extremely high crime levels are a few more.

And to add to it all the new legislations like BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) . If business owners are frustrated I can only imagine how those must feel looking for jobs

This is the same in my area! Weve had a flood of people move here from Alberta when the oil shut down, and the big fire in Fort Mac didnt help ! Now theres no houseing available or its extremely expensive! I split the rent on a 2 bedroom with my sons 3 ways or we would all be on the street! Still ive seen alot of these guys make some pretty good money if they find the right spot!

Your posting reminds me of a question my son once asked me, "Mom, why is life not fair?" It makes one think... :)

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Hahaha! At least now there is some humor to the story

Thank you for sharing what happens in your city. I was travelling in Johannesburg sometime ago and I actually saw a man who was begging a few moments ago getting into a car which was parked around the corner. I suppose you will always get those who are the con artists. So sad that it is difficult to judge when they are for real