I wrote a post about doing research on products/firms before buying 7 days ago, We are 7 days into the 14 days in waiting for a home improvement firm to get back to me about the mistakes they have made in the job they were paid to do. Our mistake was paying them before checking everything was OK.

We had a firm in Called Anglian home improvements to replace our windows and doors, we purposly chose this firm because it was a big name in the industry and had been around for a long time. They left us with so many mistakes and not finishing there work to a good enough standard, we have draughts on the windows and doors, one window is the wrong fitting, cladding needs replacing and alot of sealing needs doing. We paid nearly Β£6000 for this, there customer service is terrible.
We phoned citizens advice who advised is to send a letter (we used a template from the citizens advice website). The letter looked and sounded professional and we let them know we were taking advice. They have had a the letter now for 7 days, they can't say it wasn't delivered as we sent the letter recorded delivery, tomorrow I'm going to check on the royal mail site to make sure it was delivered, then I'll phone the company to ask them what are they going to do, if we don't hear back at 14 days we will escalate the complaint sending it to trading standards and the ombudsman plus I'm thinking about taking it to the newspapers. I'm really not happy with the service we have been given.
In the letter I listed all the mistakes they had made, there was 12, I've kept a copy of the letter so when they do decide to take there thumb out of there bum they had better finish every point to a good standard. The firm are coming across as cowboys, all they wanted was the money then ignore all our mail probably hoping we will give up, that's not going to happen.
We have had our youngest pup Luna to the Vets, she has a couple of warts that are showing through her hair plus a itchy ear. The Vet said the warts are skintags, I've never heard of a dog having stin tags plus one that's on her leg has been bitten off leaving a nasty scab that the Vet is concerned about. She is booked in for her operation on the 2nd of May, one of us have to be with her whilst she gets knocked out as she has anxiety. They are going to remove the skintag on her back plus the scab and if herears haven't cleaned up with the drops they have given is they are going to give her ears a good clean, its alot easier when pups are asleep. They have given us an estimate cost of Β£345.00, thankfully Luna is insured.
I'm dreading the day she goes in for her operation, I will be worried until she's safely back home, I'll have plenty of treats waiting for her.
Thank you for visiting. ππ