I live very close to a town that is slowly getting quieter with lots of shops closing. We had a Marks & Spencers once, this store sold really nice food and clothes, it was a little expensive but you knew when going in you were going to treat yourself. They closed this store down even though it was always busy. They did have another store in another town that wasn't too far away, we started going there but not as much as we used our local store. We have just learned this store is closing down in 2 weeks, again its a busy store, they always have queues at the checkouts. They are going to be improving there store that is in another town but this town is awkward to get to plus its quite a drive but they aren't having a cafe, we love our coffee breaks, we won't be shopping there.

Taken from Google.
I have been trying to keep my mind busy as my little pup Luna is going into the Vets tomorrow for an operation to remove her skin tags. She has one on her back plus one on her paw that she's been nibbling leaving a nasty lump that needs removing. The one on her back is prominent due to her have black smooth hair and the skin tag is whitish. I never knew dogs could get skin tags, I've had a few dogs not one got a skin tag until Luna who has a couple.

Luna is due to go in at 10.45 tomorrow, we need to be with her as she has bad anxiety, they need us to hold her whilst they sedate her, if she saw is walk away leaving her behind she would end up hurting herself as she would panic. We will be there for when they wake her up to. Its going to be hard watching her get sedated, I will probably end up in tears. She will be there for a couple of hours, she will have to wear a cone so she doesn't start licking the wound, we will put her into a baby all in one, this will cover all her wounds giving them a chance to heal.
Skin tags are benign growths that can appear anywhere on the skin of a dog. They are most frequently noticed on the trunk, the face, the sternum, front armpits and other bony pointy parts, such as the elbows, hips or ankles. They may also grow on eyelids and around the mouth.Skin tags can be due to repetitive trauma to the skin, like when skin folds continually rub against each other or the dog is sleeping on a hard surface. Skin that is repeatedly exposed to crushing trauma, as in when medium to large breed dogs constantly sleep or rest on hard concrete, can become chronically inflamed and result in a skin tag.
Its best if a Vet removes them, don't remove them at home.
Taken from Google
I am going to stay in with Luna for a few days after get operation, I don't want to leave her alone as she will panic again. Hubby will have to do the shopping on Saturday with his mum whilst I spend the day nursing my poor little wounded pu. It's times like this I wish they could speak then we could explain what was happening.
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