Me and hubby have just got over a nasty cold, we think it may have been covid due to how it made us feel. We couldn't sleep for days, our bodies ached, a nasty cough that would come and go, tempreture was up and down. We were poorly for over 2 weeks, I still have a tickley cough but no where as near as bad as it was.
We haven't left the host for 2 weeks, we had to cancel our shopping days with my mother in law as we didn't want her catching it with her being 80 plus she has a wedding to go to next week abs doesn't want to be bad for it. Today was our first day out, I've been wanting to go to IKEA for a few weeks, we haven't been for over a year.

IKEA is such a big store with a massive selection, took us a good hour walking through the store, we did take a break in the cafe that is positioned half way. We had a sandwich to refuel for the next part of the shop. I found exactly what I wanted and my mother in law bought one too. I bought a black Rashult trolley for my bedroom to keep all my hair products, hair dryer plus brushes plus we found a chopping board that fit the top perfectly keeping it looking tidy, mum in law does a lot of crafts so perfect for her to use and store away. When you shop in IKEA you need to take the reference number then pick the v item up from the warehouse. I was unlucky as they had lots of cream ones but no black ones. Mum in law got a cream one, we then asked a staff member to see if we could take the one on show, It was my lucky day I was able to get the one already made up.

Hubby assembled his mums thankfully he didn't have to do mine. We then went picked me daughter up to go out for food, we deserved a sit down meal as we were all exhausted. We then dropped his mum off back at home then as soon as I got through my front door I was upstairs back in my pjs ready for bed. With having chronic pain going out doing the slightest thing causes a lot more pain, staying in stops that bit I can't sit in the house and do nothing so I push myself to have 1 day out then rest for a few days.
Depending how I feel tomorrow I may start filling my new trolley, getting it filled is going to tidy up my bedroom so much and be able to keep it tidy. I am really sore at the minute, my back and legs feel as If I have ran a marathon, I'm hoping I'm going to sleep well tonight.
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