In need of some encouragement or thought-provoking questions to inspire your life?Look no further than this list of 20 empowering daily mantras that are sure to change your life for the better.
- If every day is not a battle, then what are you fighting for?
- No man worth keeping can be stolen
- Only survivors survive
- Some live to escape reality, others to better it
- Don't call me a victim - call me a survivor
- Every woman is a fighter - she just doesn't know it
- Sometimes the question is not can you do it, it's should you do it?
- Always give love a chance, and that includes love for yourself
- If you were an open book, how many pages, sentences or words would you leave out when telling your story?
- The only person that should be pushing your boundaries is you
- You don't have to tell people who you WERE. You need to show them who you ARE.
- The bad must exist for the good to become greater
- Life isn't scary if you know how to live it
- Challenge yourself to see people as reflections of the universe and what it means for society
- I was daydreaming about men I had already met, and not the ones that I will eventually meet. That’s where I fucked up
- You can play the game or be a game changer
- Are you afraid of fear?
- Do something intimidating, and only a strong man or woman will be able to handle you
- Only survivors survive
- Losing a battle only gives you the power to win the next one