Ugh, plumbing problems. I'd rather have my house burn down. At least the insurance would cover it and I wouldn't have to deal with any plumbers crack.
And vegan recipes sound great. Right now I'm hording every recipe I can find that includes beans and rice. Every kind of bean and every kind of rice. Loves me some beans and rice.
Bahaha amazing response my friend <3 I just got the heck outta there when the guys came over. They have absolutely no idea what they are doing so I have been living life with only water from outside for far too long now... can't wait to move this weekend! =D
I FREAKING LOVE beans and rice too... I just picked up a 25 KILO bag of rice from my brother's farm and beans are always on the menu. Let me see what I can do when I get somewhere with running water to be able to wash the dishes ;) <3
Jeez, your life sounds so glamorous :P
And yeah, bring on the recipes glamour girl.