Thank you, and I'll take your advice on board. But in my defense I am very specific with what I am claiming: I never said ALL women; I said those women that buy into the Feminist programming and sweep male issues under the carpet by resorting to the cliche that that all male suffering can be explained away by them not being able to express their feelings! It's a rhetorical device.
In fact, out of the 1000 plus words in my piece which delve deeply into the 'actual' causes of male-suffering I only generalize in one paragraph: "And, I express my sheer surprise and shock that one-half of the population on this planet can't seem to accept any accountability or responsibility for any of the world's problems - choosing instead to conveniently scapegoat men and resort to some paranoid-delusion about a male-led conspiracy to oppress women collectively since the dawn of humanity." Why would you get hung up on that tiny section?
Nevertheless, I stand by my claim in this paragraph, because the women that DO NOT resort to explaining away all of history as a vast conspiracy by males to oppress and subjugate all of woman-kind are literally one in a million. But, by all means, please prove me wrong: I would love to hear the 'converted' raise their voices and speak out against this seemingly universal paranoid-delusion ;)
Because there does exist a disparity here; the women that DO hate men and all things masculine are very vocal and very active and very persuasive - and they do wreak tremendous damage upon relations between males and females and on the male-psyche. It's no accident, after all, that teen-male suicide rates have tripled in conjunction with a Feminist-led anti-male agenda. Propaganda kills!
So...if there are women out there who DO care about males, and who might take slight at the fact that I include them in my polemic against the damage wrought to boys and men, this then, begs a question, most pertinent it is, WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SO SILENT???
I don't care about alienating those who are all feigned concern and no action, my attitude is "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" The women that get off on hurting males, or who are silently complicit in the hurting of males, are well and truly in the majority. Just take a look's blatantly obvious given all the policies and institutions that are anti-masculine.
In Australia, where I am from, we actually have awarded as Australian of the Year a woman who tours the country and openly demonizes and vilifies males. She spews forth hatred at every turn and is poisoning the minds of our future generations with her psycho-babble. Not a single female voice has been raised to oppose her! Why not??? After all, the little boys that this woman is damaging with her hate-speech all emerged out of the bodies of women...why aren't these mothers saying or doing anything???
We now have an advertising campaign in Australia that targets the play of boys by claiming that their childhood exuberance and dynamic expressiveness results in violence against women once adults. It is total bullshit! But the men here are cowed and broken, and the women that supposedly are 'converts' and know better say nothing. Why not??? These are their sons after all...
Hmm, good final point of yours, and I am aware of it. They kick into puberty earlier in order to attract the male attention that they are missing . FATHER-HUNGER! No two words better sum up the current human condition.
It certainly sounds like things are f*ed up down under and incredibly frustrating. It sounds like these women are power crazy sociopaths and the majority of ordinary women/men are too busy earning a living and raising their families to give them a second thought, unless they are having a meaningless argument down the pub, which polarises the sexes into repeating meaningless drivel that does not reflect how they live their lives day-to-day.
I personally do not know any women who hate men. I'm in the UK, 45 and I hang out with ordinary people. The media talks a lot of shit and does not represent the views of anyone I know: we think that the original feminists were stupid for denigrating women's traditional roles while they were fighting for the vote and equal opportunities.
Here's a true story. I just remembered a time when I was 29 and I was a little bit overweight, especially in the face, having had a c-section 6 months months earlier and I was in a queue at the gym vending machine and a group of lads just pushed straight in front of me. That was the first time in my life that any man had treated me like that and they looked kinda surprised when I said, "err, excuse me, I'm next," and pushed straight back in front of them. They clearly weren't expecting the "chubby, low-self esteem girl" to say anything but, "chubby girl" wasn't my self-image and I knew the extra weight was temporary. Also, far more women were being friendly to me for the first time in my life and I finally understood, after the vending machine incident, why so many women were hostile, for no damn reason, before I became chubby. Don't get me wrong: I still think that women who are vile to other women for the way they look are silly cows but I think that men who treat chubby, myopic girls like dirt are complete tossers.
I blame modern life for making so many people shallow and credulous: it's definitely not inherent in men or women and like I said above: ordinary people tend to repeat a lot of old crap that they are fed by the media, that doesn't even reflect how they live their lives day to day!
Sadly, some kids lack quality parental support and I guess other adults in the neighbourhood are too busy with the daily grind. In the past, people used to look out for each others kids, but that's gone now that most mothers have to go out to work, so that a family can make ends meet. I agree with you: feminists suck.