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RE: Untitled

in #life6 years ago

There is no right thing to say when one is standing on the other side, looking in at someone's demons
But I just want to say, I have been at lows, have had thoughts of suicide, never had the guts to do anything about it, but the pain is unbearable. So bad, you just want to end it. For surely, numb is better than pain....
That was many many moons ago
Today, looking back, what was I thinking..
The thing that brought me down, and pushed me to the edge passed, and many good things came after
I am not entirely sure what's going on, and I won't pretend to, but I feel your pain and sending you love and light.
Hugs @maverickinvictus


thank you so much hopefully I can find the way back and see that there are good things in the world.

hang in there, you will